Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 216: Advance into the enemy


Qin double out of the town demon tower, the fire was divided into Feng Ming into the town demon tower, open the window to look outside. I saw that the army was rushing to the army, looking at the sights around him, and the look was a move.

"It has already entered the territory of the Kingdom of the Sun."

Asked by the driver who drove the car, Qinshuang knew that the whole string moon kingdom had been recovered. The volunteers from all over the country had their sincerity when Qinwu arrived, so in the past 20 days, Qinwu did not experience a battle. Fighting, what he has to do is to take down the various volunteers, and then select the elite, and repatriate the others to the Crescent Moon City, let Feng Zhen and Zhou Haoran relocate these people, and then go to various places to rebuild and manage the city. .

And Qin Wu is anxious to march after each time he quickly selects the elite. Therefore, in less than 20 days, it entered the territory of the Kingdom of the Sun.


There was a rushing sound in front of the piano. When the piano double-shaped, it floated on the top of the car and stared into the distance.

This is the first battle in which Qinwu entered the territory of the Kingdom of Liege.


However, there was no fierceness. When Qinwu immediately killed two martial artists, it was easy to collapse, escaped and escaped, surrendered and surrendered.

Qin double shook his head, a country that had collapsed, and was in the end of the catastrophe, and could not withstand the impact of the army. Just like the original kingdom of the crescent moon, if there is no appearance of the piano double, I am afraid that after a few months, the various rebel forces will be eliminated, and the Yueyue people will slowly become accustomed to become the people of the Liege Kingdom. Branding will slowly disappear in their memory.

Floating down the roof and returning to the compartment, she was waiting for Qinwu. In the past 20 days, Qin Wu should have obtained a lot of materials, and it should have been there many times. They were blocked by the array of their own.

Sure enough, after about an hour and a half, Qin Wu came over to the side and saw that the compartment door was open, the eyes were bright, and the figure was flying, and he was already standing in front of the door.

"Seven sisters, are you out?"

"Yeah!" Qin's eyes fell on the four storage bags in Qinwu's hands: "What's the harvest?"

"Oh, these days are a lot of gains."

As he spoke, he handed four storage bags to the piano pair. Qin double took over four storage bags and took out four empty storage bags and handed them to Qinwudao:

"The second brother is going to be busy!"

"it is good!"

Qin Wu hurried away, Qin double closed the car door and window, after starting the array, entered the town demon tower.

I took out a storage bag and found that it was some material. She picked a few, and the rest was put back in the storage bag. The storage bag was put aside and then opened. Two storage bags. In the second storage bag, there are some materials in the array. Nowadays, the devil is a three-level master, and because of the continuous supply of materials, her three-level masters are very solid. Therefore, Qin double only retains some materials from the four-level masters, and this level of material occupies a small part of the storage bag. After all of this part was given to Feng Yan, the rest of the material was put back into the storage bag and thrown aside.

Open the third storage bag, which is filled with refiner materials. Today, the fire is also a master of the Tao, but only a level, because the devil does not need to practice, all the time and energy are placed on the comprehension, and the fire is still needed to practice.

The material of the first-class master and above was left, and it was handed over to Feng Yan. The rest was put back into the storage bag and thrown to one side, and the last storage bag was opened.

This storage bag contains the materials of alchemy. The piano doubles constantly refines the alchemy, and it constantly comprehends the alchemy heritage in the seven-string space. Now her alchemy realm is not the scope of the simple warrior on the mainland and the sea. The range of the end, but the sum of the various alchemy heritages in the seven-string space.

In the town demon tower.

She has truly integrated the various inheritances of Dan Dao's realm. With the help of the December fruit, she not only integrated the various inheritances of Dan Dao's realm, but also invented her own alchemy. Although this kind of alchemy, which she named as Qin's Tanjung, is still a prototype, far from reaching the mature realm, it has already made her Chengdan rate reach 90%.


This has never happened in the alchemy world on the mainland of the warrior and the other side of the sea. The best Dan teacher is only to achieve a 40% rate, but usually it will reach a rate of 30%.

Next, Qinshuang is to understand the realm of Dan Dao masters in the Dandao inheritance in the seven-string space, and to integrate the various inheritances in the realm of Dan Dao masters to further improve his Qin Tan.

Qin double will collect the materials of the master medicinal herbs, then put the rest of the materials back into the storage bag, jumped down the compartment with four storage bags, and walked toward the rear row of carriages.

At this time, there was a group of people around the rear row of carriages. These people were sitting in front of the campfire, eating something while discussing something. When they saw the piano pair coming, they got up and prayed:

"The piano master."

"Good, everyone, I will bring you the materials."

Qin double smiles, these people are the Dan Dao, the Taoist, the spiritist and the martial artist. Of course, these people also have people who have just recruited on this road. Their purpose in the army is to constantly refine the various equipment and medicinal materials needed for the army. This has left the army with no shortage of materials. Similarly, in the course of the war, the army also seized a large amount of various materials to provide these people, so that these people can improve their realm in the process of continuous refining.

Dandao, the Taoist, the spiritist and the strategist, these four occupations are simply a career of burning money, and every profession needs to improve its own realm in a large number of practices. The army of Qinwu is undoubtedly able to do this, so this is a mutually beneficial situation.

However, this is not the most important person.

After all, these four professions are distinguished occupations on the mainland of the warriors. Most people are able to find sponsors who provide them with materials, such as the royal family of each kingdom, and each family. They do not necessarily have to choose the kingdom of the moon.

What's more, Qinwu also requires them to complete a certain amount of tasks, and some of these tasks are their own realm. They need to climb higher realms and are not willing to refine some of them. The realm of the realm, which is a waste of time and energy for them.

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