Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 251: Mountain climbing


"I don't know what will happen after this integration?"

There is a happy color between the eyes of the piano.

"What's wrong?" Seeing the change of the piano's double look, Qin Qian asked.

"Nothing." Qin double smiled and shook his head.

"Double children!" Qin Wu’s eyes showed the color of expectation: "You said that if the four sisters heard you here, would she come?"

"Should be!" Qin did not want to nod.

Holy Mountain.

A woman is from far to near.


Under the holy mountain, a team of Wu Zongdian warriors stopped the woman. The woman stopped her body and looked at the team of Wu Zongdian in front of her eyes:

"I want to see the Lord."

A martial artist headed by "嗤..." snorted and looked at the young face of Qin Piao, with a sarcasm in his eyes:

"Wu Dianzhu can see you when you meet? If anyone wants to see the Emperor Wu, the Emperor Wu will see you, and the Emperor of the Emperor will not have to command the resistance to the demon. Go walking and hurry. Don't mess here."

Qinjiao calmly swept through the crowd in front of him, and his hands were close together.


The opposite warrior pulled out the long sword and looked at the piano arrogance.

Qin Qin's eyelids were not lifted, his hands were moving in front of him, his fingertips beating a glimpse of the spirit, and then those spiritual lines built a bird, and the piano was facing the bird:

"Wu Dianzhu, Qinjiao seeks to see."

Then the hands went up, and the colorful birds flew toward the holy mountain.

The warriors wanted to intercept, but the colorful bird had gone far away, and could not help but hold the weapon and surrounded the piano with anger. Qinqin shoulders his hands, his eyes gaze at the holy mountain, and he does not look at the warriors. This kind of temperament makes the warriors dare not rush to start, especially the ability of the piano to become a bird. fear.

The scene was so quiet that both sides were waiting for news on the holy mountain.

Above the holy mountain.

A colorful bird flies over a row of tall houses, constantly vocalizing from the mouth:

"Wu Dianzhu, Qinjiao seeks to see!"

A magnificent hall.

The two doors opened open, and a figure of a stalwart slowly slid out from the inside, looking up at the colorful bird that was hovering in the air. The gaze was shrinking and shouting:

"This Saint Wu Dongying."

The colorful bird hovering in the sky fluttered its wings and swooped down to Wu Dongying. He came to Wu Dongying's front and fanned two small wings to keep his body floating in the air:

"Wu Dianzhu, Qinjiao seeks to see."

Wu Dongying did not open his mouth. Instead, he carefully measured the colorful bird in front of him. The more he saw it, the more intense his eyes were. Although he is not proficient in the spirit, he is not unreasonable. He can see that this colorful bird is not true, but is composed of spiritual patterns.

"A high spirit of the realm!"

Wu Dongying's look was serious, and the power of the soul spread toward the sacred mountain. He saw Qinjiao carrying his hands and was surrounded by the warriors of Wu Zongdian.

"Please ask the master to go up the mountain for a while."

Wu Dongying whispered, but his voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone in the mountains. The look of those warriors is one side, retreating to both sides, and the face is showing respect.

Qin Piao slanted down the mountain road toward the mountain, above the peak, the colorful birds scattered silently, turned into silky lines in the air, and finally disappeared, which makes Wu Dongying's eyes more Sheng.

There was no sound, only one figure appeared slowly in the eyes of Wu Dongying. Wu Dongying looked at the feet of Qinjiao, and saw that every step of Qinjiao took out, his feet did not fall to the ground, and a spiritual pattern was born under his feet, which supported the body of Qinjiao.

Wu Dongying convinced the surprise in his heart, and his face showed a gentle smile:

"Piano Master, please!"

"Wu Dianzhu, please!"

Within the big hall, only two people, Wu Dongying and Qin Piao, are sitting. Wu Dongying looked at Qin Yao, and his face showed a friendly smile:

"Qin Master, are you a master of spirituality?"

"Lingzhi Guru!" Qin Yao indulged in a moment: "Okay."

"Is it?" Wu Dongying looked at him.

Qin Yao looked calmly at Wu Dongying: "I don't know what state I am today, and I don't know the specific division of the spirit level."

Wu Dongying frowned slightly, and the opposite piano arrogance was able to reach this realm. Should it be taught by Master, or at least have a secret of inheritance?

How can it be unclear about the division of the realm?


What she said just now is that the specific division of the realm of the guru is unclear. This shows that she is clear about the division of the realm below the master level.

Can it be said that her realm is only a master of spirituality?

its not right!

It is also the land of the guru to build such a spiritual bird!

"What are you...?"

"No teacher!" Qin arrogant said.

Wu Dongying looked awkwardly: "That... is this spiritual tattoo coming from peace?"

Qinjiao's eyes are as calm as Gujing, and said faintly: "I loved spirits since I was a child, and I think I am a spiritual genius..."

Speaking of this, the look of Qin Yao stunned: "Of course, my talent in Ling Wen is not as good as the seven sisters."

"Seven sisters?" Wu Dongying looks awkward, is there anyone who is more talented in Lingzhi than this person? Do not ask softly:

"Is your sister seven?"

"It is said that the Emperor Wu also knows that she is a double."

"Qin double?" Wu Dongying's eyes: "Yuehuang Qin double?"

"Yuehuang?" Qin looked at Wu Dongying with pride.

"You do not know?"

"I should know?"

The coldness of Qinjiao has made Wu Dongying a glimpse. How many years have passed, no one has spoken to him? But the things in front of me are more important, so I stare at the look of Qin Yao’s face:

"Your seven sisters, but the piano pair that won the first prize in the mainland?"

"Yes!" Qin Piao nodded: "At that time, my spiritual talent is not as good as her, and the realm is not as good as her."

"At that time?" Wu Dongying heard the difference: "What about now?"

"Now..." Qinjiao slightly wrinkled a good-looking brow, thinking for a moment, and his face showed an extreme self-channel:

"She should be worse than me."

Wu Dongying looked at the piano and looked at it: "I think you will come to the holy mountain this time, you must ask for it."

"Yes!" Qin Yao calmly nodded.

"What is it?"

"I want to enter the Spirit Tower."

Wu Dongying’s heart is a loose, but also awkward. For a spiritist, what is more attractive than the Spirit Tower?

"No, no!" Wu Dongying converges on the smile on his face and said seriously: "But, the spiritual tower of Wu Zongdian can't be used for you in vain?"

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!

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