Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 281: Mahayana Wanshan

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One negative emotion rushed toward the piano. The piano in the heart of the piano, the sound of Long Fengming creaked in the body, and all negative emotions were scattered. Qinqin easily passed the heart and robbery. It was only in her heart that she sighed and looked at the twelve-story abutment that did not fit perfectly. She knew that it would only take time to adjust.


Qin double gave a scorn, and looked at his own Dantian. He found that his phoenix fire was raised to the peak of the fourth layer of Emperor Wu, and he frowned slightly. According to her estimation, it was less than two months. At most, the Fenghuo cultivation can be upgraded to the peak of the fourth layer of the Emperor Wudi. How did it suddenly become the fourth peak of the Emperor Wudi?

After thinking a little, my heart will be amazed. This should be the welfare of my own breakthrough in the foundation period. Can not help but look at the Xuan Shui Wuxiang, that Xuan Shui Wuxiang because of the low repair, more upgrades, is already the third peak of the Wuwang period. The fire-divided Fengming has already reached the ninth floor of Wuwang, and it is necessary to break through to Emperor Wu. Because of the lack of exercises, the magical phoenix has been promoted very slowly, and the absorbed calf has the least energy. Now it is only a knot, but the foundation is very deep.

Looking down, my body did not show much impurities, just a lot of sweat. Qinqin stood up and suddenly stunned, and the power of knowing the sea swarmed out and saw thousands of monks outside. Slightly wrinkled a brow, I know that I must build a 12-story foundation. The noise is too big and attracts those people.

After thinking about it, anyway, I set up a character array, and then I entered a room, extended a hand, and operated the water attribute method, which condensed the source water and poured it into the bathtub. Then stretched out a finger into the water, running the phoenix fire method, and quickly warmed the water in the tub. Take off the clothes, wash the stains on the body into the tub, change the dry clothes, run the phoenix fire, and dry the hair, then leave the bathroom, come to the door, put away the array, Pushed open the door.

"The moon is endless?"

Xiu Xian looked at the endless moon in the doorway, and the respect and error on his face were mixed and stiff on his face.

"Yue Shimei!" Xin ran with joy and said: "You are in the room this year?"

“No!” Qin double shook his head and said: “Going out for a while.”

"You just broke through?" In the eyes of Xiu Xian, he did not know what kind of gaze he was.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

The eyes in Xiu Xian’s eyes are more complicated, and some disappointingly ask: “What is your cultivation now?”

"The eighth floor of the foundation period." Qin double can not be said to be the twelfth floor of the base period.

"You..." Akasaka’s face was pale: "What is your practice?"

Qin double looked at Akasaka: "It is an accidental method."

Qin double did not specifically say, no one asked again. Not to mention them, even if it is a sect, as long as the piano does not want to say, it will not be asked, because this is a personal opportunity of the disciple.

Xiu Xian sighed for a while, took a deep breath, and lost his confidence and returned. Because he has found the opportunity to break through, as long as he goes back to retreat, he will be able to make a decision. Looking at the piano pair, with a confident smile on his face:

"The moon is endless, I will tie the knot. I hope that you can see you as soon as possible in the area of ​​the disciple."

When the words fall, they will squat their sleeves and leave.

A female repair came to the piano and stopped in front of the piano pair. The rest was looked at the piano double, with a trace of look on the face:

"The moon is endless, I am Yuan Yingxiu, I look forward to the inner disciple, compare with you, see if you are strong, or I am strong."

"The Yuanshi sister challenged the monthly teacher!"

"Yuan Shijie is now the second disciple of the inner door! It is said that Xiu Xian is only defeating the Yuanshi sister with a weak advantage."

"That is already the old Huang Li, Yuan Shijie once publicly threatened, in the inner disciple big ratio, must defeat Xiu Xian, won the first door."

Yuan Yingxiu finished speaking, and did not wait for the piano to double back, then nodded with a smile, turned and left.

First, Xiuxian, then Yuan Yingxiu, so that Qin double is a little confused. However, Qin double did not put it in his heart, and chatted with Xin Suifeng and others for a while, and everyone dispersed. Everyone was able to gain insight when the piano double broke through. At this time, they all rushed back to retreat.

The piano flew in the direction of the Luofu Peak in two directions, and fell out in the mountains, and then made a glimpse of the fascinating body. The figure was like a light, and swept away toward Luofuzong.

Now the piano body's floating body has reached the realm of Zhongcheng, but less than two hours later, it has already stood under the Luofu Peak. Slowed down and walked toward the Luofu Peak, the cave house of Master Wanshan. When I came to the door of Master Dongfu, I touched the formation and silently waited there. I prayed that Master had already left the customs.

The gate of Dongfu opened to the sides in front of the eyes. The heart of the piano is a joy. A boy came out from the door and bowed to the piano:

"I have seen the monthly teacher."

"Master, but already out?"

"Yes!" The boy nodded: "Please come with me."

Qin double followed the boy into the Dongfu, followed the passage, and went to Master’s practice room, and saw Shimen open to both sides, and the sound of Wanzhongshan came out:

"Endless, come in."

The piano double entered the door, and the two doors behind it closed. Looking up, I saw Master sitting on a jade bed, looking at her smile.

"The disciple has no end to see Master!"

Wanzhongshan looked up and down the piano, and his face showed a satisfactory color:

"I thought that it would have been very good for you to build a base in two years. I didn't think you have grown to such a degree."

Wan’s face is full of gratitude: “Maybe you can really bear the knot in five years, the baby in 20 years, the **** in 50 years, the distraction in a hundred years, and the Mahayana, it depends on your creation. ”

In the eyes of the piano, the color of expectation is revealed: "Master, is it already Mahayana?"

"Yeah!" Wanzhongshan took a smile, then the smile turned into a big laugh: "Ha ha ha..."

"Congratulations to Master!"

"Good! Good! Hahaha..."

Wanzhongshan is indeed qualified to laugh now. Luo Fuzong, including the lord, has only four peaks in the late stage of the distraction. The four people retreat together, but only he broke through to the Mahayana period. Now he is the only Mahayana monk in Luofuzong. Has become the first elder of Luo Fuzong. And all these harvests are inseparable from the piano. It is because of the Qin double that they can walk to the thunder pool. After the quenching of the thunder pool, they get the Lei Lian, and most importantly, from Qin double got the wind fruit. Looking at the piano double in front of me, I remembered that after I received the piano as a disciple, I began to retreat. In fact, I didn’t teach the piano to do anything, and my heart was awkward, and said:

"Endless, before because of the teacher's retreat, I was negligent about you, but you have any ambiguities, even if you ask me."

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