Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 293: Three strokes Zhou Wei

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"Yue Shimei, I didn't think you were so strong. I hope that is not your strongest state, otherwise you are not my opponent."

Qin double laughed: "Then please ask the brothers of Zhong."

Zhong Ze is shaking his head: "That must not be your strongest state. It is cruel to yourself, and I will beat you with my strongest stunt."

"it is good!"

Another strong burst of cheers broke out in the other side of the stage, and Zhou Wei defeated a monk who shook hands and said:

"Thank you for your guidance."

The delicate Zhou Wei smiled lightly but did not speak. The monk opposite the plane jumped down the ring.


Another figure jumped into the ring and prayed to the surroundings: "Please ask Zhou’s brother."

Zhou Wei’s face still had a faint smile and nodded lightly. The face of the monk opposite the face showed excitement and attacked the past toward the surroundings. Zhou Wei will attack the sword.

Three strokes!

The inner disciple was defeated by Zhou Weijian.

Then there was another inner disciple jumping on the ring, but it was also three moves, and the inner disciple was defeated.

Then there are three tricks!

Three strokes!

Three strokes!

Still three tricks!

Regardless of what kind of in-house disciple is up, Zhou Wei is defeating each other with three strokes. This makes the eyes of the piano double.

With Zhou Wei's understated behavior, he can't beat the opponent and can't take three moves. He can beat the opponent with one stroke, but he always has three moves.

"He is what Huang Cai said in his mouth, the one who has a big adventure!"

Qin Shuang’s heart also raised a hint of curiosity. Regaining his gaze and looking at other platforms, the top of the platform is still hot. Until dusk, I finally calmed down, and no one ever challenged the 100-seat platform.

On the top of the 100-seat platform, a personal shadow was fluttering, and the evening glow fell on them, as if wearing a layer of colorful armor.

Above the high platform.

An elder stood up and snorted and said: "Give you a time for the adjustment of the time. After an hour, the top ten begins."

On the top of the 100-seat platform, many people sat down on their knees and took the medicine and began to adjust their interest rates.

However, there are also a dozen people who still hold hands and do not have a little bit of interest.

These people are Qinshuang, Yuan Yingxiu, Zhong Ze and Zhou Wei, and so on. No one has challenged them any more, so they have already resumed their cultivation. At this time, they all held their hands and stood down, slightly lowered their eyes and adjusted. Your own state keeps your state at its peak.

After an hour.

The elders above the high platform shouted again: "The top ten begins."


Then I saw a hundred blocks of the platform gathered in the middle, and they smashed into a huge platform. One hundred Luofuzong inner disciples stood on this huge platform.


Then I saw that the ten detachments had left the huge platform and flew into the air, floating in the air. The monks on these ten platforms are the first to determine that no one will challenge. Among them, there are piano pairs.

The rules of the Top Ten are still the same as the Top 100, and everyone competes for the downfall until no one challenges.

The top 100 monks are the inner elite, and the worst is also the ninth floor of the foundation period. It’s just that the inner disciples who stand on the top of the volley of the volley are stronger!

Someone constantly went up to challenge the ten people, but no one succeeded. It was only less than two hours, and the ten monks no longer had the challenged monks.

The ninety downfalls below were constantly shrinking, and then flew toward the elders on the high platform. They were collected by the elders and there were only ten collapses in the air.

The next one will decide the top five, and every two monks on the top of the ring will kill and kill. The winning person enters the top five.

No designation, no lottery, it is a voluntary challenge.

When the crowd was still expecting the two people to collide, they saw a Song Shi poem on the top of the platform offering a frost sword and shouted to the piano:

"The moon is endless, please!"

Song Shishi issued a challenge. The collapse of the two men began to gather in the middle. The "bang" collided together and formed a bigger downfall.

A ten-foot frost giant appeared on the platform. The frost giant was filled with ice ribs and had a visual impact. Around it, a layer of frost appeared on the platform. Song Shishi stood on the huge head of the Frost Giant, holding a frost sword and a sword.

On the side of the right arm of the piano, the white jade-like sea sword will come out and she will grab the hilt. Knowing the sea, the green building base circled, and I thought of a green dragon, surrounded by the double body of the piano. Two dragon claws were placed on the shoulders of the piano pair, and a faucet was found from the head of the piano.

Qinglong Shentong: Qinglong development.

The right hand still holds the Dinghai sword, but the left hand is a stroke and a guide. The grass everywhere rises and rises into the sea of ​​swords, and it is bombarded toward the huge frost giant. Only in an instant, the huge frost giant would burst into flames.

Under the sun, the snow and ice map the colorful light, and in the colorful light, the frost sword spurt out and went straight to the double-sided door.


A dragon, a dragon coiled around the body of the piano, rushed to the frost sword, the huge green dragon and the frost sword constantly collided, and the sword light fluttered under the morning glow.

The Qinglong, which is made up of the power of the sea, entangles the frost sword. The piano is approaching the poetry of Song and poetry in two steps. Each step, the momentum will increase by a point. In the twinkling of an eye, it has already come to the front of Song Shishi.

In the hands of the Dinghai sword, a sword squats, the sword sounds, and the ice sword is collapsed. Song Shishi uses the power of the sea to control the frost sword, while looking at the opposite side, he sees the double fist of Qin double toward her chest. The bombardment came over and coiled a green dragon on her arm. The left fist of the piano double was shrouded in the dragon's mouth, like a dragon swallowing pearl.

Song Shishi hurriedly raised a punch and greeted Qin Zuo’s left fist. However, I saw the double left fist of the piano, and the hand that caught the poem of Song Shi, it was like a dragon biting her arm. Subsequently, the piano double arm, turned, and Song Shi poetry was danced in front of the piano, drew a circle in the air, and slammed down to the ring.


The floating platform was shaken up and down in the air. Song Shi’s eyes turned over and he was stunned by the piano.

There is silence under the ring, everyone can clearly hear their heartbeat.

His eyes were taken back from the poems of Song poetry lying on the top of the ring, looking toward the other four platforms. I saw Yuan Yingxiu at this time, and Zhong Ze had already ended the battle. At this time, the second move was started around, and then the third move defeated the opponent.

It is the double piano, and the eyes are not shrinking. Even for Yuan Yingxiu and Zhong Ze, after reading them a few games, there is about one bottom. However, this week, regardless of who met, and whether the other party is strong or weak, always three defeats, it is incomprehensible.

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