Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 287: Xiu Xian Jie Dan

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Minorly aware of the endless months of the wood, I found that her cultivation is still the thirteenth layer of the foundation period, but the road has reached the level of the six masters. It seems that during this time, she spent all her energy and time on comprehension.

"Going back to the breakthrough, it will be repaired and the endless peace."

She has a deep resentment for her incompetence in the month. Is it a body that you can't be better than a avatar?

As a result, Qin double returned to his room and began to retreat again. She first began to break through the Xuan Shui property, because the realm is low, the time spent is not long, and the noise is not too big, only the neighbouring neighbor Xin Xin has some differences.

"The piano has broken through again? How is it so small? It must not be a breakthrough. What is it?"

"How is it like a breakthrough?"

After three days, the Qin double has made a noise, which makes Xin Xifeng even more surprised. After another four days, there was a movement on the side of the piano, and this time the voice was a lot bigger. In the room of the Qin double, there was also a whirlpool of clouds around the three-mile circle, which attracted some people around. It’s just that this kind of momentum is a lot worse than when the piano was built in the front, so that those who watched are somewhat inexplicable.

Then there was no movement on the side of the piano, but it was even more mysterious and attracted more monks. So, one monk came to the house of Qin Double.


They have not stayed here for three days, and they saw the momentum of the distant and rushing, and then the aura of the air began to flow, forming a cloud of whirlpool in the distance, and the huge funnel hangs downward. The scope of the cloud cloud whirls is also full of ten miles.

"Is this someone in the knot?"

If this is before, the person who can form the vortex of the Shili Lingyun cloud must be breaking through the knot period. But since the emergence of the Qin double, it is not sure.

"That is where Xiu Xian’s brother lived. He wants to bear Dan."

"Go! Go!"


The time of the monks around the double house was empty, and there was no one. Even Xin Feng went to the retreat of Xiu Xian.

At this time, Qinshuang has cultivated the Xuan Shui property to the third floor of the foundation period, and began to observe the last layer of the Fenghuo property. The thirteenth floor built the abutment.

Although there is only one layer, it is much more complicated than the previous three layers. The time required and the power of knowing the sea are not the same. The most important thing is that the requirements for comprehension are higher. Of course, if your comprehension is not enough, you can slowly think about it. If you can't do it once, you can do it twice, you can't do it twice, you can do it three times...

However, the piano does not want to.

She still has eight times the comprehension of her power. If she thinks about Luo Fuzong's practice, she will not spend much time, but she is thinking about the fire and the heavens that directly point to the origin of the fire attribute. And it is still the last layer, which needs to be constructed of 1,677,176,216 heavenly symbols. At this time an extremely complex and mysterious understanding. Other monks only cultivated to the tenth floor of the foundation period, and they can bear the knot. That is to say, they think about the last layer. The required heavenly symbols are only 260,140 and one hundred and forty-four heavenly symbols. Compared with the thirteenth floor of the building of the piano.

Therefore, Qin double decisively ate a December fruit, so that his comprehension has reached 12 times.

After taking the fruit of December, the speed of the double-viewing of the piano has obviously increased. One by one, the heavenly symbols, one after another, were derived from the knowledge of the sea. Even so, it took 17 days for Qin double to think about the thirteenth floor building and upgraded his cultivation to the thirteenth floor of the foundation period.

At this time, almost all the disciples in the base period of the foundation period gathered around the house of Xiu Xian. After Xiu Xian broke through the knot, he stabilized for several days. He also participated in more than a dozen foundation-based disciples to celebrate the banquet. On this day, it was his turn to leave the inner disciple area and enter the final procedure before the real disciples.

There is a rule in Luo Fuzong. After the inner disciple is married, he must preach once to the founding-based disciples, that is, to publicly teach the experience of his cultivation. As for how much you want to talk about and how deep you talk, it depends on your personal wishes. But this program has to go.

Of course, those who built the base period are not fools. Whoever speaks well and who does not speak well can still be distinguished. They will be grateful and willing to be close to the monks who have been taught to them. For the monks who only talk about the superficial Taoism, their hearts are not resentful, but they are not willing to approach, and they have a rejection mentality.

Today, Xiu Xian has nothing to hide. He is also a proud person. He is not afraid to pass on his own understanding to others. He believes that with his own talent, he will never be surpassed by these people. What they see can only be his. Back view. He did not worry at all. Now these monks who have not yet had a knot will catch up with him because of listening to his preaching. It is even more ridiculous to surpass him.

At this time, in front of Xiu Xian’s house, a high platform has been set up, and Xiu Xian’s seat is sitting on the high platform. His eyes sweep over the face below, and his heart will inevitably appear to be full of ambition.

"I have a good time! You don't know if there is any day in the garbage. Hehe..."

There was a slight disappointment in his eyes, and he did not see the piano pair from the crowd. When I think about it again, these days, the banquets that I celebrated for him, Qin double did not appear.

"She must be jealous of me! Hehe..."

Thinking of myself today, it is already the identity of the monk. The piano has been left behind, and the little bit of the piano brought him to the side is abandoned.

Don't look at the base period and the knot period, there is only one step. Xiu Xian thinks that he has opened the piano far away, but there is no mistake. There are too many monks, and this life has been stuck in the period before the knot, and I have been a base for a lifetime. There are still many monks who eventually broke through to the knot period, but they have spent too many years in the foundation period. Even if you are the peak of the late base period, it does not mean that you will be able to break through to the knot. Even if it breaks through the knot, you don't know how many years you need to grind, so Xiu Xian thinks that there is no mistake.

After sorting out the thoughts, Xiu Xian began to preach, and he learned the experience of practicing in the foundation period and the experience of breaking through the knot period. The underlying monks were very serious. Although they may not follow the same path as Xiuxian in the future, the experience of a monk in the Kyrgyzstan period is a valuable reference for them.


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