Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 299: the first

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In the Xiao Zhoutian array, Xiao Zhou Tian Jian, who was scored by Qin Qin in each side of the flag, burst forth with the small Zhou Tianjian. Blended into a giant sword. On the sword of the giant sword, the stars are a little bit, hovering and flying, like thousands of stars doing small weekdays, the trajectory of the mysterious is wide.


Zhou Wei’s field came out with a bang, and the sky, the earth, and the palace had cracks that quickly spread like spider webs.


Above the high platform, above the ground.

All the people were nervously looking at the huge palace above the ring. Although they are nervous in their hearts, they are not worried. In their hearts, Qin double entered the field of Zhou Wei, and he will lose. What they care about is how long can Qinqin support?

In the field of Zhou Wei, Zhou Wei is the master, the heaven. Naturally, it will not hurt the life of the piano. So there is nothing to worry about.

"Do you think that the endless months can persist in the time of rest?"

"The moon is endless and strong, I feel that I can stick to the time of the three interest."

"It has been two!"


The sound of cracks came from the palace above the ring, and they saw that the palace was covered with cracks.

"How come?" The elders are wrong.


A loud bang, the huge palace above the ring burst, and a figure spurred out like a projectile. The air spurted blood and fell heavily on the ground. It was already in a coma.

"Yes... Zhou Wei?"

Looking at the fainting Zhou Wei lying on the ground, all the people are wrong expressions.

“How could someone break up the field?”

The elders on the high platform stood up and their faces were nervous. Although they did not comprehend the field, they knew that once the field of the monk was broken by others, there was a danger of life.


The elders on the high platform flew down the high platform and landed around Zhou Wei’s body. After a sweep of the gods, they spit out a long breath. Zhou Wei was very hurt, but he did not have the worry of his life.

"The moon is endless!"

Everyone has a jump in their hearts. Zhou Wei is like this. If there is no end to the moon, will it not happen?

These two people are the pillars of the Zongmen, and they cannot do anything.

Looking at the top of the ring, the chaos of the spirit dissipated, a white figure appeared, the clothes and hair were a little messy, and his face was slightly pale.


All the people were relieved, and the eyes that looked at Qin double were also full of respect.

This is a person who can beat the field!

The inner door disciple was over, and Zhou Wei was sent away for healing. The piano double sat directly on the platform, swallowing the medicinal herbs and adjusting the interest, while recollecting the battle and sorting out his own income.

The two-patterned Bishuidan and the weak-water Dan of the Qinshuang are all high-grade medicinal herbs. Soon, the functions of the piano double body have returned to the peak state.

It was time for the piano to open its eyes. There was no one around. Only one elder stood in front of her and looked at her with a smile.

"never mind?"

"Well, it's okay!"

"How did you break the field of Zhou Wei?"

"Because I also understand the field."

"Do you also understand the field?"

"Well, I just realized a little fur."

The elder's face showed an envious color. He did not understand the field, but did not expect the inner disciple to meet two.

"Give!" The elder brought a storage bag and said: "This is a reward for your inner disciple." The last reward is to go to Lingbingfeng to pick a spirit. Three days later, you go directly to the spirit. Bingfeng."

"Thank you elders!"

The elders waved their hands and reached out to grab their feet. The platform under the feet of the two men turned into a streamer and gathered into his sleeves and flew away.

Qin double also returned to his place of residence, and he saw Xin Suifeng, Huang Caiyi, Gaozhonglou and Akasaka standing in front of their own doors. When they saw the double body of the piano falling, the four people greeted them.

"Congratulations to the monthly teacher."

“Thank you!” Qin double looked at the four of them and said: “Is there something?”

On the face of Xin Fengfeng, there is a sigh of color: "Yue Shimei, we want to... Can we five people team up and go hunting and kill the beast? You can rest assured that you get the big beast."

The piano double sighed a little and said: "In a few days, I am afraid I have to retreat and prepare for the knot."

"You, you, you... are you going to tie the knot?" Xin looked at the piano with the wind and stumbled, stuttering.

"Well, I feel that I have found the opportunity to end the knot."

"That... don't bother!"

Xin Suifeng four people left, the back is a little hasty.

After entering the room, Qinqin took the storage bag out and explored the power of the sea. There are a thousand understones, one hundred solid bases, and ten quenching fruits.

The piano doubled his mouth, and the rewards were that one thousand of the lower spirits were still useful to her. Gujidan and quenching the fruit had no effect on her.

"Give them to the little fat guys. The quenching fruit is useful to them. Gujidan, although they still can't use it, can exchange for other spirits."

The piano double opened the door and flew away. Soon he came to the bamboo forest and fell. The eyes swept over the bamboo forest, and there was a hint of appreciation in the eyes. At this time, there is a formation in the bamboo forest, which is already the level of the master of the martial arts.

"This little fat man is really a madman! Maybe she can really get into the road in the future."

Qin double's current level of the road is far higher than Xiaofei Zifei, the magical body Fengyan is already a five-level master, and Qin is naturally a five-level master. It was easy to break the formation and stepped in.

"Who broke my formation?"

I heard an unbelievable call from the depths of the bamboo forest, and a figure flew.

"Boss?" Xiaofeizi Xiaofei looked at the piano and stayed, then he opened his arms and rushed toward the piano. "Boss, I want to die."

The piano doubled up one foot and the little fat man stopped.


Merlin, Yang Ying and other people quickly swept away.




"All right!" Qin double music said haha.

"Boss, I heard that you won the inner disciple first?"

"Yeah! No, I got some rewards. I can't use them, I will bring them to you."

“Really?” Six people’s eyes were shining.

Several people came to the original room of Qin Double. Qin Double gave Gu Jidan and quenching fruit to several humanities:

"This Guji Dan, although you can't use it now, but don't change it to other medicinal herbs. It's enough for you to break through the base period with half of it. The rest will be used after building the foundation."

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