Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 87: Out of the task (third more)


"Slowly it should be restored!"

Qinqin whispered softly, his eyes jumped again, because when she broke through, she found that since the removal of toxins, the speed of absorbing aura has at least five times, and she does not understand the situation, she is facing Haoran. The turtle inside the heart said:

"Xuanwu, how has the speed of my cultivation improved so much?"

"Because you are not the root of the middle of the product." The tortoise said lazily: "It's just because the toxins of the beauty tears cover your roots."

In the heart of the piano is a joy: "I am very spiritual?"

"When you become a phoenix body, your spiritual roots have undergone a fundamental transformation. What is doubtful about this?"

"That... how tall am I?"

"High is!"

“How tall is that?” The piano was smug.

"It's higher than the top grade." The tortoise's tone is impatient.

"How tall is that?" Qin double pursued.

The tortoise no longer plays the piano double, and the piano muttered: "I am jealous of me, not to mention pulling down."

Immediately from the town demon tower, the impurities discharged from the body are like a layer of gelatin, emitting a stench. This allowed the piano to wash for a period of time before cleaning the body. I feel so refreshed, no toxins, and the whole body feels a lot easier.

Next, Qin double began to retreat.

There is no need to go outside the door to pass the temple. Except for the iron body forging in the morning and evening, the whole morning is used to quench the water line in the sea, and in the afternoon, it is the heart of the refining and burning fire. Purify the Phoenix Fire Jindan. In the evening, it is an hour of practice spells and imperial techniques, an hour of cultivation and glimpse of floating light, Fu Qin finger and fire lotus.

After a few days of cultivation, I felt the identity card vibrate. After taking out the identity card and knowing the power of the sea, I know that it is my turn to go out of the task.

Luofu Island is located on the sea, and it is inevitable that there will be sea monsters rushing to the island from time to time. Therefore, in the outer gate of Luofu, the disciples of the refining period will rotate for one month every year, and they will be stationed at the seaside to kill the Kraken. The Kraken ashore hurts people.

There are about 20,000 disciples in the Luofuzong refining period. Each month, they will rotate 2,000 people and scatter them on the entire coastline of Luofu Island. They will be divided into teams to kill the Krakens. As long as you insist on one month, you can get two pieces of the next product. If you hunted to the Kraken, you will return to each team. Therefore, this task is still very popular with the disciples.

Qin double left his house and flew toward Gongdetang.

There are many people gathered in Gongde Hall. Some people are registering to prove that they have come to receive the task. More people are looking for familiar people. Qinqin just entered the gate and heard a voice calling her.

"The moon is endless!"

Qin double is a glimpse, she does not think that someone is very familiar with her, looking at the sound, but see that Bao Xiaoning is beckoning to her, then walked over to say hello.

"Bag sister!"

"Yue Shimei, let's team up." Bao Xiaoning looked forward to the piano pair.


Qinqin, who didn’t know anyone at the outer door, got the invitation of Bao Xiaoning, and he thought and did not think about it. When he saw three people around Bao Xiaoning, he looked at the past and saw the class year. Among them, nodded and said:

"Class brother."

The class year also smiled: "Yue Shimei can join the best."

Then I turned to Bao Xiaoning and said: "Bao Shimei, I think the number of our team is enough."

"It is enough to have a monthly teacher to join. Yue Shimei, you have to go to register, and then we set off."

The midday sun shines on the beach without any cover, making people feel like they are in a huge stove. The group walked slowly along the beach, their look and relaxed, and their eyes swept to the sparkling sea from time to time.

There are five such pedestrians, wearing Luofuzong's robes, and a young man walking in front of him is two women behind him, but it is Qin Shuanghe and Bao Xiaoning.

The look on the face of the piano is also very relaxed. The beach is open and they are some distance from the sea, so it is impossible for the Kraken to attack them suddenly.

"That is……"

A light spot appeared in the eyes of the piano, and the light spot was quickly enlarged, which was a flying boat. Walking in front of the class year, looking at the pontoon that flew over their heads:

"That is the man who went to the bottom of the sea to dig the stone."

"Under the sea floor?"

“Well!” explained the class to Qinshuang: “Zongmen will hire some warriors and take them to the bottom of the sea to dig the stone.”

"Warrior? Are they at the bottom of the sea?"

“Yeah!” The class nodded and said: “Zongmen sent each of the warriors a water-avoiding bead and then took them to the Haidi Lingshi Mine. Our disciples outside the door are responsible for protecting the coastline, while the core disciples and inner disciples It is responsible for protecting these mines at the Haidi Lingshi Mine."

"Cancer!" A monk named Watson who suddenly walked behind whispered.

The eyes of the people looked at the beach and saw a huge crab that had climbed onto the beach. The crab was five meters long and the two big cockroaches were like two big cockroaches.

"Eat, or not?" asked the class year and eagerly.

"Or kill it first." Bao Xiaoning said: "The classmates and the monthly teacher should not release the fire attribute spells, otherwise Nedan and the two skeletons will be destroyed by you."

Qin Shuang and the class year nodded together, Bao Xiaoning said: "I will turn it over and then you will kill it."

When everyone nodded again, they saw Bao Xiaoning pull the handcuffs and then pressed the crab on the beach.

"Puff puff……"

The sand was flying, and countless vines suddenly came out from under the beach, and instantly tied the giant crab and then turned over. Four people, such as Qin Double, used their own instruments to scream and scream at the Cancer. The giant crab was quickly killed.

Five people cheered and ran to the Cancer. Standing in front of the giant crab, Bao Xiaoning asked:

"Yue Shimei, Nedan, do you want it?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

"Old rules, everyone has a hundred merit points." Bao Xiaoning laughed.

"no problem!"

Qin double took out the identity card, gave each person a hundred merit points, and then began to dig the inner Dan of the giant crab. In the year of the class, the two big cockroaches were cut down:

"Who is this?"

Everyone was shaking their heads. In the year of the class, the two big cockroaches were collected: "Wait for a change of merit, we will divide."

Several people smiled and nodded. Bao Xiaoning looked at the piano pair and curiously asked:

"Yue Shimei, you are the root of Huo Ling, how to collect so many water attributes demon? You have collected more than one hundred in this half-month?"

In the heart of the piano, the dark side said: "Where is I need, I can't absorb it directly, it's not the tortoise!"

"I am studying alchemy now!" Qin double found a reason.

The third is even more, there is one more.

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