Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 126: Big than the beginning


Juqing looked enviously at the Dinghai Wood Road in his hand:

"But, constantly changing weapons, and constantly raising a weapon, there is a difference in the difference. Long-term warming and using a weapon, the weapon will become a part of your body, such as the arm finger. Its power is far beyond The weapons that are constantly being exchanged. And like this kind of weapon with automatic upgrade grade, under the long-term warming of the monk, there is the possibility of giving birth to the spirit."

Having said that, Juqing couldn't help but sigh one voice: "You really have a big chance! This is the place where I will be here. I will ask you the best refiner in Zongmen." system."

"Thank you, Uncle!"

Ju Qing suddenly frowned and said: "Endless, are you not the root of fire? This sea wood is a wooden property, not suitable for you?"

"The younger generation is not only the root of the fire, but also the root of the wood."

"Well? Why didn't you listen to Master Jin?"

"Oh! I was poisoned before, so...should..."

"What poison are you in?"

"I accidentally got a beautiful tear..."

"Beauty tears?" Ju Qing screamed, grabbed the wrist of the piano pair, a fascinating force into the body of the piano double, running a circle around the big sun, and then retracted his hand, his face was cloudy and uncertain:

"How did you detoxify?"

Qin double grasped the head of the road: "I have a chance to get a bottle of jade liquid, relying on this bottle of jade liquid, slowly detoxification."

Qiao Qing slowly nodded: "There is no toxin in your body. So, you just detoxification soon?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

"Go, I will take you to check out Lingen."

"No need?" The piano doubled.

Ju Qing looked a glimpse, and then smiled: "You want to hide?"

"Hey..." Qin said with a smile: "The younger generation became a pro-disciple, and it was already eye-catching. The last time they were robbed by a big weapon. If you detect more outstanding qualifications..."

Juqing gratified and nodded: "You can know Tibetan Mastiff, this is very good. Your cautious personality may make you go further. Since you don't want to, the uncle is not reluctant. Go, one month later, Come to the uncle here to collect the flying sword."

"Thank you, Uncle Shi, I have no time to say anything."

"Slow!" Ju Qing summoned the Qin double, said with a smile: "Remember, when Zongmen Dabi, you are not allowed to use the martial arts."

"This..." Qin Shuang’s heart is a bit awkward. If he does not use the martial arts, he is really not sure to defeat Akasaka.

"We are the door." Ju Qing's face became serious.

"Okay!" Qin nodded.


Qin double relieved and relieved, and left the house of Juqing. After thinking about it, I have not received benefits for nearly four months, but now I am not able to get the benefits, and I am going to the outer door.

She did not return to the outer door, but on the edge of the inner door forest, looking for a big tree to jump up, and then turned the town demon tower into a dust, which just entered the town demon tower. There are still more than two days from the date of the big match, and there are nearly ten days in the town demon tower.

When Qin double entered the town demon tower, he thought for a while, finally biting his teeth, taking out the pen and the paper, and wrote four big characters:

Thunder and thousands.

The thick Thunder entered the Qinshui's knowledge of the sea, and was instantly suppressed by the merits. It filtered out the violent factors and divided the Thunder Millennium into four. One of them shrouded seven water-red beads and cracked the ban. The second Thunder enveloped the town demon tower, the third Thunder enveloped the waterline, and the last Thunder was sent to the wood to understand the sea.

Just for a moment, the heart of Qin double is ecstasy. She was originally an adventurous attempt, and she did not know that the Thunder would not harm the wood. However, because of the White Tiger Palace, she is ready to fight with Akasaka, and Juqing does not allow her to use the martial arts. She wants to always appear as Mu Linggen, so she must upgrade the strength of the wood avatar as soon as possible. So, she wants to take a chance.

I did not expect it to be a success.

After the Thunder was suppressed by the merits, it was indeed tamed a lot. Qinqin perceives the knowledge of the woods, and the woods are very broad. This has already had the power to resist the power of the Thunder. Together with the power of the Thunder’s repression, it has been tamed a lot. There is no harm to the knowledge of the wood. With this in mind, the piano is overjoyed, and as a result, the repair of the wooden avatar will be further enhanced. As for whether it can be upgraded to the realm of defeating Akasaka in time, Qin double is not clear. For this, Qin double is helpless.

For ten days in the practice of the town demon tower, the wooden body of the mist is quenched out of the water, but the body of the piano is only quenching the two-foot-eight wire, which shows that the force of the sea is cultivated from liquid to solid. How difficult it is. This is still quenched with the power of the Thunder, otherwise there is no possibility of quenching the wire.

Qin double came out of the town demon tower, and heard the noise coming from outside the woods. When the town demon tower was collected, it flew out of the woods and looked at the noisy place in the sky. Then people saw that the flow of people was coming together in one direction, and the piano was also gone.

More than 20,000 people gathered together, bustling, and couldn't find Merlin and the little fat guys. The piano pair fell into a crowd and looked at the crowd. Can not help but scratch the head, the heart is strange:

"It's not about fighting here, and there isn't a downfall. How come this time?"

When I was confused, I saw the five elders from the direction of the forest.

"Come, the elders are here!"

There was a whisper of comments from the surrounding people. When the piano looked at it, he opened his mouth and smiled. The five elders who are in the air, Qin Qin also knows one, it was the golden Daozhen who was responsible for recruiting disciples in Dengxiancheng.

The five elders stood in the air and raised their sleeves. They saw 20 streams of light from the five elders' sleeves. A total of 100 streams were sacrificed into the air and turned into a hundred. The high platform collapsed and landed on the ground.

See also Jin Daozhen's big sleeves, a piece of jade is like a rain, all the monks have vacated, reaching for the hand, Qin double also explored a jade slip, turned his hand and read 1028, at this time Jin Daozhen Explain the big ratio rule.

The first round is very simple, that is, the single number is the double number, that is, the first number is the second number, the third number is the fourth number, and so on. Try ten games a day.

The piano double counted a hundred seats, one can have 200 people, and ten games are 2,000. The outside disciples have more than 50,000 disciples, and they have removed nearly 30,000 disciples after the retreat. There are also more than 20,000 disciples in the refining period, so it takes at least 11 days. I ranked in No. 1028, which is ranked in the sixth game. As long as I met the disciples who are not condensed in the waterline, I have absolute control to win, and then I can find a place to enter the town demon tower to practice. In ten days, it is forty days in the town demon tower, which will further improve his cultivation.

Soon, the test began.

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