Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 70: Leichi cultivation


"Wan brothers!" At this time, the ascendant, who was already standing next to the Thunder Pool, stepped into joy and said: "The Thunder's power in this Thunder Pool is very gentle."


Wanshan’s look was also a joy. He strode to the thunder pool and squatted down. He put a hand into the thunder pool, and a dense slender thunder spread along his arm, making a sound of anger. There is an ecstasy on the face of Wanzhongshan:

“It’s very gentle! But why is this Thunder so gentle?”

Wanzhongshan put away the ecstasy, but looked at it with vigilance. Qin double looked at the thunder pool, his eyes suddenly moved:

"Wan elder, you have not found that the shape of this thunder pool is very strange?"

"How strange?" Wanzhongshan asked while looking at the thunder pool.

"It's like a person lying on his back."


Wanzhongshan stepped back a few steps and carefully looked at the thunder pool. Slowly, the look on his face changed, and finally turned into a long sigh:

"If I didn't guess wrong, this mine pool should be a Lei Xiu, and it was still after the fall of Lei Xiu, the peak of the Mahayana period. No wonder the Thunder's power in the Thunder Pool is so mild."

Qin Shuang heard the heart was shocked, she did not think of the fall of a Mahayana monk, it would turn into such a magical place, and will also breed a Leilian.

Qin double walked to the side of the thunder pool and put his hand into the thunder pool. Sure enough, the power of the Thunder is very gentle.

However, the gentleness of the Thunder does not mean that the power of the Thunder is weak, but it is very rich. Just for a while, the piano double felt its quenching effect on his body.

"This is a good place to quench!"

In the heart of the piano, it is another movement. It **** the power of a thunder into the sea of ​​knowledge. The face is ecstatic. The power of the thunder does not have any destructive effect on the sea of ​​the piano. Instead, it tempers the fog. Has an effect.

"Wan elders, are we practicing here for a while?" Qin double could not help but ask.

Wanzhongshan nodded: "Of course, this is a big opportunity for us, not only can automatically temper our body, but also temper our sea."

"Eternal elders, you are all distracted, and you need to quench your knowledge of the sea?" Qin asked inexplicably.

"Of course you need!" Wanzhongshan condensed: "The higher the realm of sea lotus is being tempered, the easier it is to break through the Mahayana period. Now it is difficult for you to understand, and you will feel when you are distracted. Maybe after practicing for a while here, with the help of Lei Lian, I can really break through to the Mahayana period. I don’t know that the old ghost of Gu Qingshan knows to push us to the Red Sea, but let us meet such a big chance. Will it be mad?"

"Ha ha ha..." Ju Qing and Wu Hao and others laughed loudly.

"All right!"

Wanzhongshan took out a gossip box and opened the lid. The light in the gossip box shot out, shrouded the Leilian, and then took it into the gossip box. Wanzhongshan covered the lid and received the inside of the storage ring:

"Let's go down and practice, don't waste this opportunity."

Everyone was overjoyed and jumped into the pool of Leichi. They sat in the thunder pool and began to cultivate.

Qin double is also sitting in the thunder pool on the knees. If she wants to refine her body, it is undoubtedly the best choice to practice iron body forging. However, Qin double did not do that, but let Lei Chi automatically tempered her body, and she was sucking the power of a thunder into the sea, quenching the fog.

In just 11 days, Lei Chi was absorbed by seven people. In these eleven days, Qin Lei did not absorb much less thunder than the six elders, because her knowledge of the sea was originally large, and later expanded three times in the quenching tower, her sea size has been forced God period. Moreover, she used the power of the Thunder to crack the ban of the town demon tower and the water thunder, so she consumed a lot of thunder.

In the eleventh day, Qinqin actually tempered the mist into a waterline to reach eleven feet, and then two feet, it will be able to reach the second layer of great perfection. And the town demon tower has cracked a layer, and now she has been able to open the third floor of the town demon tower.

The third layer is still a declining appearance. In addition to the large space, there is a square of 10,000 meters. Because the third layer has not recovered, she does not see any effect.

Four water thunder beads have also been cracked again, and the piano pair has been able to make water thunder beads. However, it is only a royal ambassador, that is, it can make the water mine bead to swear, the rest of the functions can not be displayed at all, and the piano does not know what other functions.

Her body has also been upgraded to the fifth level of the Valkyrie. And there is also an unexpected joy, the original Qin double body has the toxins of the beauty tears, there are too many erysipelas. During the eleven-day period, Lei Li actually refining and removing the toxins from her body by 50%, which made her feel a lot easier.


While Qinqin was checking his body there, he heard a black-sounded surprise and opened his eyes and saw Wuhuan looking at the center of the Leichi. At this time, the thunder in the Leichi has been absorbed by seven people, revealing the bottom of the pool, the eyes of the piano double is bright, because there are three water mines placed at the bottom of the pool.

"This is... water thunder beads?" Wuhua said hesitantly.

Wanzhongshan reached out and grabbed a water thunderball. He carefully said: "Yes, it is the water mine."

"Wan elders..." Qin doubled out and screamed, Wanzhongshan turned to look at the piano double, saw her swaying, and stared at the water thunder, and said:


"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

Wanzhongshan frowned slightly and thought for a while: "The endless, this kind of water thunder bead legend is a kind of treasure of the fairy, what kind of grade, no one can taste it. This belongs to Zongmen Zhongbao, so give You are not suitable."

On the face of Qin double, there was a frustration. The black scorpion on the side looked at the small face of the piano and looked at the Wanshan Mountain Road:

"Wan Wanxiong, is this mine abacus our harvest?"

"Yes!" Wanzhongshan nodded.

"Our harvest is our own, not a sect. Leilian has a great influence on Zongmen. We are dedicated to Zongmen. There is nothing to say, and Zongmen will give us a lot of contributions. But this mine There is no need for the beads."

In the eyes of Qin double, the light of hope suddenly appeared. Wanzhongshan looked at the piano double, then after a moment of indulgence, nodded:

"The reason is also plausible, Wu Shidi, what advice can you say?"

Wuhua nodded and then turned to Qin Double Road: "The endless, these three water mines belong to us to discover, you have no opinion?"

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