Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 97: Lingshi Mine


The monks under the wall are talking to each other while looking up at the task on the wall.

"A task! There is a task!"

Suddenly the crowd smashed and there was an excitement on each of them.

"The highest task in the outer door?"

"It is indeed a task, and there is no limit to the number of people, brother, can we participate?"

"It is the inner disciple who led the team."

Qinqin is a little ignorant, and Yang Yingdao next to him: "Yang Ying, outside the door task, how can there be internal disciples to participate?"

"I don't know!" Yang Ying shook her head, and Qin double looked at Merlin and others, and Merlin and others shook their heads.

Qin double said to a woman standing in front of her: "This sister, outside the door task, how can there be internal disciples to participate?"

The woman looked at the piano with impatience, but when she saw the piano double, the impatient look immediately converges, and a smile on her face:

"It’s a monthly teacher, and all the tasks are led by internal disciples. Because the tasks are very dangerous, it’s just difficult for our outside disciples to complete. So this kind of task is very rare, sometimes dozens. It may not be another time in the year. Once there is such a task, there are many rewards for the mission. For example, as long as you participate, you will have one hundred pieces of Lingshi.

"One hundred pieces of the next product Lingshi, this price seems to be very dangerous for this mission!" At this time, some people discussed before.

The piano double looked up again at the task on the wall, and the task seemed simple. Suspected to find a Lingshi mine on the seabed, so Zongmen released this task. This task is not to let people mine, but to determine whether there is a Lingshi mine. If so, where is the specific location of Lingshi Mine. As long as you get the specific location.

"Just determined the location of the Lingshi mine, is this task very difficult?" Qin double asked strangely.

The woman repaired the piano with a different look: "The seabed originally had a lot of monsters, which is dangerous. And if there is a spiritual mine, it will attract a lot of monsters, and does not rule out a powerful demon. The beast is occupied there. Nature is very dangerous."

Qin's face is not red, she has never seen Lingshi mine on the mainland of the warrior, so naturally I can't think of much. But when I heard the other person's words, I also reacted. In the past, to pick some herbs of sufficient quality, there will be a strong monster guard, let alone a Lingshi mine, the danger is not a little bit.

However, Qin double is really heart-warming.

Don't look at her nowadays it seems that there is no shortage of resources to cultivate, but she knows that it is because she is now too low-cultivation, and has a little bit of body, plus the treatment of her disciples, so that she does not lack cultivation resources. However, as she cultivated her skills, she cultivated ten golden martial arts martial arts and more than the Yuan Ying period, she became a foodie, this resource given to her by Zongmen and this thing on her body. It is not enough at all.

Therefore, she should take precautions now and accumulate resources for cultivation. Lingshi is undoubtedly indispensable to the monks, especially in this cultivation environment, if the Qinshuang wants to go to the peak, it must have a lot of spiritual stones. If you can really find the Lingshi mine this time, you will not only be able to get a hundred of the spirits, but you may still be able to sneak a sneak dig.

Qi Qi leaped from the right side and said with a small face:

"Boss, I saw a task that suits me."

"What mission?" Everyone looked curiously at Qi Qi, not knowing what she could do to get her excited.

"Alchemy! Zongmen issued the alchemy mission, and there are all levels of alchemy missions. I just happened to accomplish the alchemy foundation through the mission."

When the piano doubled, I couldn’t help but nod. Qi Qi originally had the basis of alchemy and was a second-level alchemy teacher. This month, I have learned a lot about the alchemy foundation that I have given, and I should go further. In this case, refining the medicinal herbs that you have already learned in a large amount will solidify the foundation and, when fully integrated, continue to comprehend and do more with less.

I heard Qi Qi say this, Gu Chunqiu, Dong Baichuan and Xiao Fei are also eye-catching.

"Qiqi, is there a task for the controller?"

"Qi Qi, is there a task for the formation?"

"Is there a task for the game?"

In ancient Chunqiu, Dong Baichuan and Xiao Fei almost asked in unison.

Qi Qi nodded. "Yes, I have seen it."

"Let's go see!"

The three men ran to the right and ran back later:

"Boss, let's get the task, you wait for us for a while."

Qinqin nodded, then to Merlin and Yang Yingdao: "I will take the task of A."


Qin double shook his head and said: "Have you gone out to do the task before?"

"No!" Merlin and Yang Ying shook their heads.

Qin Shuang said seriously: "You still have to do some tasks first and accumulate some experience. Otherwise, it is very dangerous to participate in such a first-class mission for the first time."

Merlin and Yang Ying nodded in no doubt, one hundred Lingshi is a good thing, but they know that their life is more important, and Qin’s words are not wrong. Qin double can go, it does not mean that they can also go, because Qin double has a very high martial arts.

In the envious eyes of two people, Qin double went to the task, then joined everyone and returned to the bamboo forest.

I want to go to the task after seven days, always have to prepare. This body is a fire attribute, but the Lingshi mine is on the sea floor, and fire attribute spells are greatly limited. I remembered that I had seen the refuge in Gongdetang, and left the house. One person flew off Luofu Island and came to the sea. Instigating the fingers, practicing and avoiding the water, the fingers in the depths are drawn toward the bottom, the sea water is separated, and the shape of the piano double rushes into the sea.


There was a sneer in the heart of Haoran, which was the sneer of the tortoise. The heart of the piano is uncomfortable:

"Why are you laughing?"

"I laugh at you idiot."

Qin double anger: "You are an idiot, your family is idiot."

Then he asked weakly: "Is my water evasion wrong?"

The tortoise said leisurely: "There is no mistake even if you practice, but you don't have to practice this at all."


"Speaking of your idiot, you still don't admit it!" The tortoise sneered again: "You forgot that you also cultivated the "Xuanwu Collection"? Now that you have condensed ten Xuan Shui Jin Dan, you will seal Fenghuang Jindan. You are a water spirit. There is no difference between the water and the water. What do you do to avoid the water?"

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