Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 365: recognize



However, the piano double did not end the idea. Take out the weak water Dan, swallow it, and start to build the tenth floor of the Xuan Shui building base. There are too many plaids that need to be constructed on the tenth floor of the foundation. This time it takes longer.

One day, two days, three days...

The piano is still motionless, and the warriors on the shore of the lake are also motionless. No one has the idea of ​​leaving. Their repair is low. They can't absorb physical energy by absorbing the energy of the heavens and the earth, so they endure the pain and take the medicine. I am not willing to leave here.


Another ray of light in the city of Tiebi has already broken through to the Tang Tianhe on the fourth floor of the Wudi, the Qin Jingyun on the tenth floor of the Wuwang, the Luoye on the seventh floor of the Wuwang, and the night star on the fifth floor of the Wudi. As a smile, the flying body swept away and flew away toward the house of Fan Xiushan.

Three days later, in the interior and exterior of Fan Xiushan, there have been people who have broken through. Although no one has broken through to the realm of Wuwang, there are many martial artists who broke through to the mid-term, and the division broke into the later stage. The peak of the martial arts in the late stage.

At this time, Tang Tianhe, Fan Xiushan, Night Star and Luo Ye are gathering together, and Qin Jingyun has returned to his home, because his cultivation has reached the peak of the Wuwang period, and he went back to retreat to attack Emperor Wu.

"I don't know who will break next?" Fan Xiushan said gracefully.

Luo Ye’s face is full of joy: “No matter who breaks through, let me understand by light, I feel that I can go through the retreat and break through the eighth layer of Wuwang.”


The sound of Luo Ye’s words did not fall, and an aura of light began to rise. Tang Tianhe laughed and said:

"It's Li Yan!"

Everyone flew up and flew toward the house of Li Yan.

In the interior and exterior of Li Yan, a large number of warriors were gathered. However, at this time, the warriors of the Iron Wall City have begun to divert. The people gathered inside and outside the Liyan House are also the lowest martial artists, and the warriors below the martial arts are gathered on the shore of the Crescent Moon Lake. After all, the breakthrough of a Wudi, the rhythm that was brought down was too esoteric, and people who were too low to understand could not comprehend.

Li Yan’s breakthrough took more than five hours, and shortly after Li Yan’s breakthrough, there was a military breakthrough on the spot to the realm of Wu Wang, which attracted an envious look.

The moon lake.

A silence. The time has passed for seven days, and the piano pair is still motionless, but during these seven days, the shore of the Crescent Moon Lake is constantly breaking through. Almost all of the Wusheng broke into the warrior, and there were also warriors who broke into the martial arts, but the number was small.

The seventh day at dusk.

Qin Double finally constructed the last one, and Xuan Shui built the base to break through to the tenth floor. The spirit of heaven and earth madly flowed toward the side of the piano. The silky rhythm circlingly dances.

The hearts of the warriors on the shore of the Crescent Moon Lake are a joy, and one by one immediately began to perceive the flow of the silky rhyme.

In Liyan Mansion.

Li Yan, who is already on the seventh floor of Emperor Wu, and the night star, Tang Tianhe, and Fan Xiushan are sitting around and sharing the experience of cultivation. Luo Ye will also go to retreat and prepare to break through the eighth floor of Wu Wang.

"Now there are two people who have not yet made a breakthrough in Tianci and His Majesty?" Tang Tianhe said cheerfully.

Li Yan nodded: "It is estimated that the gods-giving brother is just these days. After all, he wants to break through the realm of Wushen, which is a big pass."

In the eyes of Fan Xiushan, there is a hint of envy: "Tianci breaks through to the **** of war, and we have a celestial moon **** in the moon empire."

The night star looked at Li Yandao: "Your blood martial artists have encountered a big chance in today's troubled times. It is estimated that among us, you should be the first to break through the realm of martial arts."

Li Yan sighed a bit: "But we also have flaws that cannot be broken."

"Don't worry!" Fan Xiushan patted Li Yan's shoulder and said: "There is a very gentleman, maybe she can find a way."

Li Yan’s eyes lit up and then dimmed and sighed: “It’s easy to talk.”

"Right!" Tang Tianhe suddenly said: "How has you not been moving?"

Everyone looked at each other and then they all shook their heads. There was a worrying color on his face.


On the shore of the Crescent Moon Lake, a ray of light was drawn, and the eyes of several people were attracted to the past. Fan Xiushan smiled gracefully:

"These days, there are people who are constantly breaking through on the shore of the Crescent Moon Lake. How many people are there in these few days?"

"It is a breakthrough of some low-ranking monks." Li Yan shook his head.

"I heard that there is a woman who is breaking through in a row!" The night star, who has been coolly talking about it, suddenly said:

"It is said that it has broken through seven times in a row."

"No way?"

"Do you want to be so illusory?"

"Would we like to see?"


At this time, a ray of light rose to the sky.

"It's another side of the Crescent Moon Lake!" Tang Tianhe said with a big mouth open.

"The person who made this breakthrough seems to be not low, equivalent to the late King Wu!"

"Not the person who broke through seven times in a row, is it breaking through the eighth time?"

"Would you like to see?"


Four people stood up and flew toward the shore of the Crescent Moon Lake. At this time, a large number of martial artists and martial arts kings have already swept away toward the shore of the Crescent Moon Lake. After all, it is equivalent to the breakthrough of the King of Wu, which has great appeal to most of the Kings, not to mention the martial artists.

"Well?" Li Yan did not fall to the ground, recognized the piano in the air, and could not help but whispered:

"That's your majesty!"


Tang Tianhe, Fan Xiushan and the night star are not allowed to stand in the air, looking to the piano, with their familiarity with the piano, even if the piano double with a fight, they also recognized it. Fan Xiushan lowered his voice:

"How can the momentum of your breakthrough be only the realm of Wu Wang!"

"It's not as simple as Wu Wang." The night star squinted and said: "You found that you didn't? It was indeed the realm of the late Wu Wang, but the more backward, the higher the mysteriousness of the rhyme, now surpasses the Emperor Wu. These low-level warriors can't perceive them. They can only perceive the Tao of the King, but you should be able to perceive it."

“Not bad!” The three people perceived: “Now it is the rhyme of the middle of the Emperor Wu. But why is this? When we break through, what is the realm, what is the realm of the realm, but the way Why does rhyme continue to improve?"

"You ask me, who am I to ask?"

"Don't ask, hurry up, maybe the rhyme will be upgraded to the late Emperor Wu, and that is a big chance for us."


The figure of the four people fell on the ground and immediately sat on the knees, feeling the rhythm of the flow.


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