Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 82: Covenant (sixth)


"One month!"

“How much deposit do you need?”

"No need!" The middle-aged man smiled and said: "You brought the materials yourself. This is the deposit. If you can't get the spirit coins, or the merits, the refining pens will be returned to the store." ”

"it is good!"

Qin double got a jade slip from the middle-aged man, who had a contract with each other, and then left the city and returned to his house.

So nine days have passed, Qin Double will practice the sword and the imperial moon. So, she moved the time to practice "Xuanwu Collection" to the evening, and every morning, she will go to the mission hall to see all kinds of inheritance. From the first floor to the fourth floor, even if she only picks and picks up, not all, even if the inheritance of the outer door is very cheap, it took 90,000 merits in ten days.

Although the 90,000 merits made the piano double heartache, but it also made her gain a lot, let her have a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the cultivation system here. Qin double reading is extremely fast, and the understanding is also very fast. The power of her soul is strong. The speed of reading is naturally a non-human realm, and she has taken a December fruit for her. The speed of learning and comprehension is also extremely fast. In just ten days, I read more than one hundred jade slips. The more than one hundred jade slips contain cultivation exercises, spells, Danfu arrays, and geography. Fang Zhizhi.

In these ten days, she also cultivated three spells. One is the strongest fire knives, and the second is a group attack spell called Rocket. The third type is a sleepy technique called a flame cover.

This day.

Qin Shuang put down the last choice of jade on the fourth floor of Chuan Gongtang. She is not ready to read it again. She has a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of the cultivation system in this world. There is no need to waste any merits. At the very least, there is no need to waste the outside door. When she enters the inner door, she needs to see the inheritance of those foundations.

With a smile on my face, I walked down the stairs from the fourth floor. Without any accident, she should be able to cultivate the tenth Xuan Shui Jin Dan today, so that the fire phoenix body can no longer be suppressed.

Going down the stairs to the first floor, and then took the door. A silhouette of the person was in front of her.

"This sister is very raw." What stopped her was a young monk with a look of embarrassment.

Qinqin can feel a kind of maliciousness from the other side, and he said faintly:

"There are tens of thousands of disciples in the outer door. Do you have to let you know?"

"Oh..." The man was stunned by the piano: "Under the blue Lingyu, haven't asked yet?"

"The moon is endless!" Qin said faintly.

Lan Lingyu extended a big hand and held it in front of her body: "I want to fight you."

The piano double looks awkward and can't help but look at the other side. At this time, the surrounding arguments were also transmitted into the ears of Qin.

"The endless month is going to be unlucky. Who told her that she didn't know how to be restrained. In ten days, she spent 90,000 merits. This was spread outside our door."

"It’s just that it’s spread, it’s causing a sensation. I don’t know how many eyes are watching her and want to **** her contribution.”

"Catch her contribution point? Don't be robbed by her. A person who can have so many contributions, and who dare to spend it, do you think she will be simple?"

"That's also true! But Lan Lingyu is the peak of the eighth layer of the refining period!"


Qin double understood, this is because he concentrated in one place in ten days, that is, the mission hall, spent 90,000 merit points, was targeted.

I will stare at it, I have been studying for so long, and I have consumed a December fruit. It is not bad to talk to each other. I asked now:

"What kind of fight?"

There are two kinds of struggles in Luo Fuzong, one is called death. The two sides do not need to have any color heads, and they will not die. The dead side, the things on the body are the winners.

The second type of fight does not allow death. And you need to have a color head.

“Where is the teacher living in the month?” There is a hint of sorrow in the eyes of Lan Lingyu. It is also possible to know what the Qinshuang is.

Seeing the shackles in the eyes of Lan Lingyu, Qin double naturally knows what he thinks in his heart, and he said faintly:

"Ruofu River."

Lan Lingyu heard it, and he was relieved when he arrived. The people who live on the edge of the Luofu River are some monks who have just entered the refining period, and their strength is not worth mentioning.

However, this month is endless but it is capable of flying, so to say, her repair is the worst and the sixth layer of the refining period. But it will never exceed itself, and the combat power must be low, otherwise who wants to live in the Luofu River? A confident smile appeared on the face:

"In this way, my residence is in the central area, where the concentration of reiki can be much stronger than where you live. If I lose, my residence belongs to you..."

"Not interested!" He did not finish, the piano double refused.

"Oh..." Lan Lingyu couldn't help but stagnate, then despised and smiled: "Are you afraid?"

Qin double said faintly: "Don't talk nonsense, we will gamble to contribute. How much you have, I will bet."

Seeing that Qin double is more confident than him, he is hesitant, but sees a trace of disdain in his eyes. When he sees the surrounding eyes, his face shows a shyness:

"Well, I have 20,000 contributions. Let's go down now."

Qin double whispered: "The 20,000 contribution points, I want to collapse the last time. This time, even if there is no 50,000 contribution points next time, don't bother me."

When the words fall, the lunar wheel hovers out of the storage ring, and the piano doubles its foot and steps, and the imperial moon wheel goes toward the counter.


When Lan Lingyu was on his face, his face was red, and the words and tone of the piano were as if they were screaming and humiliating. On foot, flying swords, chasing the piano.

"The moon is endless, I want to abolish you."

"As long as you have that skill!"

In front of the sound of the piano double light, more irritating the blue Lingyu, full force to promote the flying sword at the foot, but how can not catch the piano double. At this time, there are too many people who pay attention to Qin double. It is because Qinqin is too local, and spent ten days, it took 90,000 merits. And it is not a treasure like the purchase of the Danfu Array, just reading.

Is it useful to read so many books?

During the refining period, it is ok to choose a practice method, but it is said that Qin double has seen a variety of exercises in the mission hall. Isn't this a waste?

There are also spells.

It is normal to look at a few more, but how many more do you see? It’s just a few dozens. Do you understand it?

There are also various inheritances about the Danfu array.

Do you think you are all-rounder?

Therefore, there are too many people who pay attention to Qin double. There are too many people who pay attention to playing the piano. It is just to let Lan Lingyu grab a first.

The sixth is more, praise me? Boast me? Is there a reward?

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