Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 73: oath

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The bodies of Qinshuang and Wuhuan fell to the ground. \\r


The two populations bleed at the same time, and the piano doubled and climbed up, only to find that the black scorpion had been lying softly on the ground, motionless. Qin double holds Wusong in his arms and cries: \\r

"Wu elders, Wu elders..."\\r


Wuhuai only said two words, and then he spurted blood, and then his body cracked, and a crack spread out of the body, and blood spurted out from the crack. \\r


The body of Wuhuan was broken in the eyes of the piano, from head to toe, broken into hundreds of pieces. A **** of the gods floated out, and then the **** of the gods shattered into dozens of pieces...\\r

The piano looked at the pieces on the ground, and the eyes gradually turned red. The two pupils each erected a blood line, and looked at the battlefield. \\r


A mournful voice erupted from the mouth of the piano. The voice mourned, and the seven cymbals of the piano both ooze the blood. At that moment, the piano double indiscriminately poured the soul of the sixth layer of Wusheng. Seen in the soul burst, the violent impact of the piano can not help the injured. \\r

However, this kind of violent perfusion that did not hesitate to hurt, but the power to destroy the soul of the soul suddenly doubled, rushing into the nine three masters. \\r


Even if it is a distracted monk, it can't resist the extinction of the piano under the violent anger. The nine three masters feel that their souls are boiling, their desires are cracking, their nose and mouth are not spurting, and their hearts are shaking. Under the law, the law is not a stiff. \\r


It was only this moment of rigidity that the four great monks, such as Juqing, killed the four great monks who fought against each other, and the gods were destroyed. Wanzhongshan also killed two peaks of distraction and a mid-distraction. The nine distracted monks were at this moment, leaving only two. \\r

The piano pair over there still stared at the two remaining mid-peak peaks, and the whistle of the mouth continued to come. \\r

The two middle-aged monks in the distraction, meditation in the heart, clung to the gods, and turned around and fled. However, how can Wanzhongshan, who is already extremely angry at this time, let them escape? \\r

It is difficult to kill two people in an instant, but for a big monk who is at the peak of the distraction, there is no problem at all trying to entangle them. \\r

Gunsan Festival! \\r

Wanshanshan squatted, pointing to the two fleeing people, he became a mountain, and there were two mountains in the sky, and they pressed against the two people who fled. \\r

The two men did not dare to let the giant mountains fall, they had to release their own spells to block, but how are the two people who are the opponents of Wanzhongshan, the peak of the late monk? \\r


The two of them just collapsed three peaks in succession, and they were pressed down by the hills that followed, and they were not allowed to move. A flying sword rushed, and the heads of two people were fallen, and two people were smashed. \\r

The island was quiet. \\r

Qinqin sat on the ground, staring blankly at the pieces of the body in front of him, and there was a scene of black-and-white on the road. The care along the way, the protection along the way, for her to fight for water, She confuses the Tao. Every time she appreciates the piano, she uses a big hand to slap her shoulders vigorously...\\r

The last scene was fixed in the moment that Wu Xishe was in front of her! \\r

Behind the Qinshuang, there are five people standing in the Wanzhong Mountain silently, and their faces are sad colors. \\r

"Endless!" Wanzhongshan gently placed a hand on the shoulders of Qinqin. Sadly said: "The sorrow! The death of Wushidi is for your good life. Don't let him down, let him Dead in vain."\\r

Qin double raised his hand, wiped a tear, stood up and walked toward a big tree. Juqing just wanted to speak, but was stopped by Wanshanshan and then sighed. \\r


Qin double took out the long sword, cut down a big tree, and then made a coffin with the big tree. The coffin was picked up and placed on the ground, and the corpses of the black scorpion were picked up by both hands, and then carefully put into the coffin. \\r

Juzhen couldn't help but leave his head to the other side, tears streaming down, and others could not help but cry. \\r


The piano double covered the lid, then squatted on the floor and bowed three heads respectfully. Wanzhongshan and others are also kneeling behind the piano. \\r

"Eternal elders!" Qin double stood up from the ground, and one hand held the coffin and asked softly: "Who are all today?"

Wanzhongshan sighed a sigh: "Thai Yizong, Qingshanzong and Heiyuezong people. Each of the sects has a mid-divided period and two peaks of distraction. There are nine in total."

The piano nodded twice, looking down at the coffin in front of him, whispering: \\r

"Elder Wu, **** swears here today, in the first year of life, it will surely destroy Taiyi, Qingshanzong and Heiyuezong. If it is gone, it will not be reincarnation."

Five people in Wanzhongshan heard that the body was shocked, and the face of Wanzhongshan showed an urgent color. \\r

"Endless, no. This is not a matter for you, but a matter of the sect. You must not impose this responsibility on yourself."

"Wu elders are dying to save me, it is me. I am naturally responsible for my affairs."

"Endless..." Wanzhongshan’s face is touched by the color: "What is your suffering? Carrying such heavy responsibilities, affecting your mood, will hinder your cultivation as an entry."

"Eternal elders, if this incident hinders my entry, I am not able to complete my heart, how can I have a hope of breaking through the Mahayana period?"

While talking, I took the coffin into the storage ring: "Wan elders, I have decided."

"Hey..." Wanzhongshan sighed a bit: "You hurry to heal."


The piano nodded, sitting cross-legged, taking the medicinal herbs to start the remedy, and Wanzhongshan and others sat on the ground, surrounded by the double, and the interest rate recovered. \\r

After an hour, Wanzhongshan and other people have all adjusted their interest rates, looking at the piano doubles that are still healing, and they are not able to show their bitterness. \\r

Is it too heavy to let a disciple of a refining period bear such hatred? \\r

However, they looked at the eyes of Qin double but showed the color of approval. \\r

Unconsciously, after more than two hours, Qin opened his eyes and saw that the sky was dim, and he said: \\r

"Wan elders, do we leave immediately, or stay overnight?"\\r

"Start now!" Wanzhongshan stood up and said: "The monsters here are not strong, and after the death of these nine people, there should be no more interceptors."

"Three Islands and two other..."\\r

"At the very least, there won't be on this island, maybe on the next island."\\r


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket! \\r


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