Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 194: Promotion


One day, two days, three days...

The seven snowmen on the hills gradually melted, and the six snowmen piled up by the children have melted into a pile of dwarf snowballs, and the snow on the double body of the piano melts, revealing the stone statue inside. Although it only reveals the part above the shoulder, the color of the stone is quite different from the color of the snowman.


The children in the village still ran towards the hills as usual, and they saw the stone statues. A few children didn't even know that they were afraid. Under the drive of curiosity, the snow on the stone statue was cleaned up. A group of children quietly looked at the stone statue, and then ran to the village with a bang.

After a while.

The whole village and the young people in the village were dispatched and walked toward the hills. When they saw the stone statues that suddenly appeared on the hills, they fell down devoutly...

In the afternoon.

There are more incense cases in front of the stone statues. The people in the village, under the leadership of the village chief, worship the stone statues with sacrifices. As the day passed, people from nearby villages also came to worship under the hills. For a time, the incense was flourishing. Even the village heads of several villages have been negotiating, waiting for the winter to pass, they will build a temple for the stone statue.

This day.

The village under the hill suddenly heard fighting, screaming, mourning, although it was a rapid footstep, running in the direction of the hill, the village of more than 800 people, so there were only more than 500 people left. Running to the front of the stone statue, "噗通噗通" fell to the ground, shouting screamingly:

"Fairy, help!"

"Fairy, you are obviously spirited!"


More than a thousand demons were surrounded by haha, and one of the bullheads looked at the shivering villagers. The faces were smirking, and their eyes slowly moved from the crowds on the ground and looked at the stone statues.

"Stupid human beings, this is your reliance? Your protector? Look at the prince to break it."

The bull-headed demon swayed a punch and bombarded the stone statue. As he punched out, a yak condensed in the air and slammed into the stone statue.


The yak hit the stone statue.


The stone statue began to crack, and a piece of rock fell off the stone statue. More than 500 villagers looked at the stone statue desperately.

"Ha ha ha..."

More than a thousand demon people laughed loudly and laughed, and more than 500 villagers shivered in despair.


The laughter of more than a thousand demon people came to an abrupt end, and the gaze stunned at the stone statue. At this time, the stone that had fallen off the stone statue had already fallen, but the stone statue did not become a pile of gravel, but There was another stone statue, as if the original stone statue was still wrapped in a stone statue.

The scene is a silence, whether it is the villagers, or the Yaozu are shocked to see the Qin double from the stone statue. Qin double is still sitting there, with his eyes closed. But at this time everyone saw it very clearly, this is not a stone statue.

The villagers first responded, screaming one by one, and shouting devoutly:

"Fairy fairy!"

"Fairy help!"


Qin double slowly opened her eyes and fell into deep comprehension. She was awakened from the epiphany by the bull-headed demon. She had many epiphanies, but this kind of deep insight has never been. This kind of opportunity is something that can be met and not demanded. It is forced to break away from the deep epiphany, and there is anger in the heart of Qin double.

Looking at the next four sweeps, the dawn is a shrink, she saw more than a thousand demon.

“Has the Yaozu already crossed the innocent desert?”

At this time, the bull-headed demon also reacted from the shock. With a wave of three forks in his hand, he slammed:

"Pretend to be a ghost, kill!"

Qinqin still sat on the rock, just raised his hand gently and took it to the Yaozu.


In the sky, a big hand appeared in the sky, and it was taken to the demon.


Hundreds of demon people were photographed by the big handprints, and the piano double looked down at their hands, and the eyes were surprised.

The palm of her hand was much easier than when she showed it before. It seems that she really turned over the palm of her hand, but the power is not the same as before.

“Is this...what is it?”


Suddenly a scream, woke up the piano doubles in thought, suddenly looked up, and saw the remaining hundreds of demons shouted and turned around and ran.

"Want to run?"

The double backhand took the long sword behind the sheath and held the hilt in the right hand.


A sword screamed, and the sword was three feet high. It suddenly glared, and the starlight swayed as if it were a starry sky.

"Puff puff……"

The remaining hundreds of running demon people, the body suddenly riddled with holes, like a sieve, sprayed blood from the inside, the inertia let them still running, and even a lot of flying into the air.


Then, the running demon fell to the ground, and the demon who flew into the air fell like a stone.


The piano double stalked the sword and was surrounded by silence. The air is floating with a **** smell.


"Thank you for the fairy!"


The villagers woke up tomorrow, and bowed to the piano. The piano double reached out and raised an old man in front of him:

"Old man, the Yaozu has already called over?"

The old man shook his head: "The little old man doesn't know, this group of demons is suddenly appearing."

Qin double asked a few more questions and found out that he couldn't ask anything. He asked what was here, and then the villagers evacuated the place, and they took the body of the demon corpse into the town demon tower and slowly left the hill. .

Qinqin is still step by step, and wants to enter the deep epiphany again, but she walked for more than an hour, but could not enter the deep epiphany again.


As I continued to move on, I felt a scream in the sea, and the piano looked a glimpse, and then it was a joy. The town demon tower was closed again. Qin double knows that the monster that was put in before, plus the demon family put in this road, let the town demon tower once again reached the critical point of repair. When the town demon tower is opened next time, the fourth floor should be merged.

Realizing that he couldn't get into that deep integration again, the piano would simply let go. I began to check my body while walking, and the color of my face became more and more intense.

Her body strength and strength have unconsciously recovered to the third level of Valkyrie. The fire phoenix body was upgraded to five items, and the fire attribute was upgraded to the seventh floor of Wuwang. The water property was upgraded to the fifth floor of the Chengdan period. The fire-divided Fengming already has the strength of the sixth-order monster. The strangest thing is that the devil is phoenix, and it has inexplicably reached the cyclone period, and the magic poison of the whole body has completely disappeared.

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