Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 262: White spray



The hatred of the two families, as long as the other party finds the order, will definitely shoot. Xiao Wei lying on the ground is not alone, but his companion died in the process of coming out of this experience, only he escaped, but he accidentally encountered Xu Nianxian three people.

When I saw Xiao Wei, these three people naturally did not hesitate to start. The three people of Xu Nianxian originally suspected that Xiao Wei, who was awkward, would appear here alone, and he would not be killed, but he would be subdued. Then I found a water spray in Xiao Wei’s storage bag, so these people began to toss Xiao Xiao, and wanted to force Xiao Xiao to tell where the water spray was from, but Xiao Xiao was very tough and tossed. Half dead, but still did not say.

But now Xiao Xiao shouted to the piano and he knew the location of the water spray. This made it impossible for the three people of Xu Nianxian to change their look and be on guard.

The piano is also naturally discolored on the face. If there is a water spray, her Xuanshui repair will have a promotion in a short time. She has been repairing Xuan Shui, after all, Xuan Shui is now the first layer of Wuwang. However, the Fenghuo cultivation is already the third-tier peak of the Emperor Wudi. The difference between the two is too far, which will cause the spiritual power in her body to be unbalanced.

The shape of the piano double disappeared on the branches, and the three people of Xu Nianxian seemed to see a light flashing through their eyes. It is the body of the piano that is cultivated in an endless month, and the glimpse of the floating light in the light.

Qin double has already cultivated the floating light in the glimpse of the glimpse into the realm of Xiaocheng. Once it is unfolded, it is like a floating light, so that Xu Nianxian and other three people have not reacted at all. Qinqin has already stood behind them, Xiao Wei’s In front of you. Xu Nianxian three people hurriedly turned around and surrounded the piano in the middle, but the double light of the piano double just filled their hearts with jealousy, and did not dare to immediately shoot the piano.

Qin double does not seem to care about the immortal three people, just looking at Xiao Wei lying on the ground, to see his physical condition, it is obvious that the time of the three people tossing is not short, he also has vomit, sour and odor The smell makes the piano double and can't help but breathe.

"Can you still stand up?" Qin said faintly.

Xiao Wei struggling to sit up from the ground, tried a few times, wanted to stand up, but ultimately did not succeed. Looking up at the piano double, asked weakly:

"who are you?"

Xiao Yan raised his head and presented the entire face in front of the piano. Qin double saw Xiao Xiao is a national character face, although the face is full of blood, but the eyebrows can be seen between the heroic. This kind of face is not an insidious person.

However, Qin double has no pity for Xiao Wei, and no sinister does not mean no intention. Since he shouted the water spray to himself, he wanted to pull the piano into the battle, so Qin double did not have much good impression on him.

"If you attract me with white waves, you have to give me a result. Otherwise, even if I don't do anything to you, as long as I leave, I guess you will be tossed by three of them."

Xiao Yu looked up at the piano pair and said weakly: "As long as you kill the three of them, I will take you there."

The three eyes of Xu Nianxian are a condensate, and both the eyes and the tip of the sword are locked. The piano doubled his eyes and stared at Xiao Xiao, and his face showed a sardonic smile:

"Do you think I am so stupid? If you don't see the benefits, you will be used?"

"Oh," Xiao Xiao smiled weakly for two channels: "I was tossed by them for more than two hours, and I was half dead. But they didn't get a message from my mouth. They can't, you can't agree or not. Unless I am willing to say it myself."

"I am not interested in the grudges between you. I am not interested in how they toss you. I am not interested in how strong you are. I am only interested in white waves, and according to the rules, I have not cleared the trouble for you first. Responsibility, the transaction must be fair."

"Oh," Xiao Xiao’s face also showed sarcasm: "Do you think that you can still get away from it now? With the attraction of white waves, even if you don't want white waves now, you want to leave, you think Xu is thinking about them. Three will let you go?"

"Maybe you made a mistake!" Qin said faintly: "The transaction between the two of us is based on me. If I want to leave, whether the three of them can stop me is still unknown. However, If I leave, you are dead."

"I am not afraid of death. Why do you threaten me with death?" Xiao Xiao smiled.

"Don't be afraid of death?" Qin's voice was very calm, without the slightest ups and downs: "What do you do with the white waves that draw me down? You can wait for them to toss you to death."

"Oh, I understand." Qin Shuangyi suddenly realized the color: "You think that the three of them will not let me know the news of the white wave, so you shout out the white spray, not want to tell me about white The location of the waves, but let them kill me three, creating a chance to escape, even if there is only a glimmer of hope."

In the eyes of Qin double, there is a hint of mercy: "Don't think about things that are meaningless, with your own ability, there is no hope of living at all."

"I really know the location of the white wave. We come out with six people. Five people are dead there, but do you think I will tell you stupidly? You got the news of the white wave, will you still control me? ”

"No, no!" Qinqin shook his head. "You understand it wrong. Even if you tell me the location of the white wave, I won't believe it. Who knows if you lie?"

Xiao Wei’s gaze is a contraction, and a fear that has been seen has hit the heart.

"what do you want?"

"take me to."

"Ha ha ha" Xiao Xiao laughed, and laughed until he was out of breath, but Qin double looked at him quietly, there was no slight change in his eyes, Xiao Xiao’s laughter gradually became inaudible. "Whering" and panting a few mouthfuls:

"You are not naive to the point of idiots? Do you think that the three of them will let you take me away?"

"Silly is you." Qin said calmly: "They will be happy to take me wherever I go, because you don't believe it, follow us to go there. It is the best choice."

Business in the 82 s. Indulged in a moment:

"Take me a cure, I need to be able to recover, so I can take you there."

Qin double took out a healing treatment and handed it to him. The man swallowed his mouth and then sat down on his knees. He did not go to see the three people of Xu Nian, and began to exercise for medical treatment.


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