Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 90: Breaking the strings


"Alright!" The smile on the face of the big device is even more prosperous: "The younger sister."

The dozens of people in the front also gave the piano a position. The piano pair thanked the dozens of people, and the dozens of people just smiled, but the eyes showed a slight contempt.

I thought that Xu Feibai was a lot stronger than the endless month of this month. At the beginning, Xu Feibai was treated like this, but Xu Feibai refused without hesitation. Although it was finally robbed of the 40% welfare by the big machine, it was not able to climb the big machine and was robbed. It’s not like the moon is endless, it just doesn’t resist, it’s going to be yourself. The 40% welfare is sent out.

Qin double came to the counter, and an old man behind the counter looked at her with a smile: "I will show you the identity card."

The piano double took the identity card out and placed it on the counter. The old man looked at the same, and he will quench the fruit, Lingshi, and Yuan Lingdan to the Qinshuang. After Qin Double put these things together, he said:

"Predecessors, I want to exchange a weak hippocampus."

"Do you want to use the weakened hippocampus?" The old man frowned. "Are you trying to die?"

"No!" Qin double shook his head immediately: "I know that this is the time when the Yuan Ying period monk broke through the magic period. I am now in the refining period. How can I use the weak hippocampus?"

"What do you exchange for it?"

"The younger generation is interested in alchemy, and now they are studying a kind of medicinal medicine, which needs to weaken the hippocampus." Here, Qin double frowned slightly:

“Predecessors, juniors should be eligible to redeem any items?”

The old man took a look at the piano. How could he not hear it? Is Qinqin saying that he is nosy? Then he did not smugly grab the identity card of Qinshuang, took away five million merit points, and then walked into the back door. After a while, he went to a jade and handed it to Qin Double. Qinqin rushed to collect, and thanked the old man, then turned and left.

When Cheng Dan’s figure flashed, he was in front of the piano pair, and there was a trace of greed in his eyes:

"I didn't think that there are so many contributions to the monthly teacher, that is, Xu Feibai did not have the original. Give me 40% of your contribution."

All of a sudden spent five million merits, the heart of the piano is suffering. Besides, she never thought about letting her welfare out, let alone the other person wants her merits. However, she did not immediately turn her face, but her eyes swept through the surrounding monks of the Yuan Ying:

"Dear brothers, don't you go together, or fight in the wheel?"

The look of everyone is not a glimpse, a monk laughs at the big device:

"Into the big device, have you heard it? The monthly teacher did not put you in the eyes, hahaha..."

The face of the big device can't be hanged, and it condenses toward the piano. "Yue Shimei, as long as you can beat me, this time there will be no more people blocking you. However, I advise you to pay the welfare." When you come out, why bother to be beaten?"

Qin double did not pay attention to him, but his eyes swept through the crowd: "You brothers, is that true?"

Or the monk smiled before: "Yes, if you can make a big meal, you can leave freely. However, when you come to receive benefits next time, there will be stronger people to **** your welfare. Yue Shimei, smashing into a big device, I am optimistic about you!"

"Ha ha ha..."

The people around me laughed a lot, and obviously no one was optimistic about the piano pair. Everyone was just watching the fun. At this time, the piano doubled his eyes on the body of the big device, condensing the channel:

“Do you need to go to the fight?”


This time, I couldn’t help but laugh out loud: "Mr. Shimei, you are so funny. I want to teach you a refining period in a Yuan Ying period, but also to go to the fighting platform? Just here. ”

"Alright!" Qin nodded and said: "However, this is a brother, we are playing like this, is it too unfair to me?"

"Well? What do you mean by letting me suppress it?" asked the big man with a smile.

"That doesn't need it!" Qin said faintly: "Become a brother, you see us two fights. If I lose, I will give you 40% of the benefits, and I will give you 40% of the merits." However, if you lose, I have nothing to gain. Is this not unfair?


The half-ring of the big machine did not react, and then some unbelievably tentatively asked: "What do you mean... I want to take some color heads?"

"Becoming a brother-in-law is like a sea!" Qin double praised: "There are people who fight me at the outer door. I have a rule. I want to fight with me. There must be at least 50,000 merits. The brother is a Yuan Ying period. Wouldn't there be no 50,000 merits?"

The hall was silent, and everyone looked at the piano doubles with surprise, even the elders who distributed the benefits. Everyone has a thought in mind.

"This month is endless and fierce! I thought that Xu Feibai did not propose such a condition at the beginning. It was just... How could a disciple of her refining period play a Yuan Ying period? This is not the case. Do you want to do this?"

The shocked eyes of the people have become a drama, and some people have sighed: "Be a big device, don't let the sisters look flat, and quickly agree, you don't really have 50,000 merits?"

The face of the big device is a color of laughter and laughter. He nodded and said: "Okay, no problem. And the brothers let you shoot first."

Qinqin looked at the stranger in a strange way: "Is the brother really let me shoot first?"

"of course!"

The tone and look of the big ones became a little impatient. He now has a feeling that everyone is watching as a monkey, and the impression of the double is suddenly broken. In his view, Qin double is a sensational person, such a person is very qualified, and there will be no future in the future.

Qin doubled and nodded: "Please prepare your brother, the teacher will shoot."

Of course, the Qinshuang will not fight any spells with a Yuan Ying period, and fight with the outside disciples, which is to improve their own way and sharpen their own way. And a meta-infant monk fight spell, isn't that looking for abuse?

If you want to defeat the people in front of you, you naturally need martial arts. Now Qinqin has no need to suppress the fire and phoenix body. With the purity of her Fenghuo Jindan, it is not to open the fire and phoenix body, and the repairing is also equivalent to the period of the gods here, and it is more than enough to pack up the yuan. But I don’t know if I’m a big man, I’m going to listen to the piano and let him prepare, and there’s a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth. Going to the piano double-handedly:

"come on!"

The double right hand of the piano is like a piano, and it goes to the opposite side of the big device. When it becomes a big device, it will see that one hand of the piano pair is raised like a lyric, and four huge fingers appear in his eyes, like a pillar. Usually he collided with him, and at this time he also gave birth to a kind of loved ones, friends and friends, all of whom died, and they had no love for love, and they did not want to resist. They only wanted to be killed by the giant-like fingers.

Fu Qin refers to: breaking the string!

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