Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 78: Chuan Gongtang (second more)


Speaking of this, Tu Tian said seriously: "The door rules must be carefully watched!"

"Yes, the disciple understands!" Qin double nodded seriously.

Tu Tian is very satisfied with the attitude of Qin Shuang and continues to say: "These things will be sent to you by this time. Next month, you need to go to the outer door to get the merits. The position of Gongdetang is in Yujian. With your identity card, you can enter the outer door to pass the function of copying a spell, a spell for free. If you want to learn more spells, or exercises, you need to exchange merits.

The outer door has a large river called Luofu River. The other side of the river is where the disciples live. The river is where the disciples live. Your residence needs to be found by yourself. There are two ways. One is to have an idle house at the outer door. You can choose to live in one, and the other is to cover one yourself. The outer door is vast and there are many places where you can build a house.

However, the closer you are to the inner door, the more aura is. Therefore, the outside disciples want to live close to the inner door area. But there are more than 50,000 disciples in the outer door. The area near the inner door is not enough. If you want to live there, there is only a fight. Remember, it’s an appointment. Zongmen does not allow private fighting. As long as you win, you can live there instead of that person. Do you still have anything to understand? ”

"The disciples understand."

Tu Tian nodded and said: "The jade is recorded in a very comprehensive way. You can go back and look at the jade slip, and everything will be understood."

"Thank you for the elders, the disciples are leaving."

Qin doubled off and looked around, and saw a pavilion, so he walked into the pavilion, sat on the stone bench, and took out the jade slip to read it. After two quarters of an hour, the piano doubled up the jade slip, walked slowly, and while walking, felt the surrounding aura. After walking for about half an hour, he licked his mouth, even if it was close to the inner door area, the aura The concentration is not so good, there is little difference for the piano pair. The most important thing is that Qinshuang now has a town demon tower. In the first floor of the town demon tower, the aura concentration is fifty-fold times the most concentrated part of the outer door. Why should she grab some accommodation? Just find a place.

In this way, the piano doubled into a void, and the figure flew into the air, looking around and flew in one direction.

After a quarter of an hour.

The shape of the piano doubles has fallen from the sky. It is already outside the refining period. The disciples live in a very close area, and the Luofu River is not far away. In the refining period, the disciples lived in the area, which is already very poor. It is estimated that only the disciples who have just entered the refining period will choose this area.

There was a house in front of her, and there were two fences in front of and behind the house. In the garden in front, there are flowers in full bloom. It is a garden. There are two peach trees on the left and right. There is a swing under the peach tree on the left. It looks like a woman repaired here. The garden behind the house should be a medicinal garden. There are also a few herbs in the garden. The weeds are soaring. It seems that no one has taken care of it for a long time. Going forward, I saw that there was no plaque on the threshold.

According to Yu Jian, such houses are uninhabited. If someone is inhabited, the plaque will be placed, and when it is not used, the plaque will be removed.

"It's this!"

Qin double opened the courtyard door and walked in. I looked around and I was very satisfied. I rolled up my sleeves and started to clean up. It took an hour or so to clean the room and the front and back yards, and then took out the twenty-five-faced flag that was originally obtained and broke into the house to create a magical array. From the outside, there is no house here, just a meadow, and there is no contradiction between them.

Qin double went to cut a tree, made a plaque, and engraved two large characters on the plaque:

Moon House.

Then put the plaque on the threshold, and then left to fly to the outer door to pass the temple, the shape of a convergence, it fell in front of the mission.

This is just a four-story building, and from time to time someone has gates in and out. Qin double stepped into the mission hall, sweeping four times, in the Qin double view, this is a library.

There was a table on the inside of the door, and a young woman was sitting behind the table. When she saw the double piano, she did not care. It seems that there is something to understand.

Qin double has learned from the jade slip that this first layer is for the day after tomorrow. The second layer is where the monks read at the beginning of the refining period, the third layer is where the monks read during the middle of the refining period, and the fourth layer is where the monks read during the late refining period. Then walked down the stairs to the second floor.

A feeling of wearing a water pattern, Qin double came to the second floor. She knows that the transparent barrier of the water pattern is the inspection and repair. If it is not repaired, it will be bounced back by the barrier. She did not stop on the second floor, and the path went straight to the fourth floor.

There were too many people on the fourth floor. There was still a table on the stairs on the fourth floor. There was a young monk sitting behind the desk, and he did not pay attention to the piano. The double path of the piano went straight to the rows of bookshelves. Each row of bookshelves is engraved with signs such as:

Fire attribute spells, water attribute spells, etc. There is also the Gongfa District, the Danfu Array Zone.

Qin Shuang first hurriedly browsed through the Gongfa area. He felt that he didn't have to study the exercises here. After all, he is now almost ready for the second level, and he came to the magic zone.

Looking a little indulgently, I came to the fire property spell shelf, and the books on the bookshelf were not books, but a jade slip. Qin double sweeps the power of knowing the sea from one jade, and each jade has a ban, just leaving a brief introduction, introducing the level of the spell, the difficulty of cultivation and the power effect. The true way of cultivation needs to be broken before it can be seen.

Qin double knows that with his own fire phoenix body, learning fire attribute spells, there is no inappropriate, you only need to pick one of the most powerful. Although you can't see the exercises, Qin has its own way. Each jade has a contribution point in exchange for the need, of course, the more expensive the better. Moreover, Qin Double does not need to contribute points for this time, and can be obtained for free.

The jade of this layer is also the cheapest. It also needs a thousand contribution points. Finally, Qinqin chose one of the most expensive jade pieces that cost 12,000 points, and then took the young monk who came to the stairway.

The monk’s power to know the sea was swept away, and his face was amazed, then he became respectful and arched:

"This sister, this fire art has a contribution of 12,000."

Qin double handed over his identity card, and the person’s ability to know the sea was swept away, and his face was even more shocked. As can be seen from this jade card, the person in front of me is just a new disciple, and it is free to receive this fire martial art.


There are too many contributions in this man's jade card, which is 10 million and 100.

What is going on here?

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!

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