Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 270: Crystal Palace


Qin double fixedly looked at the opposite Xu Dan: "I suspect that the seal you were looking for is the door of the demon. Two years ago, I met the ink of an island in the green wilderness of the warriors on the mainland. I once found a seal with her. Later, the Mishima Island owner on your side has disappeared for a while, and it is said that he went to the mainland of the warrior. Then the demon door appeared in the green kingdom, so I suspect that the demon door is The main island of Mishima opened, I am here to seek a truth."

Speaking of this, the double voice of the piano is resolute: "The battle between the warrior and the monk is not wrong, you don't have to say it. However, for the sake of one's own self, open the door of the demon, bring disaster to the Terran, this has already Without the bottom line of the Terran, if this thing is really done by your monks, you are not worthy of the Terran, the sinner of the Terran. It is no exaggeration to kill you."

"You... is it true?" Xu Dan looked at the piano double in surprise.

"Although I don't have any definitive evidence, I can be sure that 80% of it is made by Mishima. Originally, with 80% certain, I don't have to come here to seek truth. Only after expelling the Yaozu and the Mozu, it is bound to be Do your best to defeat the Terran on your side.

It’s just that I can’t be sure that this is what Mishima did, or that the three islands led all the monks on your side. So, I am here to seek the truth. If it is only the three islands, then my enemy is only three islands. If all of you are involved in an informed situation, you will all die. ”

A few people in Xu Dan were red-faced, and at the same time, they were also dissatisfied. With the young man who came to Xu Dan, he said with disappointment:

"Why do you think that we are doing this on our side, not the door of the demon, or is the demon family breaking the door of the demon?"

"You said it is good!" Qin did not get angry, but nodded very calmly: "So, I am here to seek the truth."

The youth’s face showed a sarcasm: "I don’t think you are coming to seek the truth, but to plant it!"

Xu Dan waved his hand and stopped the young man: "This thing is temporarily put down, but I can swear in the name of Xu Jialie Zu Lizong. We don't know the truth, just obey the orders of the Three Islands."

The piano nodded and no longer spoken. She just planted a seed. She believes that the news she said will soon spread on the side of the sea. Since the island of Mishima has made such a raging thing, it should be made known to everyone.

"Qindaoyou, the old man has a request."

"You said."

Xu Dan turned his eyes to Xiao Xiaodao: "Xiao Xianyu, the place you found, there are many water sprays, or is there only one flower?"

Xiao Yan looked at the piano pair and saw the piano double does not care, then nodded:

“There are a lot, and there are many more water sprays, and there are many other precious herbs. It seems to be a ruins of a medicine garden. However, it is very dangerous. We have a total of seven people, and only I have escaped.”

Xu Dan looked unhappy and turned to the piano double track: "Qindao friends, do not know if we can go with you, Xiao Wei also said, there is a danger. We have more people, can also share some danger. ”

The piano can't be said: "If you want to go, go."

Xu Dan said with great joy: "Thank you for your friends."

Qin double stood up and said: "Then let's go."

Everyone got up, Xiao Xiao walked in front, everyone followed behind, walked for about an hour, the sky was gloomy, the clouds in the sky were like lead, and the forest appeared more dim.

There was no wind in the air, as it was enveloped in a lead-covered hood. Although these people did not invade the heat, they felt psychologically hot.

After walking for nearly two hours, the sky was already dark, and the sky was still covered with a lead cloud, which separated the stars and moons in the sky, and the darkness enveloped the entire island.

Everyone gathered the power of knowing the sea on the eyes and saw the surrounding scenery clearly. On this road, I have also encountered some monsters, but the strength of the monsters is not too strong. I don’t need Qinshuang and Xudan to shoot, so they are killed by the Xu family. Xiao Wei did not shoot and faithfully fulfilled. Take responsibility for leading the way.

At this point, they stood in front of a cliff. Xiao Yan observed it and walked to the left for about a hundred meters. Then he looked up and recognized it. Finally, he condensed:

"On the top."

When the words fell, they flew up and the air flew into the air. Qin double and others swelled up, followed by Xiao Wei.

Flying about 500 meters high, everyone saw a hole in the cliff, Xiao Xiao's figure flew into the hole, Qin double and others followed.

This is a downward passage, spiraling, as if spiraling around the interior of the mountain. Qin double followed behind Xiao Wei, while walking, whispered:

"Xiao Wei, is there any monster in this channel?"

"It turned out that there was a giant python, and it was kept at the mouth of the cave, but it was killed by us. They found the giant python, and after killing it, they discovered this passage. There is no monster in this passage. ”

Everyone heard it and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Because the road was hovering down, it took about three quarters of an hour, and everyone appeared in a cavern of a square kilometer. There are some plants in the cave. The walls are covered with green moss. There is a pool in the center of the cave. The water is clear, but it is not at the bottom.

The space of a square kilometer, everyone's eyes swept away, they can see clearly, there is no water spray here, and there are no rare herbs mentioned in Xiao Yukou's mouth. The eyes of everyone can not help but gather on Xiao Wei's body.

Xiao Wei pointed at the pool road: "Below."

Then I used the water raft and jumped. Everyone has used the slumber to separate the water from the pool and jumped toward the waterhole.

The pool was very deep. About a quarter of an hour, all the talents fell to the bottom of the pool. On the cliffs at the bottom of the pool, there was a hole that revealed a faint light. Xiao Wei walked toward the hole with the crowd, the hole was less than one meter thick, and everyone quickly passed through the hole, then stood there, his eyes showing a trace of surprise, looking at the front.

Here is a submarine valley surrounded by cliffs surrounded by vast cliffs. The valley is very large. There is a palace in the middle of the valley. The palace does not know what material it is made of. It exudes a shining treasure, like a crystal palace. .

Such a palace that exudes Yingying Baoguang has never been discovered.

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