Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 84: Fight again (eighth)


"Good!" Bao Xiaoning was also refreshed and took out the identity card.

At this time, the deacon flew into the ring with a smile, and the identity cards of the two people took a hundred merit points. Then drank:



Bao Xiaoning's body shape retreats above the platform, while flying back, releasing a layer of Aoki armor, and earnestly carrying out the rules of the monks. First open the distance with the other side, and release the defense.


The sharp whistling sound of the air being cut, the one-handed fine wheel has already roared.

too fast!

It was so fast that Bao Xiaoning’s eyes were in a wrong state. In her feelings, the Qinshen’s Moonlight wheel was faster than the Blue Lingyu.

The waist was slightly twisted, and the figure flashed to the left side. At the same time, the imperial sword intercepted the sword from the Yueshen.

A smooth circle of the Moonlight wheel flashed the interception of Feijian and continued to cut towards her. Bao Xiaoning had to continue to dodge, she could feel that her Aoki armor could not stop the other side of the moon.

Above the ring.

Everyone was surprised that Bao Xiaoning, who thought that the ninth floor of the refining period would not have the upper hand, should also be tied. But the current situation is that Bao Xiaoning is completely at a disadvantage.

At the very least, in the aspect of imperial surgery, it is completely at a disadvantage.

Bao Xiaoning’s heart was filled with anger, and the right-handed sword pointed to the flying sword, and the left hand pulled the handcuff to the ring.


Countless vines picked up from the feet of the piano, like a whips to the body of the piano. The eyes under the ring are all bright, but the piano double does not release a little defense. As long as a vine is drawn on her body, the double is unbeaten and will fall into the disadvantage.

The look of the piano doubles, the wood attribute spells hit the fire attribute, they are naturally restrained. The piano double stretched out his left hand and reached the right side of the body, then pulled it to the left side in front of him.


A small fireball appears in front of the piano pair, and the left hand of the piano pair is a collar. The tiny fireballs are poured out like a colorful cloud, and each fireball is instantly enlarged to the size of an adult fist, like a magma. The river flows around the body of the piano.


The vines that touched the fireball instantly burned up, and the double right-handed sword pointed to the air.

"go with!"

The handle of the Yue fine wheel circumvented an arc in the air, whistling toward Bao Xiaoning.

After a few rounds, Bao Xiaoning’s heart was distressed, because she found that her swordsmanship could only serve as an interceptor, and she was completely suppressed by the Qinshuang’s Moonlight, and she could not attack at all. And it is the full interception, but also can not intercept, can only play a role in delay, but also need her to dodge. The spells released by his left hand are restrained by the other side, making their disadvantages bigger and bigger.

Yu Jiancheng shield!

Bao Xiaoning’s sword pointed a circle in the air, which is the strongest defense in her sword.

The flying sword in the air was enlarged and hovered in the air, forming a shield composed of a sword light, which was blocked in front of her.


The Qinshen's moonlight wheel couldn't be circumvented, and it was on the sword shield. After a loud sound, the Moonlight wheel was bounced out, and the sword shield was also smashed, which turned out to be a two-failure. Qin Shengsheng is repairing, although she did not come up with all her own cultivation. And Bao Xiaoning wins in the instrument, her flying sword is a Chinese sword, and the Qinshuang's moon wheel is just a tool.

At the moment of the two defeats, I saw Bao Xiaoning's left palm stand up and push it toward the piano.

This push, as if pushing a mountain, is very difficult. However, Bao Xiaoning released his strongest attacking spell.

Giant wood surgery!


On the top of the ring, between Qinshuang and Bao Xiaoning, there was a giant wood, one by one arranged next to each other, such as the same wall generally hitting the piano.

Qin’s left arm is in front of a large rattle ring, and the fist-sized fireballs that circle around her body converge toward the big rattle ring, which gathers into a huge fireball, and the double sleeves of the piano are raised.

"go with!"

The huge fireball hit the opposite giant wood.


A huge explosion, the giant wood was blasted four times, and a flash of light flashed in the sky, but it was the Qinshuang's Yuejin wheel, which was cut from Bao Xiaoning's left shoulder to the right.

The Aoki armor on Bao Xiaoning's body was cut and cracked, and the clothes were cut into a gap, revealing the skin inside.

Bao Xiaoning reached out and recalled the flying sword, and looked deeply at the piano. She doesn't believe that Qin double is just a fireball. She spends 90,000 points and sees so many inheritance. How could it be just a fireball?

Moreover, the fireball technique can be cultivated to such a perfect fire. She believes that the repair of the piano double is also the peak of the ninth layer of the refining period, and she is not an opponent at all. So, toward the piano double arches:

"Thank you for your help."

"Carrying!" Seeing that Bao Xiaoning is not humble, Qin Qin is also polite.

Of course, the contribution point is still not polite, and the identity jade card has been taken from the deacon. Bao Xiaoning once again vaulted:

"Yue Shimei, leave. We have the opportunity to be close."

"Sure!" Qin double smiled.


Another figure fell on the platform. Two people couldn’t help but look at them at the same time, but they were a young man looking at the piano:

"Yue Shimei, can you fight?"

Bao Xiaoning's gaze is a condensate: "Yue Shimei, let me introduce you, this is the class year, the peak of the ninth layer of the refining period. It is the strong one who can already practice near Luofu Lake."

On the face of the class, there was a bitter smile: "Bao Shimei, can I use your words as sarcasm?"

"No!" Bao Xiaoning's eyes flashed a hint of envy.

"That..." Qin double said in a side: "Can you ask, what is Luofu Lake?"

Bao Xiaoning and the class year looked at the Qin double in a strange way, almost at the same time asked: "You will not just join Luo Fuzong?"

"Yes!" Qin nodded.

"But...but..." Bao Xiaoning said with some sarcasm: "You just joined, how can it be so high? Are you joining the Zongmen in Dengxian?"


Deng Xiancheng’s recruitment of disciples should have just ended, and it will take another month to get back. ”

Looking up and down the piano double, the piano double just smiles. Some people didn't want to understand, but they didn't want to say when they saw Qin, but they didn't ask. The class year explained:

"Yue Shimei, you should know the closer to the forest, the higher the concentration of aura?"

"Well, I know." Qin doubled and said: "Going into the forest is the area where the inner disciples live."

The eighth is even more, wash and sleep!

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