Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 355: Invincible


It’s just a simple glimpse, without the slightest martial arts.

However, the sword that almost condensed into reality shattered the fire phoenix that swooped toward her, and the fire was smashed into two halves. The sharp swordsman came to the front of the Feng women.

In the eyes of the phoenix woman, she only had a faint color, and she was split into two halves by a double sword.

"Good!" Godsend and other people are happy, Jinlongxing looks blank.


The woman was smashed into two halves of the body and turned into two flames. The two groups of flames merged together and turned into a phoenix. They looked at the piano and looked at each other with a bitter look. Flying, while singing low and low in the mouth, a full of demon rhythm oscillated in the air, disappearing instantly.

"Go there!"

The piano double showed the flying phoenix dance, and immediately caught up behind the phoenix woman, a sword went to the phoenix woman. The phoenix woman threw all of her down to the ground, and her body was again smashed into two halves by the piano. It turned into two flames, and the two flames continued to fly forward and quickly merged together. Made a phoenix, and did not return to the distance to escape. Only her breath has declined a lot, only the extent of Emperor Wu. The piano feet stepped on the flying phoenix dance, and in the twinkling of an eye, they came to the back of the phoenix woman, and the high-rise dragon sword smashed down.

The space in front was torn apart, and a golden shadow took a step out of the torn space. Without seeing the situation, he shouted loudly:

"Feng Yi sister, you summon me over..."

Then he saw the weak Fengyi fleeing toward him. Behind her was a majestic and sharp sword. After the sword, she was a white woman, holding her sword.


In the hands of the man in the golden robe, a giant knife appeared in the hand, and his body shape stood up. He crossed the Fengyi and smashed the piano pair.


The swords and knives of both sides constantly collide and break the space. The figure of the two people, with the cracking of the sword and the knife, quickly approached, and finally the sword intersected, and a loud roar of the bells was heard. The figure of the piano pair was blasted out, and the muscles of the arms were The tingling was numb and the muscles could not hold the earthquake.

After the integration of Qinshuang and Xuanwu, it was already the beginning of the eighth layer of Wusheng, and the strength was strong, but it fell under the knife of the other side.

The man in the golden robe saw a knife without actually killing the piano pair, and his heart was furious. He was the peak of the eighth layer of Wusheng. Called by the beloved Fengyi, tearing the space, even in front of his beloved Fengyi, there is no one to kill the piano double, and immediately it is a knife.

The space was ejected with a dark crack, and the crack in the space was rapidly pushed between the blades, and the layers were broken and the space was turbulent. The entire offensive of the Jinpao man was full of unreasonableness, and the Qin double felt that he was in an extreme crisis.


The double sword of a piano trembled out, and a dragon and a phoenix circling out like a wheel that continued to rotate and slammed into the giant knife.


The roaring sound was deaf, and a huge mushroom cloud broke out between the two men. The big knife was uplifted by the powerful martial arts of the dragon and the phoenix. The dragon and the phoenix formed a wheel and smashed toward the golden robe man.

The men in the golden robe jerked forward with their arms, and the two arms were turned into two wings. Each feather on the wings became a knife. During the time, dozens of knives were closed to the dragon and the phoenix.


Under the continuous impact, the dragon and the phoenix were crushed and smashed, and the golden robe man strode toward the piano and screamed:

"Humble people, they dare to hurt Feng Yi, I want to break you down."

Qin Shuang’s heart is a sinking. At this time, she has already perceived that the other party is actually the eighth peak of Wusheng. Although Qinshuang is merged with Xuanwu, the birthplace will be upgraded to the eighth stage of Wusheng, but it is only In order to ascend to this realm, her martial arts did not realize the power of this level.

This is also the other side of the piano double repair is too fast, her understanding of martial arts has not kept up with the comprehension. In this way, the Jinpao man not only suppresses her in repairing, but also in the application of the martial arts.

The piano stepped on the phoenix dance and flew backwards. At the same time, I thought of a fire phoenix. I swooped over to the Jinpao man, but I saw the air knife shining, and a fire phoenix was only seen. Into a few paragraphs.

However, just in the moment of the broken fire, a white tiger has already rushed to the left side of the Jinpao man, and opened his mouth and bit his head toward the man in the golden robe.

"It's too weak, it doesn't work for me!"

The golden robe man’s big sleeves will be turned into a long knife and the white tiger will be crushed.

"Is this your way?" The golden robe man strode forward: "Your way is too weak, not as good as your martial arts. Even if your martial art is not as good as me, it is still awkward."

The arms of the Jinpao man turned into wings again. Each feather was turned into a long knife, and the knife was rolling, and the knife was slanting and traversing. Within the eyes of the piano, it was a hegemonic knife.

In the distance, on the back of the fire phoenix, Jin Longxing and Tianci and others looked like the hair was upright and the scalp was numb. They know that this level of struggle is not something they can plug in. They don't have to get involved. As long as they are close, they will be broken by the vertical and horizontal knife. They were all nervously watching the doubles dancing in the gap between the knives, like a phoenix, dancing.

Qin double has almost no ability to fight back at this time, only passive dodge, such as the same leaf boat in the sea of ​​raging sea, retreat.

Tianci and others are so nervous that they can all see that the Qinshuang will be crushed by a knife if there is a slight negligence.

"The piano is still weaker!" Jin Longxing’s heart was dark, and then his face showed a bitter smile. These people were all due to the sudden opening of the demon door and the magic path, and they were repaired by a large number of resources. The upgrade has come up, and it has the same weakness as the Qinshuang. That is, the cultivation is too fast, and the understanding of martial arts has not kept up. This is the case; the old rivals will feel the shackles and the wind.

At this time, Jin Longxing couldn't help but worry about the piano. Because the piano is dead, these people can't live.

"God-giving!" Qin Jingyun was full of worries: "Is my sister unable to hold on?"

Godsend's face is also full of worry, but still said: "I believe in children."

Jin Longxing shook his head and said: "With the powerful offensive of this storm, Qinshuang can't have a slight negligence if he wants to die. However, under this powerful impact, the energy and strength of the piano will be consumed. Very fast, how could there be no trace of negligence? She has no offensive at all, I am afraid I will not last long."

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