Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 173: Blood wolf


Trial under the peak.

Dozens of outside disciples stood in front of the mountain.

"Calling" a foreign disciple spit out a long breath: "I have finally arrived here!"

“Here is the trial peak?” A disciple who first came to the trial peak curiously looked at the light curtain in the middle of the mountain gate.

“Not bad!” A headed disciple nodded and said, “Remember, after we entered, we were moving around the foot of the mountain. It was dangerous.”

"Know it!" The crowd nodded.


The foreigner who was headed for the first light sighed and took the lead in rushing into the light curtain.


Dozens of outside disciples rushed into the mountain gate, and then stood there stunnedly, looking at the half-mountain of the trial peak with fear.


The beasts were in the air, and they saw a fierce fight. It’s just that they are very strange, why are those monsters killing each other?

"Senior brother"

"We tried to get out of the trial peak and we rushed out to report to the sect."

Dozens of monks rushed out of the mountain gate and let go of their throats. They are all outside disciples. They don’t know who to look for here, how to find them.

"The trial peak has gone wrong! The trial peak has gone wrong!"


A single baby disciple appeared in front of them, and a Yuan Ying disciple calmly said:

"To shut up!"

The huge powers were released, and the dozens of foreign disciples were stunned. The foreigner who was headed trembled:

"There is something going wrong in the division's brother."

A few Yuan infant disciples turned a face, and their body shape flashed, and they rushed into the trial peak.

In an instant, the several Yuan Ying monks rushed out of the mountain gate and flew toward Luofu Peak.


A figure flew from the pro-peak peak, standing in the air, looking at the foreign disciples with a gaze, and snorted:

"what's going on?"

"Trying the peak is going wrong!"


The Yuan Ying monk rushed into the mountain gate, and a Yuan Ying monk shouted:

"Xu Shixiong has gone in, what are we waiting for, to save the same door inside!"


One elementary baby monk rushed into the mountain gate, and at this time, more than a dozen people flew over from the pro-peak peak. The old-fashioned Yanxia guest flew in the front and snorted:

"Who was shouting?"

At this time, a Yuan Ying monk who had just rushed to the front of the mountain door turned back: "Speaking brother, the trial peak has gone wrong, and Xu Feibai has already entered."

"What are you waiting for?"

Yan Xiake screamed and rushed into the mountain gate.


A wolf whistle, uploaded from the peak. Its whistling sound is devastating.

Qin double looked up and looked at the peaks. The power of knowing the sea gathered in the eyes. The scenery above the peaks suddenly seemed to be pulled to the front and became clear.

"Blood wolf!"

In the heart of the piano, there was a jump. Then I saw that the blood wolf sucked hard and tried the whole peak. Then there was a trace of blood flowing to the blood wolf, and the blood wolf sucked into the nose. When you **** in the blood, you can feel the breath of the blood wolf becoming stronger.

"How does it have this wisdom? Or is it how it will have the inheritance of the growth of the blood wolf?"

Undoubtedly, the blood wolf in the field of vision is actively cultivating by absorbing the blood of various monsters and human monks, and at this time, the suffocating scent of the body is clearly the peak of the eighth order. Don't think about it, this beast must be picked up by the blood wolf.

This kind of wisdom, and possession of cultivation and inheritance, how can it be a monster?

There are more monsters that Qin has seen, and I have never seen such a enchanting monster.

"Not a demon?"

"But how can there be a demon here? Do you think that the elders of Luo Fuzong are eating white?"


The blood wolf at the top of the peak suddenly screamed in anger, and a smile appeared on the corners of the piano. Because she saw less and less blood flowing from the ground into the air, and finally there were few flaws.


At this time, those monsters are killing each other, and there are a large number of monsters dead all the time, and there are still human race monks who have not escaped to the piano doubles, how can there be no blood?

That's because almost all the monsters have been taken into the town demon tower by the chorus.


The giant wolf at the top of the peak looked at the Qinshuang, where hundreds of monks gathered, and the Terran monks were the most needed blood.

A wolf howling, almost all the monsters began to come together in the direction of the piano double. However, whenever these monks break into the square of the piano, they will kill each other immediately.

"Don't be afraid of the younger brothers and sisters, Xu Feibai is here!" There was a drink under the mountain peak, and a figure came from the air.


In the air above, the flying monsters were not affected by the Gorefiend's control of the soul, and they screamed and smacked toward Xu Feibai.


Xu Feibai sighed and drank, and the flying sword in his hand smashed twenty feet, and a sword went, and a **** rain fell in the sky.


A loud sword, another sword, and a broken limb in the sky, accompanied by a high drink:

"The words Xia Ke is here!"

"Xu brother and the brothers came, we are saved!" One of the monks around the piano double looked up in the sky with excitement.


At the top of the peak, there was a scream, and the original **** wolf that had not absorbed the blood, had been violent, and found Xu Feibai and Yan Xiake, who were extremely arrogant in its view, a dozen or so infants. A scream, a flash of blood in the sky, Xu Feibai felt a blood claw has been handed to his chest.

Fortunately, Feijian has been in his hand, and when he returns, he blocks it on his chest.


A loud noise, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, the blood in the sky is rolling, spewing in, the huge force will fly Xu Feibai, the mouth sprayed with blood, the giant sword in the hands were bombarded, and turned into a streamer in the air. , flew toward Xu Feibai.


Yan Xia guest violently screamed, and at the same time with a dozen yuan infants and monks at the same time sacrificed the flying sword, a stream of light to the blood wolf spurt away.


A wolf screamed, and a blood gas was ejected from the mouth of the blood wolf. When the blood gas left the mouth of the blood wolf, it turned into a tiny blood wolf, and then quickly enlarged into a **** wolf in the air. A dozen people of Xiake rushed over.


A group of blood wolves and dozens of flying swords fight together, a **** light if the lightning generally crossed the sky, the real blood wolf has appeared on the head of a Yuan Ying period monk, did not wait for the Yuan Ying period monk reaction When he came over, he bit the head of the Yuan Ying period monk, and then opened his mouth and sucked it. The Yuan Ying period monk dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood was sucked by the blood wolf.

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