Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 305: Piano double preaching




On the Luofu Peak.

"You disciple is not simple!" Yang Yingtian looked at the clouds in the air and said softly.

"I hope she can become the pillar of Luo Fuzong."

After three hours.

The whirlpool of the clouds in the sky dissipated, and Qiu Huang got up and came to the front of the Qinshuang, standing with his hands.

After about two quarters of an hour, the door "Oops" opened, and the piano double saw Qiu Huang with a smile.

"Sister Qiu, how come you?"

"Let you borrow your light!"

"The brothers are laughing!"

"I really didn't laugh, let's talk?"

"it is good!"

Two people walked side by side in the eyes of everyone.

Three days later.

In front of the double house, a high platform was built. Thousands of monks sat under the high platform and looked up to the piano double on the high platform. After two days of banquets, today is the time when Qin double preaching. After the sermon, the piano can enter the real disciple area.

Now Qin Qin's understanding of Heaven is more than when she preached in the Iron Wall City. Now she has both the fire attribute and the wood attribute, and the water property has reached the sixth floor of the foundation period. The most important thing is that her fire attribute and water attribute are all made up of the heavenly pattern. This is almost the source of the heavens, the realization of the knowledge, pointing to the source, not the other monks of Luofuzong. Moreover, he realized the Xiao Zhoutian Kendo, which is a fusion of martial arts and Confucianism. Although her cultivation is only the Emperor Wu and the Dandan period, her mood has long been different.

Her preaching is different from that of Xiu Xian. The preaching of Xiu Xian is only between the foundation period and the knot period. It is not a real knot period. After all, he has just finished Dan. Before the Qinshuang did not have a knot, her understanding of Tiandao has already surpassed the knot period, and the body has touched the edge of the Mahayana period. After all, her soul realm has reached Wusheng, just because of the relationship between the law and the martial arts. There is still a difference. Qinqin is still unable to integrate the two aspects, so that although he touched the edge of the Mahayana period, he could not enter.

Sitting on the preaching platform, looking at the thousands of hopes underneath, especially when I saw Qiu Huang sitting under the preaching platform, Qinqin shook his head slightly, sorted out his mood, and began to open his mouth. I am coming.

At the beginning, Qin Shuang also explained step by step, explaining the experience of his cultivation in the foundation period and the understanding of the knot. But as she sorted out all aspects of her own income and spoke out from the mouth, she gradually pointed to the origin of heaven.

Qin double is weak in the aspect of Fa Dao. After all, she really started to learn for only two years. The various legal traditions of contact are only refining and foundation period, although there are profound and profound inheritance in the blood piano space. But the **** heritage is different from the inheritance of this world. The inheritance of this world has moved to a different path.

And she has not fully integrated the two roads, but only a combination of some fur, but the inheritance of the bloodqin is too strong, too much inheritance belongs to the fairy, far higher than the level of this continent. And the piano double is still the ten masters, which is equivalent to the level of Wu Sheng and Mahayana. Similarly, she is still a ten-time master, and is equivalent to the level of Mahayana and Wusheng. After the last sermon in Tiebi City, it caused the resonance of Tiandi Avenue, allowing her to find opportunities for integration in several aspects, blending some fur. With this sermon, she has further understanding and integration of several aspects of the heavens, and she has completely immersed herself.

The so-called avenue cannot be said.

When the piano double gradually communicates with the heavens, it resonates with the heavens and merges with the heavens. If you are just an ordinary person, floating on the surface and listening to the piano, you can’t hear it, it’s just one. The connected monosyllabic can't be linked at all, forming a complete sentence.

However, these monks who know how to cultivate are different. It is not important that these individual sound energy can't be combined into one sentence, because each single syllable contains a glimpse of the sound of the avenue, just like Hong Zhong Da Lu, the beautiful and the beautiful.

As the syllables are spit out from the mouth of the piano, they are built into a lotus dance with the silky clouds.

If the lotus is!


The heavens and the roads are in harmony, the rhythm is like a dragonfly, the sky is falling, and the sound of the piano double is like a fairy voice...

At this moment, Qin double has touched the source of the avenue. All aspects of the school have been merged. She is preaching, but her voice seems to open the door of the avenue, opening the door of the avenue and seeing a A new world. The whole body is shrouded in the rhyme, forming a circle of rhythm and spreading around. The rhythm of the rhyme smashes through the body of a monk, so that every monk is bathed in the rhyme, and the face is The color of intoxication is as crazy as crazy.

The martial arts mastered by Qinshuang on the mainland of the warrior, the martial arts obtained through the inheritance of the **** piano, learned the Fadao in Luofuzong, the law obtained through the inheritance of the bloodqin, the Confucianism and Taoism of the Ten Doufeng Peak, the ten shadows The sound path of the peak, the painting of the master's peak, and the master-level instrument, Dan Dao, the road and the road, it seems that the ice that originally did not meet the boundary melted, melted into a mass of water, infiltrated and merged with each other... ...

"Thousands of changes come from the source, and the flow returns to the ancestors..."

Qinqin’s integration into the avenue is much deeper than when he preached at the Iron Wall City. This is because her martial arts and the law have been refined, so that her power of understanding the sea, the power of the soul, and the spiritual power are madly tilted outward to communicate with the road.

The main theme of her last sermon was the martial arts. The most consumed is the power of the soul. The theme of her preaching this time is the law, and the most consumed is the lack of power to know the sea. And her power of knowing the sea and the power of the soul are much less than this. The mouth of the lotus, the sound of the avenue of flying, just lasted for three years, and the power of the sea of ​​Qin is exhausted. It is.

Knowing the sea and hurting, the heart of the piano doubles stops. The mind retired from the immersion, and hurriedly took out a weak water Dan and two stripes of Bishui Dan, and closed his eyes and adjusted.

The rhythm of the silk is dissipated, but the sound of the avenue of less than three interest has not spread far, but it has covered thousands of monks. At this time, thousands of monks are immersed in comprehension.


Qin double spit out a breath, a weak water Dan made her exhausted sea as if he had met Ganlin, and took out a weak water Dan, and sighed in his heart.

"After the success of the knot, my knowledge of the sea has once again expanded, which is equivalent to the distraction period. This kind of knowledge of the sea reserves, but still only adhere to the three interest. Repair is still not enough!"


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