Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 226: Miles communication



In the view of Qin Double, she saw that the seven demon people were in a line, walked through a canyon and entered another canyon, and at this time, they saw a mountain suddenly moving up, the head of the mountain. Suddenly, he lowered his head and there was a light group between the two horns. Then the light group bombarded the seven people.


The last demon family was smashed into powder, and the ball of light was still spurting forward.


Five more people were smashed into the body, and only the master who walked in the front plunged into a mountain gap and escaped the attack of the light group.


Qinqin couldn't help but **** a cold air. The power of the light ball is too great. In the eyes of Qin Double, even if he resists himself, I am afraid it is very stubborn.

The iron wall is off.

The Yaozu is madly attacking the iron wall, but these demon people who attack the iron wall are not big demon. The highest level is the equivalent of the peak of the human martial arts. Most of them are low-level demon. On the iron wall, twenty-two kings did not shoot, and the Wuwang, who belonged to twenty-two kingdoms, did not do anything. They just stood in a corner building and looked at the rear of the demon army.

"Liang Wang, the demon army has been attacking for a month. Although we can keep the iron wall off for the time being, the big demon above the demon martial arts king has never shot. What's more, according to the news we received, the Yaozu still has Wudi, Wushen, and even Wusheng. If they shoot, the iron wall will be fragile as an egg."

Liang Wang shook his head and raised his frustration in his heart. "What is the solution? Now that the big demon is in the city, even if we give up the iron wall, can we go there? And..."

Liang Wang took a deep breath: "A few days ago, the flower attackers of Wu Zongdian once said to us that Wu Zongdian and the demon have an agreement, and the two sides are fighting. We have only Wuwang, no Wudi and Wudi. The above-mentioned warrior. Therefore, at most the other party is the big demon who is in the realm of Wu Wang."

"Liang Wang, why do you say that the Yaozu will agree with Wu Zongdian's agreement?"

"It should be unsure to kill Wu Sheng on our side, especially the main lord of Wu Dongying. The Yaozu is also afraid of the top masters of both sides, and there are casualties. The interior of the Yaozu and the Mozu are not a piece of iron. If it is a Yaozu Which of the top tribes of the Mozu died, and the tribe will be annexed by other tribes, which is what they care about."

"But... even if the Yaozu only use the realm of Wuwang, we are not opponents!" Chu Wang smiled bitterly: "The Wuwang on our side simply can't beat the big demon of the same order. Why did the Yaowang of the Yaozu never do?" ”

"I don't know!" Liang Wang shook his head. "Maybe it is a Yaozu training. After all, their ultimate goal is to attack the lifeline, or they are not ready to attack the lifeline, or they are not willing to easily lose the kingdom of Wuwang. Big demon."

"Where did the flowers go to the three of them?"

"Who knows this!" Liang Wang's face was dark and sullen: "They are the people of the Wu Zongdian General Hall Tianjiaotang, who dares to ask?"

Behind the demon army, a group of martial arts-class demons sat on the grass, drinking while watching the iron wall off the war like a meat grinder. A wolf demon king looked up and drank a large bowl of wine:

"Why is this so troublesome? It’s been a month. If you let us out, you can take the iron wall off in half a day."

Another big demon smiled and said: "It is only a backhand to attack the iron wall, but here is a perfect place for the children. Yesterday, one of our tribes broke through Wuwang, hahahaha..."

In the back of this group of Wuwang big demon, there are more than a dozen great demons in the realm of Wudi, one like a demon:

"In this month, twelve children have broken through to Wuwang, and this iron wall is really a good place for children to break through."

"That is natural." A sly demon laughed and said: "There are always blood foods for the children to eat, and they can continue to temper the blood food in the body through battle, but it is a place for rapid improvement."

Beyond the dozens of Wudi’s number, the three demon-level big demons sit together, a lion demon:

"When the children broke through the iron wall, it is estimated that they can cultivate one hundred and eighty martial arts kings?"

"Oh..." A snake demon smiled two channels: "When we attacked the lifeline, there were so many Kings suddenly appearing, and the people would be shocked."

"Unfortunately!" A horse demon said: "The cultivation of the Terran here is too low, and it does not help us. We want to improve our cultivation. It seems that we have to wait until we attack the lifeline."

Beyond these three big demon numbers, there is a huge tent. At this time, there was a big demon sitting inside the tent.


The big demon suddenly stood up, opened the account, walked out, looked into the air, and saw a slender golden light in the air rushing toward him. He reached out and the golden light fell. In his hand, the golden light dissipated, and a long hair appeared. The hair was erected from the palm of the big demon and turned into a villain. It was only in the lush mountain that escaped the light ball attack. The master brother.

"God Eagle, we found the place you said, but it is very mysterious, and it is afraid to find out the secrets of this place. Also, there is a warrior here, suspected to be a martial artist, who has killed the scorpion and the snake girl. ""

The words fell, the figure of the little man turned into a mirror image, and the appearance of the skull peak appeared in the mirror image. This is followed by an image of the inner world of the skull. Finally the mirror dissipated and turned into a long hair.

The goshawk eagle looked in the direction of the iron wall. He used to be in a night, the yin gods smashed, absorbed the moon, and unwittingly wandered for tens of thousands of miles. Occasionally, the green hills were enchanting, just the yin god. It is not easy to stay out for a long time, this secretly sent several of his own subordinates, secretly sneaked into the rear of the iron wall, and went straight to the green hills. I did not expect that there was a ruin of a big demon. From the perspective of the mirror, it is not an ordinary big demon, maybe it will be a big demon in the late peak of Wusheng.

When the mind was moving, his left arm became a wing, and his right hand stretched out a feather on his wings. The face showed painful color. A sacred **** was split by him and hidden into the root. Inside the feathers.


The feather floated up and instantly turned into a goshawk, spreading its wings and flying...


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