Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 410: Yuan Ying Fair



"Yes!" Yan Xiake deeply looked at the piano and said: "Then I will call you."

Yan Xia immediately spread the power of knowing the sea. After spreading out of the Dongfu, it turned into hundreds of miles and spread to the caves of the pro-peaks. There is also a lot of knowledge about the sea. The Yuan Ying period monks spread away.

Soon, one monk came to the cave house of Yan Xia.

Today, Yan Xiake is one of the nine monks in the late Yuan Ying period, and is the only disciple of Luo Fuzong, the only monk of the Mahayana. Even the main disciple of Luo Fuzong, Xu Feibai, will give a face to Xia. Therefore, almost all of the Yuan Ying disciples came to the cave house of Yan Xia.

Inside the main hall of Dongfu.

After saying that everyone had a glass of wine, Yan Xia gently put down the wine glass: "My sister has cultivated to the peak of the late stage of the knot, and is preparing to break through the Yuan Ying period. She needs some herbs. Let's take a look, if there is me on my body. The herbs that Shimei needs, I hope that everyone will cut love. Of course, my sister will exchange with you for the equivalent."

Yan Xiake handed Yu Yu to the Xu Feibai around him, Xu Feibai took it with a smile, his face was not taken care of. When he wants to come, a material needed for a knot period, for these meta-infant periods, although it can not be said to be rubbish, but it is also an unwanted material, how can there be?

Of course, there are also some herbs that can be used to refine remedies across multiple realms. But such materials are very precious, and no equivalent materials will be exchanged. There is an endless month of disciples, will there be the same level of herbs?

However, after Xu Feibai took over the jade, he did not immediately watch it. Instead, looking at the piano pair sitting on the right side of Yan Xia, he indulged in a moment:

"The endless, originally these words are waiting for you to enter the Yuan Ying period, only to tell you. But you are a pro-disciple, I believe that you will certainly break through the Yuan Ying period. And at the speed of your cultivation, this day will not be too For a long time, so today, my brother will talk to you."

"Master, please."

Qin double stood up politely. In the whole Luofuzong, only Xu Feibai was called a master, and no one else qualified. Other monks can only be called Zhang brothers, Wang brothers, etc. This is the special treatment of the chief disciple. And Xu Feibai is worthy of this title, although today there are eight people like Yan Xiake who have already caught up with him, but the real combat power, Xu Feibai is still no accident first.

"Yue Shimei, only entering the Yuan Ying period, is the real backbone of Luo Fuzong, the pillar of Luo Fuzong." Xu Feibai looked seriously:

"You have to remember forever, seeking the avenue is our goal, don't get lost in power."

Xu Feibai simply said such a sentence, he closed his mouth. Let the original thought that Xu Feibai would linger, and suddenly he couldn’t help but look at it. But then she looked serious and she understood the true meaning of the sentence.

Seeking the avenue, the unity of nature and man, this is the true pursuit of the monk.


There are always some monks who have lost themselves, simply pursued their power, and finally lost in power, ignoring the fire, and the lighter becomes a good brave man without a bottom line. The heavy one becomes a machine that loses reason and only knows killing.

"Yes, thank you Master for your mention." Qin double respectfully once again gave Xu Feibai a gift.

"I hope that you will enter the Yuan Ying period early!" Xu Feibai said a word, then read the jade in his hand, his face showed a surprised color, looked at the piano double eyes, put down the jade in his hand, thought about it. Let me know:

"I can exchange you with a three-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon and a two-leaf Cabernet Sauvignon. What do you exchange with me?"

The repairs in the room were heard, and the faces were all surprised. The two leaves of Cabernet Sauvignon are the herbs for refining the two-patterned Red Dragon. This kind of medicinal medicine is suitable for the monks who took it for a while. However, the three-leaf red radish grass is suitable for the distracting period and the immigration of the immortal monk. What is the endless month for the Sanye Cabernet Sauvignon? Is she ready for the distraction now? Is this too good and far away?

And is there an endless exchange of herbs and Xu Feibai?

"Yue Shimei's ambition is high, huh, huh..." Cheng Daji smiled and looked at the piano pair.

"My sister has this qualification." Yan Xiake said with one glance: "In less than three years, it is no surprise that from the cultivation of the refining period to the peak of the late stage of the knot, it is not necessary to prepare some herbs needed in the high realm in advance."

"Oh, huh..." The big device was unspeakable and laughed twice.

The other Yuan Ying monks also began to talk in circumstance, whispering. Qin double eyes narrowed and looked at the big device, her heart felt very strange to the big device. I have to know that before I became a big man, I called myself a boss. How do I call my monthly teacher?

Moreover, Qinshuang has learned from Yanxia's mouth that today's Chengda repair has been upgraded to the peak of the late Yuan Ying period, which is one of the nine disciples. When did the qualification become so good?

Qin binoculars swept through the crowds, seeing those monks are indifferent attitudes, Qin Qin knows that whether it is the warrior world or the monk world, the hierarchical concept is clearly described, they can come to participate in this fair, just Giving a message to Xia Ke, and then trading each other's materials with each other, in their hearts, almost no one will put a piano pair in the eyes of the knot, although the piano double repair is speeding up.

As a disciple disciple, sitting here is a character that should be ignored. Xu Feibai can look at her jade slips and make a deal. It has the meaning of watching the doubles, but more is to give a face to Xia. It is the only one of the Mahayana monks in Luofuzong.

Of course, Qin double does not care about the attitudes of others, as long as they can trade. After taking the two jade babies handed over by Xu Feibai and opening the jade, they saw two red radishes lying in two jade urns. The leaves were like red radiance, and one plant had two leaves. There are three leaves on one plant, and the age of the drug is over one hundred years.

Qin Qin doubles in the heart, shut the two jade, and then looked up to Xu Feibaidao:

"Master, what material exchange do you want?"

Xu Feibai accidentally looked at Qin double eyes and meditated for a moment: "I need more than a hundred years of gold vines."

The Yuan Ying period monks in the hall stopped talking and heard that Xu Feibai needed more than a hundred years of gold vines, and the eyes of Qin double showed a slight contempt. No one thought that Qin double would have more than 100 years of gold. Si Teng.

Does Qinqin have a hundred years of gold vines?


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