Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 295: Man and gun

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Qin doubled and nodded: "My sword is made from Dinghaimu. Bell brother is careful!"


On the other side, Yuan Yingxiu and Zhou Wei's collapse were separated. Zhou Wei did not wait for Qinshuang and Zhongze to fight, and the Fujian and Taiwan flew to Zhang Taiyue. The "bang" sounded together with Zhang Taiyue's collapse.

The piano does not move!

Zhong Ze does not move!

The momentum of the two people is constantly increasing, like two masters.


Zhou Wei and Zhang Taiyue over there have already played against each other.

The two sons of Qin and Zhong Ze still remain motionless, but the momentum of the two men began to collide with each other.


Only the momentum collided, so that the space gave birth to a circle of ripples, oscillating and spreading around.


On the other side, Zhou Wei and Zhang Taiyue have already played the second move.


Zhong Ze’s big foot stepped forward and his hands were twisted with a big gun. The big gun shook out countless afterimages, and the remaining shadows turned into thirty-six pythons, spurting toward the piano.


A dragon dragonfly, the blue dragon behind the piano double eyes round. The thirty-six pythons showed the color of fear, and the physique of the singer to the piano was in the air.

On the other side, Zhou Wei’s long sword has quietly stood in the throat of Zhang Taiyue. Zhang Taiyue's face is gray and low, and the road is low:

"Thank you!"


The two squats were separated from the middle, and Zhou Wei took the sword and stood, looking at Qin Shuang and Zhong Ze.


A sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu’s sound, Zhong Ze’s big shot, the body shape crossed over the 36 pythons, and the big gun was inserted into the chest.

"Taigu giant wood!"

When the two hands of the piano are lifted up, there is a large giant wood rising from the ground, and there is a pattern of lines on the top, which exudes a sense of silence. The double body of the piano hovered, the long legs were raised high, and one kicked on the Taikoo giant wood, and the giant wood rushed toward Zhongze.

The big gun in the hands of Zhong Ze suddenly violently rotated, like an electric turn.


The sharply rotating big gun got into the giant wood, and Zhong Ze suddenly released the hands of the gun, and the palm of his hand was shot at the end of the gun.


The big gun broke through the Taikoo giant wood and spurred toward the piano. Behind the big gun, it was the body shape of Zhong Ze, striding toward the piano double, and the body shape brought a loud sound like a thunder. The monks who had been repaired as low were dizzy.

On the other side, Yuan Yingxiu has already rushed toward Zhang Taiyue. Her heart is full of anger and needs to be vented. Therefore, after seeing Zhou Wei defeated Zhang Taiyue, he did not wait for Qin Shuang and Zhong Ze to win the game, and they had to fight with Zhang Taiyue.


The two platforms were linked together, and Yuan Yingxiu’s figure had already rushed up, and he fell to Zhang Taiyue’s sword.


On the top of the double head of the piano, the blue dragon mouth vomited, and the Dinghai sword in the mouth spurred out like a white light, colliding with the gunpoint of the golden big gun. At the same time, the piano two-way opposite the Zhongze sleeves. I saw nine ancient vines entwined, each of the ancient giant vines is like a dragon.


The sour and harsh sound of the squeaking in the air is the collision of the sea sword and the golden rifle in the air. At the same time, the Taikoo giant vine, like the nine green dragons, has already rushed to the front of Zhong Ze.

Zhong Ze’s body suddenly became illusory. When he appeared again in the next moment, he was far away from the nine Taikoo giant vines and reached out. The golden rifle returned to his body and screamed:

"Look at me stirring the mountains!"


The golden rifle suddenly magnified and turned into a golden giant python with a horn on the head and slammed down against the piano.

The nine Taikoo giant vines greeted them, but they were smashed by the golden giant python and swooped down toward the piano. The body of the piano doubled into a flash of light.

With the bang, a huge hole was blown out of the ring, and the figure of the golden giant python disappeared into the big hole. The heart of the piano double jumped, and the figure suddenly rose into the air. At her feet, the ring burst open, and the golden giant screamed out, opened her mouth and bite into the piano.

The piano doubled with one hand and held the Dinghai sword in the hand, facing the bottom. The heavy Dinghai sword is on the horn of the golden giant.


In the huge roar, the golden giant python was shot down on the ring.

The look of Zhong Ze is a change, becoming dignified and abnormal, looking at the Qin Double Road:

"The moon is endless, I am not able to take full control of the trick I made below. You are careful."

The piano nodded and looked serious. I saw that Zhong Ze’s hands were constantly condensing, and the golden python was turned into a long gun. The sound of “锵” was inserted in front of Zhong Ze’s body.

With the changes in the hands of Zhong Ze, his figure became illusory. Raised his right foot and headed for the big gun. His body went into a big gun and integrated a big gun.

"People are united!"

Above the high platform, the faces of the elders are shocked.


The big gun changed and turned into a human figure, a golden giant. The head is a gun tip, the arms are also the tip of the gun, and the two feet are also the tip of the gun, rushing toward the piano double, the speed is as fast as a golden lightning.

The piano doubled back and forth. At the time of the retreat, two straight and slender thighs were continuously kicked out. One of the ancient Taimu giants was born, and was kicked out by Qinqin and went to Zhongze "Rumble".

The two arms that turned into the tip of the gun, like the forearms of two skeletons, smashed a giant Taimu giant under the wielding of Zhong Ze. A thigh whirlwind danced like a golden whirlwind, whistling away toward the piano.

Qin Shuang's gaze condensed, his body circling like a crane dance, rushing up, the Dinghai sword in his hand danced a circle of white light, and Zhongze constantly slammed together, and a dense explosion on the ring. At the same time, the left hand touched the road, the grass on the ground rose from the ground, gathered into a sea of ​​grass, and spread toward Zhongze.

Above the high platform.

All the elders' eyes were gathered on Zhong Ze's body, and their eyes were burning.

"Zhong Ze actually cultivated into a real person and gun in the base period, and the endless months will be defeated."

"Not necessarily, I watched that Zhong Ze only reluctantly cultivated adult guns. I didn't say that the power did not reach the real man and the gun, but the time could not last long. If the piano can hold on, it will be lost. ""

"But, can she hold on?"


Countless grass swords were smashed by Zhong Ze. He was like a shredder. Everything that was close to him was smashed by him, and his body was turned into a golden light, chasing the doubles in the ring.

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