Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 371: Go to the holy mountain


"The storage ring is made of a special kind of ore, called the Lingling Ore. I listed the characteristics of the storage ore on the last one. You collect the ore. Don't leak it. Ling ore and its role, Wu estimated that there is no inheritance of the storage ring on the mainland, so once found, refining the storage ring, no one knows your card."

"I understand!"

Qin double excited, directly took out the last piece of paper and looked at it seriously. After he finished reading, Qin double asked with expectation:

"Have you seen this ore?"

"No!" Qin Wu shook his head.

"Then put it aside first. You should take a hard look at the exercises and martial arts. I will stay here for a few days. I will explain it to you."

"Okay, thank you seven sisters."

"You have called me seven sisters, what else is thankful."

Qin Wu’s face showed a trace of embarrassment, nodded heavily, and began to read the piano double to improve his practice.

For seven days, Qinwu stayed in the Yuelou.

After seven days, Qin double left the city. She is going to visit the holy mountain, and the piano is still not there. At the same time, this time out is also for the experience, to consolidate all aspects of the breakthrough.

Qin doubles all the way to the holy mountain, this road encounters different demons, they choose their different exercises in different realms of the demon. The law and the martial arts alternated, and various attributes took turns to make her realm step by step.

This day.

She had just killed an iron-armed scorpion, and she felt a humming sound from the jade jade hanging on her waist.

“Well?” Qin said with a look: “Who gave me a message? Zongmen?”

Put the jade in his hand, and the force of the sea is transmitted, and the voice of Du Fu is heard from inside:

"Yue Shimei, I am Du Fu. Where are you now?"

"Du Shixiong, are you looking for me?" Qin double naturally does not say that he is on the mainland.

Du Fu did not continue to ask where the piano is, and continued: "The last time we smashed the crocodile head, the demon's skin, do you still have it?"

The piano doubled, and the last time they killed the big demon, the cuckoo just took the corner and half of the skin, how do you need leather?

Without waiting for the piano to ask, Du Fu continued: "If you haven't used the half-skin, can you sell it to me?"

Qin double frowned, although she has not moved the half of the skin, is waiting for Fengming's refining realm to upgrade, and then refining a whole body soft armor, so when Du Fu talks, she does not Answer immediately, but think about it:

"Du brother, are you already half a book?"

"Don't mention it!" There are still some fears in Du Fu's voice: "I went out with my sister and sister a few days ago and met the big demon. As a result, the soft armor of my sister who was refining with the big demon skin was Broken."

"Your sister is all right?"

"Nothing big, there is no soft armor, maybe it will die." Du Fu's tone revealed a heartache: "So, I want to refine a soft armor for the sister. If you have half of the big demon skin Use it, sell it to me."

Qin double thought about it: "It is OK to sell to Du brother, but I want my brother to find me a kind of ore."

"What kind of ore? We should have it on Huanglu Island."

Qin double heard the big joy, Huanglu Island is one of the three major islands on the other side of the sea. It can be said that the other side of the sea can be called a famous resource, and there should be storage on Huanglu Island. Therefore, the characteristics of the storage ore are said again.

"You are talking about sucking ore!"

"Sucking the ore?"

"Yes, according to the characteristics you describe, it is a scent of ore. This ore is mysterious. The monk can infuse the spiritual power into the scented ore. But it can't be extracted. If it can be extracted, it is definitely a treasure. Even if it is In this way, the monks who were also received were regarded as treasures, especially the six islands of the Three Islands, all of which were devoted to studying how to extract the spiritual power in the scented ore. It has not been studied yet."

One of the hearts of the piano: "Do you mean that we also have Luofuzong?"

"There should be, but the best grades should be only three islands, and this kind of sucking ore is very rare, that is, we don't store much in Huanglu Island. I have seen long-term research, and it has damaged a lot. Now I am afraid I can't leave it. A dozen or so. Right, what do you want it to do?"

"I want to study too."

"Are you still a refiner?" Du Fu asked in surprise.

"Slightly understand!"

The cuckoo over there sighed: "Although the true value of the scented ore has not yet been studied, but with my ability, only two top grades can be made."

"Well, I will use the half of the big demon skin for your two top grades."

"When are we going to exchange?"

"I am afraid I need some time. I am now studying in a faraway place. So, a few months later, at the end of the year, I should return to the Zongmen. At that time, how about we exchange?"

"Well, I heard that you have already broken through the knot period?"


"Your cultivation speed is fast enough. Luo Fuzong is really a genius. Maybe it will take a long time, and you will catch up with us and hope that Samsung will be. Well, don't say it, wait until we meet and talk."

Qin double put up the jade briefing, looked up at the sky, and whispered in the mouth: "It seems that I have to go back again. To speed up."


Qin double gave up hunting and killing the demon, and took a step in the direction of the holy mountain.

Distance to the Holy Mountain Baili.

The piano double steps over the white clouds and looks down.

This is a road leading to the Holy Mountain. At this time, people on the mainland are lingering. These people either go on foot or on horseback, but the direction is the same, moving fast in the direction of the holy mountain.

"what happened?"

The piano double thought a little, and the figure landed in a forest, then walked out of the woods and walked toward the road.

Going to the mainland, following the crowd.

The sun is shining in the sky, the autumn is high, and the autumn wind is passing by. There are large migratory birds flying from time to time in the air, making a crisp sound.

Qin double stepped up and came to the side of a young woman, smiling:

"This sister, are you going to the holy mountain?"

I haven't waited for the woman to open her mouth. Several young people passed by them and they heard a boy with a face full of peas and said enviously:

"Yu Wenxiong, at the age of sixteen, you have already reached the peak of the samurai, this time you will be able to join the Wushan Temple of the Holy Mountain."

The boy named Yu Wen had a smug look on his face: "I can't say that, this time Wu Zongdian publicly recruits disciples to all Terrans. There are so many talents on the mainland, and I am only one of them."

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