Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 205: The eighth floor of Wuwang


"A pool of venom only condenses one?"

Qinqin breathed carefully, but could not smell a trace of poisonous gas. He carefully looked at it and found that this black bead did not leak a poisonous gas.

This does not mean that the bead is not poisonous. It can only be said that the bead is more restrained, otherwise the piano pair will not have a creepy feeling.

Qinqin thought about it. There was nothing in front of him to test the toxin of this bead. He took out a jade bottle and placed the bead inside. After taking the jade bottle, carefully look at the huge pillar in front of you.

"Good rich water."

At this moment, the "Xuanshui Baodian" in her body is running indiscriminately. A trace of pure water essence is emitted from the giant column and absorbed by the piano.


The town demon tower whispered, and the piano double suppressed the operation of the "Xuanshui Baodian". She had a feeling that if she absorbed the water in the giant column, her own Xuan Shui would be promoted to a horror. Degree. However, this giant pillar may disappear, and I don’t know what the consequences will be for the town demon tower.

The double figure of the piano drifted away, and then the "Xuanshui Collection" was re-run, and it was immediately found that the improvement of the repair was slowed by countless times, and the giant pillar did not have the pure water of the air.

"It seems that as long as it is not cultivated under that pillar, it will not cause the change of the pillar."

Qinqin once again came to the front of the pillar, suppressing the impulse to automatically run the "Fire and Phoenix Collection" and sensing it in detail.

She found that the pillar was silently changing the surrounding environment, and the pillars were filled with water and gradually repelled other auras.

When the piano doubled his mind, the figure came to the front of the golden pillar in the western corner.

Sure enough, the situation here is the same as the blue pillars around, and the golden pillars are filled with metallic aura, which excludes other auras.

Qinqin came to the front of the green giant pillar in the eastern corner, and sensed it. In this area, it was full of rich wood. The piano double spread the power of knowing the sea, shrouded the whole space and found the golden giant. The pillars, the green giant pillars and the blue giant pillars each cover one-fifth of the space, and in each of the one-fifth of the space, they are filled with the aura of their respective attributes, and in the remaining two-fifths of the area, It is a mixture of various auras.

When Qinqin thought about it, he transplanted the medicine garden and the woods into the cover of the green giant pillars, and took out a bottle of jade liquid, pouring the medicine garden and the woods drop by drop.

Then sitting cross-legged in the middle of the town demon tower, feeling fine.

The aura in the space is weak, only three times the outside world, but she can feel the aura in the town demon tower is becoming rich, and the speed of absorbing the outside aura has doubled, and it will not last long. The aura in the demon tower will increase, and as to what extent it will increase, the piano does not know.

The surprise of the piano is that the flow rate of time has changed again. It took only 16 days in the past to pass the day.

Qin double immediately put the fire phoenix and the demon phoenix into the town demon tower, let the fire split his own time to practice and comprehend the refiner. As for the devil, now there is no practice, so she has to let her comprehend The road.

Qinqin continued to practice cultivation, alchemy, cultivation, and refining.

In the town demon tower for more than two months, the outside world has passed less than five days, Qin double finally broke through to the eighth floor of Wu Wang. There are still three left in the Red Dragon, and the ground fire vine is left with only the weight of the two potions.

Qin double came out from the town demon tower, asked Qin Yunxia, ​​learned that Qinwu has not yet gone out, think about it, the outside world has only passed for ten days, Qinwu wants to go out, I am afraid at least two The time of the month. Qin double will once again enter the town demon tower.

First, the remaining ground fire vines were refined into Chilongdan, and then Qinshuang began to practice iron body forging. When she restored the strength of the body to the sixth floor of the Valkyrie, the town demon tower had passed more than a year, and the outside world had passed for a month.

Qin double stopped practicing, and she knew that it would not be so easy to increase the strength of the body in the future. The reason why she was able to reintroduce the strength of the body to the sixth floor of the Valkyrie so quickly is because she originally owned the realm, just because the weakened hippocampus fell and it was easier to restore it to nature than to improve it. .

"I don't know if the second brother has broken through to Wu Wang. He has jade liquid and Chinese spirit stone. He is not a heavenly practice, but it is not difficult to break through to the realm of Wu Wang."

"In the early stage of the eighth layer of Wu Wang, the initial strength and strength of the sixth layer of Wushen should be able to survive in this chaotic situation?"

Perceived a bit, the fire phoenix has already had the equivalent of the sixth-order monster, which is already the equivalent of Wuwang.

"So fast?"

The piano double feels lost and feels tremendous pressure. When the wood is smashed, the moon is endless, and it is carefully perceived. The endless state of the month was suddenly clear in her perception.

"Is it the third floor of the base period?"

The face of Qin double has a shocking color, but when I think about it, I feel that there is nothing strange. Although the sky wall is damaged, but a damaged sky wall is only to assist a person, this person's repair can get a rapid increase in a short time, it is not surprising.

However, in the heart of Qin double, I was more curious about the sky wall.

Open your eyes and look at the devil, you will see that the demon avatar is arranging a jade card, and there is a trace of silk around the body, which makes her figure become illusory for a while, and becomes distorted for a while.

Qin double fine sense, the face is a hi, the magical body Fengyan has reached the level of the tenth level of the Taoist division, but looking at her appearance at this time, is trapped in this realm, is seeking to break through to the master of the road realm.

When Qinqin thought about it, he took out ten December fruits and put them in front of Fengyan. Feng Yan perceives Qin's thoughts, puts up nine December fruits, takes one, and is immersed in the comprehension.

Qin double thought about it, and some reluctantly took out ten December fruits, placed them in front of the fire and Feng Ming, and then sent a message to Feng Yan in the mind.

"Take it when you understand it!"

Watching Feng Ming put away ten December fruits, Qin double left the town demon tower. Put away the array, push the door open, and see Qin Yunxia sitting on the outside bed and practicing. Perceived the floating of her body, she shook her head gently. Qin Yunxia's qualifications are really not very good, she has also given her jade liquid, but she is now the sixth layer of the Tongmai period.

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