Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 218: Green onion


Qin double frowned and thought about it. He took the two swords behind him into the storage ring and walked away from the big camp. Then he walked into the air and flew to the mountains not far away.

At the foot of the mountain.

A team of about twenty people is beginning to slowly move up the mountain. These twenty people walked and searched for herbs. After discovering the herbs, they dig them out and put them in the back of the back. A young man dug a herb and put it in the back, said to a middle-aged man next to him:

"Uncle Li, we really want to enter the green hills."

Li Qinghan looked very gloomy, locked her brows and looked up at the green hills. Finally she sighed a bit:

"We have just surrendered to the string month, it is not good to violate the order."

"But..." The young man was a little anxious: "The green onion has been very wrong recently. Many people who have entered the green hills have never come out. It is said that there are monsters in the green hills."

"Lan Ying, don't worry, Li Dashu is the early stage of the martial arts. Even if there is a general monster, it is not the opponent of Li Dashu."


There was a scream of a person in front, and Li Qinghan and others changed their faces and went to the place.


A figure fell from the air and fell in front of everyone. Then he saw two big holes in the chest of the man. The blood was spurting out to the outside, and the man was dead.

"It’s Zhou Zihao!"

This person is their teammate, and everyone is shocked in the eyes. Li Qinghan quickly calmed down and looked at the two large tunnels in front of Zhou Zihao:

"It was hit by the corner, and the strength was so great that even the breastplate was pierced."


A scream, a huge voice shook the ears of everyone, and looked up, and saw a huge figure coming out of the jungle.

"Long hair giant elephant! No, when did the long hair giant elephant become so small?"

"But its teeth are longer and sharper! Not good, this mammoth has become a monster, everyone is in the line."

Li Qinghan shouted, all the people gathered around him, armed with weapons, looking at the mammoths that were coming out of the jungle, the face was full of tension.

The mammoth is a powerful beast. It is three meters tall and has a length of five meters. It has two ivory lengths of about half a meter. However, the mammoth in front of them was only less than two meters high and not as long as four meters. However, the two ivory are more than one meter, sharp as a two-handed machete.

On the surface of this situation, this is definitely not a minor mammoth, but a mammoth that is advanced as a monster. Although the body is smaller, it gives a more powerful feeling.


The mammoth saw Li Qinghan and they screamed and rushed toward them.

"scatter, side attack!"

Li Qing Han shouted, his big feet slammed on the ground, his body shape slammed out, and a big knife in his hand smashed toward the opposite mammoth.

The rest of the people spread out to the sides and then flew away toward the mammoth.


The mammoth's long teeth hit the sharp knife of Li Qinghan accurately. Li Qinghan felt a huge force coming, and his body shape could not help backwards.


At this time, the warriors on both sides attacked the mammoth, but only a wave of attacks, let the body of the mammoth flow out of blood.


The mammoth snorted, and the body was a rotation. Two long teeth passed over the waist of a warrior. The warrior was immediately cut off and the intestines flowed to the ground.


Li Qinghan's body jumped up and slammed into the head of Maomao, and opened the mouth of Maomao, and the blood was sprayed out to the fountain.

"Puff puff……"

Twenty people joined forces to finally kill the mammoth, and they sat down on the ground one by one.

"Uncle Li, you are so powerful!" Everyone admired and looked at Li Qinghan. In the fight against the mammoth, there is no doubt that Li Qinghan has occupied eight successful jobs.

Li Qinghan smiled proudly, but there was no speech. Another warrior compliments:

"Li Dashu is the first master of our green hills. With the qualification of our uncle Li, if you have the cultivation resources of Qinwu, it is already Wuwang."

"Cautious!" Li Qinghan looked around and looked around: "I was heard by the string moon army, do you want to die?"

The young man shrank his neck, his face was scared, and he looked around with a ghostly look. His face showed a relaxed color:

"Uncle Li, here are all people, nothing."

"Hey, I heard that Qinwu is not the highest person in the string month." Another youth said: "I listened to the string moon army and said that the piano is the highest person in the string month, they said Qin double Can defeat the Emperor Wu, and even fight with Wu Shen."

"Oh..." The young man laughed and said: "Blow it! We haven’t seen the piano pair. I heard that she always stays in a compartment. But we know that Qin double should be only 19 years old now. A 19-year-old woman would be an Emperor?

Don't tell me what her talent is.

We don't know anything else, but Qin double won the warrior's mainland spirits than the first place, and became a half-step spiritual master. Almost everyone knows.

You can imagine a 19-year-old man, and still a half-step spiritual master. Do you think she still has time and energy to practice martial arts?

Also Wudi!

I think she can be a warrior and she is already in the sky! Not to mention other people, your Qin double must not be Li Dashu's opponent. ”

"But... I heard that Qin double killed our king in the iron wall, and only one person killed us 100,000 elite troops."

"Do you believe this? Our king and army must have been killed in the battle with the Yaozu. How can one kill 100,000 troops?"

"That is also true, that's too myth! But... Legend has it that the Royal Palace was made into a lake by the piano."

"Take it down, you are too young, how is it possible? Who saw the piano and the palm of the hand to make the palace into a lake?"

"But... many people say that the current palace is indeed a lake."

"The demon family must be the demon."

Li Qinghan was arguing that he stopped the two people's quarrels. He said with a smile: "In any case, Qinwu is Wuwang, I am not as good as him. But Qinqin, the rumors are not credible. Don't talk about it, hurry to adjust the interest, then We left here. Return to the military camp."

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