Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 345: sell


At this time, the Yaozu on the street has begun to increase. Most of the Yaozu are rushing outside the gates. They are going to kill the Terran. In the ear, I heard those who are talking about the doubles in the mouth of the demon. Some of them are enchanting other demon. If you encounter the double, you must flee as soon as possible. Some demons are dissatisfied, clamoring to go to the meeting for a while.

Qin double smiles from their side and enters a shop.

The shops of the Yaozu are not so much more stressful, unlike the shops of the Terran, which are very detailed. Danpu is Danpu, the shop is the shop, and the shop of the Yaozu is a hodgepodge, everything is sold inside, and everything is collected.

Qinshuang had almost visited the shops of the First Fortress yesterday, and had a general understanding of these shops, so she went directly to the largest store in the First Fortress. It is said that the boss behind this shop is Phoenix dance. Fair prices, good reputation.

Qin double walked into the door of the shop, a fox demon greeted him, and smiled:

"This adult, what do you need to buy?"

"Let your management come."

The thick demon of the piano pair made the fox stunned and hurriedly said: "Adult, please come with you."

Qinqin arrogantly nodded, followed the fox demon on the second floor, into a separate room, the fox demon asked the piano to wait a little, then retired.

Qin double's ability to know the sea spread out, scanned the entire room and found that the room was actually equipped with soundproofing, it seems that the boss behind the shop may be really a phoenix dance. In addition to the soundproof ban, there is no other ban, which makes the piano double.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the door was opened and a middle-aged fox came in. The nose sniffed and sniffed, and the smell of the Feng nationality was smelled from the body of the piano. The look immediately became respectful and politely to the piano.

"See friends!"

Qin double also said: "How are you?"

"Below is the treasurer of Fenglin Pavilion, Hu Xiangxiang, dare to ask your name?"

"Feng Ming."

"Feng Mingdao friends, what do you want to buy? As long as the Yaozu has something, we must have a Fengling Pavilion."

"No! I came to buy things." Qin double took out a small jade bottle and placed it on the table: "Look at this drug first."

“Dan Yao?” Hu Xiangxiang’s eyes lit up, and he picked up the small jade bottle from the table. After opening it, his face showed a color of laughter and laughter:

"Adult, you are... joke?"

"No kidding." Qin said faintly.

"But... this is just an apprenticeship."

"I know!" Qin nodded and said: "You tell me, you can't accept the apprentice-level medicinal herbs?"

"Accept of course, you know, although we can not use these demon in the mainland of the warrior, but we demon world, there are still a large number of low-level demon, there are a large number of newly born demon, such an apprentice level Dan Medicine is right for them. We also collect such remedies here and send them back to the demon world regularly."

"That's good!" Qin nodded and said: "You say a price."

Hu Xiangxiang looked at the medicinal medicine in his hand, and his face showed a bitter smile: "Fengming Daoyou, such an medicinal medicine, ten lower-grade Lingshi for one, just... you only have one remedy."

Qin double listened to this price, my heart was amazed, did not think that the medicinal herbs in the Yaozu so valuable, ten apprentice-level medicinal herbs can be exchanged for a lower-grade Lingshi. After comparing the price of my own investigation yesterday, I feel that this price is very reasonable, and I took out twenty-six small jade bottle roads:

"You are looking at these remedies."

Hu Xiangxiang is a move in her heart. At this time, she does not think that Qin Double has only one medicinal medicine. She also understands the mind of Qin Double. People just look at the price. If it is appropriate, they will trade with themselves. This time, Hu Xiangxiang played a spirit, a bottle and a bottle to see the past, each bottle contains only one medicinal medicine, and they are all apprentice-level remedies, but the types of medicinal herbs are different.

After reading it, Hu Xiangxiang's eyes sparkled, and the heart was dark. Although these medicinal herbs are all apprentice-level, the types are complete and the quality is quite high. If they can be large, they can be sold back to the demon world. Reach out and pull the three jade bottles to one side, pointing to the remaining twenty-four jade bottles:

"These medicinal herbs, ten for a piece of the next stone."

Then one of the three jade bottles was taken out: "This is a return to the spirit, five for a piece of the next stone."

Finally, pointing to the detoxification Dan and healing Dandao in the two jade bottles: "These two kinds of medicinal herbs, two for a piece of the lower stone."


When the piano waved, there were twenty-seven big bottles on the table. Seeing these big bottles, the heart of Hu Xiangxiang violently jumped up. There are at least hundreds of bottles in each bottle. When it was time to look at and tap it in a piece of film, it took a full amount of time, and Hu Xiangxiang completed the calculation:

"Feng Mingdao friends, there are a total of 785 rounds of returning to Lingdan, which can be exchanged for one hundred and fifty-seven pieces of Lingshi, and there are a total of..."

Hu Xiangxiang's one-piece report, the last: "A total of 5,436 pieces of the next product Lingshi. Converted to the fifty-five fast-fashioned Lingshi."

The double pendulum swings: "This is not anxious, look at this again."

Qin double handed a storage bag to Hu Xiangxiang. Hu Xiangxiang took the storage bag gracefully and looked at it inside. He looked at the piano in a weird look, and his heart was dark:

"What is this place where she ransacked the Terran? Just took out a group of apprentice-level medicinal herbs, and at this time, I took out a batch of apprentice-level weapons?"

Hu Xiangxiang carefully counted it again, and then gave a price of 4,600 pieces of the next product. The piano nodded, the weapon was originally small, the price was absolutely fair, so Qin double took out the jade pieces of the group formation method, which made Hu Xiangxiang feel more weird, but still gave 6800 pieces. The price of the next product Lingshi is also an apprenticeship. It can be seen that the array method is high-end in the eyes of the Yaozu.

In this way, a total of 16,760,476 pieces of the fine stone, Hu Xiangxiang gave 17,000 pieces, equivalent to one hundred and seventy pieces of Chinese goods Lingshi.

After the two sides reached a deal, Qin Double took out a piece of paper with the herbs he needed. A total of 38 Chinese herbal medicines were listed. These herbs are refining weak water Dan, two lines of Bishui Dan, and two lines of red fire Dan. Two grain sharp Jindan, and even Qin double also found the two-grain thick earthworm and the two-grained green wood Dan's side, listed the herbs needed inside.

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