Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 210: Rise from the ashes


Qin double once again sinks consciousness into Dantian, paying attention to the fire phoenix in Dantian. Then I saw that the fire phoenix gradually radiated a kind of death-like cold silence. As more and more energy is absorbed, the white flame on the body becomes more and more texture.

In the heart of the piano, if you can't stop it, then help me and see what happens to the fire phoenix in Dantian.

The two legs and the legs of the piano began to run the phoenix collection. Immediately, they felt that the faint ghosts flooded into their bodies. After entering their bodies, after a long day of operation, the energy converted into white rushed into the body. Dan Tian, ​​absorbed by the fire phoenix.

However, the faint wildfires are not all converted into white energy after a large Sunday operation. In fact, only half of them are converted into white energy, and half are converted into two kinds of energy, one is gray energy, one kind Transparent energy. The gray energy spreads rapidly in the body of the piano. As the gray energy spreads, the cold feeling hits the whole body of the piano and destroys the various organ tissues in the body of the piano. The kind of transparent energy is infiltrated into the soul world of Qinshuang, and enters the body of the Yinshen. There is a kind of coldness in the soul of Qinshuang, and the soul has a feeling of being frozen.

"Although I don't know if the white energy is good or bad for me, but this gray and transparent energy is obviously harmful."

Qinqin is thinking fast, she can feel that her body is getting colder and colder, and she is gradually losing her sense of silk, as if she is going to become a body.

Qin double carefully scanned his body, and his body had already suffered 2% damage. She stopped running the Fengfeng Collection, quietly sat in the compartment, observed her body and thought about the solution.

The movement in the body did not stop because the piano double stopped the phoenix collection, but the speed was reduced by half.

The wildfire is still pouring into the body of the piano, and it has turned into three different energies. Qin double has been thinking for a quarter of an hour, but still did not think of a solution, this can not control the taste of fate makes the piano double very uncomfortable.


She suddenly felt that her cultivation was improving, and she continued to improve quickly. Gradually approached the peak of the eighth layer of Wu Wang.

The peak of the eighth king of Wuwang!

Qin Shuang's cultivation finally reached a breakthrough frontage point, but this critical point seems unbreakable, and the spiritual force is constantly impacting the barriers, so that the body of the piano doubles has a "rumbling" sound.



three times!

"Boom", the barrier of the eighth layer of Wuwang was broken, and the repair of Qinshuang rushed into the middle of the eighth layer of Wuwang. And the spiritual power is still piled up, piled up, and piled up. The repair of the piano double is also in the midst of the eighth mid-level of the King of Wu.

"Twenty percent of the body has been damaged!" Qin double feels that his body is getting colder and colder. She has a feeling that if this situation continues, she will become a body.

Her heart is getting cold, her soul is getting cold, and her body is getting cold. But it left sweat on the forehead.

That is cold sweat!

"The body has suffered a quarter of damage. You must find a way and you must think of a solution as soon as possible."

"The Fengfeng Collection is useless, so what about the Xuanshui Collection?"

Qinqin immediately operated the Xuanshui Collection, an irresistible pain came, and the snoring came from the body of the piano, and the body immediately accelerated the destruction. Qin Qin double hearted, immediately terminated the operation of Xuan Shui Collection. However, there is a feeling in the heart of the piano. The Xuanshui Collection should be effective, but it is not able to effectively integrate Xuan Shui and Feng Huo, and does not comprehend the integration of Heaven.

"If the turtle is awake, it will be fine!"

Qin Double knows that the tortoise is able to perfectly merge Xuan Shui and Feng Huo, but after the turtle has absorbed the rhyme, it sleeps.

"The body has been damaged by 30%. If the damage is normal, I am afraid that I will really become a cold body?"

"The martial arts can't do it, what about the law?"

Qin double immediately drives the building base pattern in the sea, and the base pattern rotates in the sea of ​​knowledge. The power of knowing the sea is transmitted from the sea of ​​knowledge and spreads to the body of the piano.


The double body of the piano hummed, and the white and transparent energy rushed into the sea of ​​the piano. The piano double immediately felt that the sea was beginning to become cold, the transparent energy. Spreading in the sea of ​​knowledge, the sea of ​​knowledge became cold and stiff, and the white energy was absorbed by the red-red foundation pattern. The red-red base pattern changed and began to transform into a faint white.


Gongdebei suddenly vibrated and expelled that kind of transparent energy. The Qinshui’s knowledge of the sea returned to warmth, but the white energy and transparent energy in the body continued to enter the Qinshui’s knowledge of the sea, white energy. Absorbed by the base pattern, the transparent energy is expelled from the body by the merit. At this time, Qin double suddenly found that he wanted to stop the operation of the base pattern, and it became impossible. She completely lost control.

Qin double thought a little, trying to motivate the merits and see if it can expel the transparent energy in the body, but the meritorious deed is only expelled into the transparent energy of the sea, its power can not be transmitted from the sea. come out.

I don’t know how long it took, knowing that the base pattern in the sea has completely turned into a faint white, and the spiritual repair of Qinshuang has reached the peak of the eighth layer of Wuwang, and is impacting the ninth floor of Wuwang again and again. Barrier.

Forty percent of the body has been destroyed, and the piano double feels that she is heading for death, and the cold is full of her body and soul.

Damaged by forty-five percent.

Qin double felt that his thoughts were frozen and became stagnant.

Forty-six percent!

Forty-seven percent!

Forty-eight percent!

Forty-nine percent!


When the sea and Dantian vibrated at the same time, they saw a little red in the phoenix and the faint white color of the pattern.

A little red!

The whole Dantian and the sea of ​​knowledge have become vivid, and the little red quickly spread to the surrounding.


Know the sea and Dantian burning red flames

"Is this a revival of fire and phoenix?"

In the consciousness of Qinshuang, there was a sudden increase in the message of the four words of the fire. Then her heart was loose, and the body that had been sitting down softened and went down to the back.

The pair of pianos that fell on the ground slowly closed their eyes and did not move.

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