Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 122: one move


"Oh, Lin Li, do you still have to shame?" Xu Feibai’s face is ridiculous: "You let a refining monk take over a big monk in the late Yuan Dynasty? You let the refining of Huanglu Island The disciples came out one by one to see if I could pick me up?"

Lin Li’s big sleeves swayed and fell behind him, squinting at Xu Feibai: “You can stop me, as long as you can stop it.”

When the words fell, they explored a hand and grabbed the piano in the distance. Xu Feibai's face instantly became dignified, and he also found a hand and slammed it toward the opposite side.

Lin Li smiled and became a fist, welcoming Xu Feibai.


The huge fists condensed by the two spirits in the air collided, the center space of the collision was torn, and the black space cracked like a black lightning bolt. Xu Feibai’s face suddenly swelled, and his feet could no longer stand. Going backwards towards the rear.


Every step back, a foot was stepped out of a deep pit, and seven steps backed up to stabilize the figure. There was a trace of frustration and unwillingness in his eyes. The five monks who came around to see the excitement were not sighed in secret. Everyone was not in the heart, as if Xu Feibai had just regressed, but they were average.

The foundation of Mishima is clearly displayed in front of everyone at this moment. Lin Li and Xu Feibai are the chief disciples of their respective sects. However, through the confrontation of this move, everyone clearly sees the strength of Lin Li is higher. Xu Feibai has a lot. This is the foundation of Huanglu Island, which makes the foundation of Lin Li more solid than Xu Feibai. The potential is more thoroughly excavated than Xu Feibai, and the inheritance is higher than Xu Feibai.


Yan Xia Ke stepped forward and blocked it in front of the Qin double. The face of Qin double showed a bitter smile. Since Xu Feibai is the chief disciple of Luo Fuzong, this means that his cultivation is also at the level of Luo Fuzong. The first person, so he is not an opponent of Lin Li, how can Yan Xiake be able to stand up?

There was a faint smile on the opposite side of the line, and one hand had been lifted carelessly. Qin double came out from behind the words Xia Ke, and he was shocked by the words of the full-armed Yan Xia.


"I will solve it!"

The piano double condenses the channel, and then looks at the opposite side. Lin Li looked a little stunned, and the right hand raised was slightly gentle, and there was a hint of appreciation on his face:

"Dare to be dare, you are good."

Qin double looked calmly at the opposite side, erected a finger: "A trick?"

Seeing the calm look of the piano, there is an inexplicable unhappiness in the heart of Lin Li. A refining disciple is so calm in front of him as a big monk in the Yuan Ying period, and is still the chief disciple of Huanglu Island. What do you rely on?


Behind him, Yan Xia’s heart was in a hurry. One hand grabbed the arm of the piano and pulled it backwards. Then he looked at it. He found that he did not pull the piano. At the same time, Lin Li’s unhappiness in his heart made him more determined, and he was even more determined to kill the piano. He did not wait for the words Xia Ke to open his mouth again, and he condensed:

"One trick, as long as you can take my way, this is a good thing."

Qin double sharply saw the smothering of the flash in Lin Lizhen, and the heart also murdered. However, it was later suppressed by a helplessness. She has the strength to kill each other, but she knows she can't do it. The other party is a big disciple of Huanglu Island. If you kill each other here, it is that Luo Fuzong may not be able to protect himself. After all, Huanglu Island has a Mahayana monk, but Luo Fuzong does not, and she has self-knowledge, she is absolutely Not an opponent of the Mahayana monk. Once I was killed, I am afraid I have to flee again.


She has just fled from the mainland of the warrior, where can she escape?


"I am still too weak!"

"For the time being, I will endure this tone. In the future, I will definitely step on the foot of Huanglu Island."

Qin double broke away from the hand of Xia Ke, whispered: "Brother, I have a few in my heart."

Yan Xia looked at the piano double, and his heart was still wondering how he could not pull the piano double? And how can the piano double break his hand?

The piano double moves the lotus step, and the money is on the line. Standing on the opposite side of the line, it is light:

"Then I will pick up Lin’s brother."

"Not self-reliant!"

Lin Li’s eyes revealed a thick disdain, and he raised a hand carelessly, as if he were going to shoot a fly and then took it to the piano.

In the sky, a palm of the hand was condensed in an instant, and it was shot toward the top of the piano. The speed of the palm fell very slowly. It was just one inch and one inch. It was just a heavy momentum, but like a giant peak, it was pressed against the piano.

"Taiyue palm!"

The eyes of the crowd are all a glimpse, and the heart is full of jealousy for the moment.

Taiyuezhang, Huanglu Island Tiandaodao, one of the stunts. When a palm hits, often the giant palm has not been photographed on the opponent's body. The Taiyue-like power will crush the opponent. This refers to the monk in the same realm. If the opponent is not the Yuan Ying period, it is only the knot period. It is only by the power of Taiyuezhang that the other side can be crushed to the ground. Like the external disciple of Qinshuang, it is only the mighty power, and the two can be crushed and killed. Before Lin Li’s shot, no one thought that Lin Li would make him a stunt in the palm of his hand. This made everyone feel awkward. This is really a courageous person. Once he has made up his mind, he will not give his opponent a chance. Even if the opponent is weak in front of him like an ant.

This kind of person is terrible!

Qin double feels the power of the mountains as pressure on his shoulders, and his heart raised a hint of jealousy on Huanglu Island. It is just a Yuan Ying period monk, whose power has surpassed Wu Shen. If it is not a defect of physical weakness, I am afraid that I have already regained the mainland of the warriors.

"Well?" Qin’s voice came to the ear of the piano. "You can still stand still? Give me a kneeling!"

The huge palm fell another inch, and the shoulders of the piano double felt a heavy weight. Only the body of the fifth layer of her Valkyrie made her survive the pressure of this Taiyue.

"It's so reluctant!" Qin's ear rang the sound of Lin Li's voice: "If you squat before, maybe I will leave you a life. Maybe it's just to ruin you, so that you can't continue to practice." However, your reluctance made me see your talent, I did not think that you are still a genius. It is really pleasing to kill a genius by hand!"

The giant palm fell another inch, and the giant palm was only three feet away from the top of the piano. Lin Li's eyelids could not help but jump, because he found that the piano pair still stood there, although the look was dignified, but there was no sign of collapse.

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