Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 335: Secret

The main purpose of her coming here is to find Cabernet Sauvignon. She can go shopping slowly, just to find out what is being sold in the shops here. If they are satisfied, they will buy some.

The closest thing to Qinqin is a shop selling scarves and beasts. If the price is cheap, she will buy some and put it in the town demon tower.

However, when she went in and inquired, the body of the Yaozu is really not cheap, and it is still divided and sold, and the prices of the various parts are different. Qin doubles and shakes his head to leave, buy here, it is better to kill yourself.

The piano double went to a shop and went shopping for a whole day, until dusk, and did not look at one thing. With the cultivation of the piano doubles today, there are not many things that she can see, and it is difficult to see on the street.

Out of a shop, there was a trace of regret on his face.

Suddenly, her heart moved.

The demon world has never been there, should there be a lot of precious herbs? Moreover, the Yaozu alchemy teacher is very rare. If you give a reward as Fengming, you should be able to acquire the Cabernet Sauvignon?

"It seems that I have to go back to Fengming City...

Do not!

Still go to the first fort to find Yu Yue, let him help, it should be a lot smoother. ”

Qin double did not have a ride, she is not able to break through here, so the time is the most. Walk along the way, admire the surrounding scenery, and head toward the east.

The sky gradually darkened, and a curved string hangs on the sky, and everything around it becomes smashed. There are fewer and fewer people around, and when the doubles walked from the Southern District to the streets of the Eastern District, the entire street was empty.

Bathed in the moonlight, Qinshuang’s mind relaxed and his mood improved.

The moonlight seemed to sway a bit, and a figure appeared on the opposite side of the piano pair, the white robe jade face. The look of Qin double is a stagnation. The white robe jade face young man pointed at the piano and sorrowfully said:

"You betrayed the alliance..."

This time, the piano did not panic, but after a slight stagnation, he calmed down. Her heart swirled rapidly and screamed:

"Yang Linglong is no longer there!"

The white robe jade face suddenly stopped, as if he had been fixed halfway, standing there motionless. Qinqin looked hesitant, went forward, and extended a hand to shoot the shoulder of the white robe jade face youth. Her hand passed through the shoulder of the white robe youth.

"Sure enough, he doesn't have a real body."

Qinshuang’s hand touched the shoulder of the white robe youth, and seemed to wake up the young man. The young man then took a step back and looked at the piano.

"You said that Yang Linglong is gone?"

Qin double vomited a breath, this white robe youth can no longer grieve, and does not always say that sentence, that is, can communicate, nodded:


"What does it mean when it is gone? Is she dead?"

"Before answering your question, should you introduce yourself first? Right, my name is Qin Double."

"My name is Bai Guanyu." Speaking of this, Bai Guanyu's face showed a proud color: "I am one of the 18 heroes, and Xiaoyao Jianhao is me."

“Can you tell me what happened to you?” Qin said softly.

"You first tell me that Yang Ling is not here. What does it mean?" Bai Guanyu stared at the piano pair.

"She has broken the void and went to the fairy world."

"Oh..." The white-crowned jade took a moment, then he laughed, his voice grew louder and louder, and then he laughed wildly, and the screaming laughter echoed in the night sky.

"Damn, you shut me up. You will recruit people."

"How about recruiting? They are just a bunch of ants in front of me."

"Shut up! Do you think you are still the original Xiaoyao Jianhao? You are dead, now you are just a trace of obsession."

Qin double has heard the footsteps of the patrolling warriors, and once they have swept, they rushed into a nearby alley and ran out.

"I am just a trace of obsession?"

Bai Guanyu muttered to himself and raised his own hands.

"How can I be a little obsession?"

His gaze became firmer and he looked up at the depths of the street in the night.

A rush of footsteps came, and a team of patrol warriors appeared in his field of vision. The white crown jade was like a sword, and the fingers were drawn in the night.

A pair of trains spread like a moon, and a team of patrols on the opposite side had not had time to react, and they were all swayed by laziness. "砰砰" fell to the ground, and blood and internal organs flowed to the ground.

However, the face of Bai Guanyu is a panic. The original solid body became illusory after the attack. He looked down at his translucent hands.

“How could this be? How could this be?”

The shape of Bai Guanyu suddenly disappeared in the night.

Qin Double finally stood opposite the resident of the Daqin Empire, spit out a long breath and walked toward the gate. The guards saluted her, and she nodded, walked into the door silently, returned to her own courtyard, walked into her room, closed the door, and arranged the array, which turned to look around:

"White crown jade, are you coming?"

A person with 80% solidification and 20% transparency appeared on the opposite side of the piano pair. Qin double looked at him:

"You shot?"

"Yeah!" Bai Guanyu nodded, then looked down at his hands and found that he had a generally transparent hand. At this time, he had already had 80% solidification, and his face was a happy one:

"I am recovering!"

The piano double sighed and sat in the chair: "You are obsessed, as long as you are not broken up by the power, you have a chance to recover."

Bai Guanyu silently sat down, sitting slowly opposite the piano double. As if in general, the piano double speaks, just looking at him quietly. Half-sounding, Bai Guanyu did not look up, just said:

"At the beginning, our **** warriors and Yang Lingling alliances drove the monks. When they were in the alliance, the two sides promised to share the resources of the warriors after they drove the monks.

Later, we finally achieved victory, and the monks were driven away from the mainland. The Warrior continent has become a paradise shared by ordinary warriors and **** warriors.

At the beginning, everything went smoothly and everyone followed the promise. The warrior continent has entered a rare development of peace and prosperity.

This kind of life has gone on for ten years, and then Yang Linglong disappeared. No one knows that she went there. At first everyone thought that she was a secret retreat, ready to break the void. At the beginning, there were people talking about her, but as time passed, she gradually became more forgotten. ”

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