Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 430: failure



"Ha ha..."

Li couldn't help but laugh. In his opinion, Yang Yingtian was dead and face, and finally struggled. He raised his hand and vigorously patted Yang Yingtian's shoulder:

"Is the endless repair of the sky wall? It’s really laughing at me. Are you letting the cows in the sky fall and rest for a while?"

Yang Yingtian's face is a black, this Li Wu is clearly ridiculing his bragging than it!

Simply turned around and didn't look at him and looked at the sky.

"Oh, huh..." Li Xiaoyin on the side of the road is more and more funny.

Hu Yanyun slightly indulged a bit, and sent a message to Xiang Baiji: "Xing brother, find a time, do we have two drinks?"

"it is good!"

The two quickly made an alliance decision, followed by detailed negotiations.

At this time, in addition to the piano double, I am afraid that no one will believe that An Dao can not repair the sky.

Xu Feibai and Yan Xiake looked at the piano from time to time, and wanted to say something, but they saw the faint look of the piano, and they did not open their mouths.

At this time, An Dao has refining the last material into a liquid, constructing a symbol, branded on the wall of the sky, and his face is full of excitement.

At this point, he has already confirmed that he has completely repaired the sky wall, because the sky wall has not shown signs of failure, and the light has been getting more and more prosperous. He believes that after this last sign, the sky Fuxi repaired the last one, and then the symbol on the wall began to flow, and he was paying attention to this stage, through the flow of the sky, feeling the way, and adjusting the position of the symbol on the sky wall, This will be the last procedure to repair the sky.

This procedure is essential, the most test of the realm of the path, but also the best time to comprehend the way.

At this time, he has already firmly believed that the Tianbi can not only be completely repaired, but he can also glimpse the last layer of the road, reach the peak of the great master of the road, and press the Sima Grand Master under his body to become the first person.

At this time, he concentrated all his energy, staring at the sky, and did not want to let go of a chance to understand.

Next, the sky wall should release a more magnificent light, in which the road will see the flow of the pattern.


The sky is shaking, and the spirit of Andao lacks strength.



Along with the vibration of the sky wall, there is no radiance, and there is no flow of scent. That is, the original light disappeared in an instant.


A shattering sound was heard from the sky wall, and it was seen that the smooth sky wall that had been repaired had cracks.

At the beginning, it was only one. Then it spread like a spider web, and the repaired pattern was broken again. It was just less than ten minutes, and the sky wall returned to the shape before the restoration.

Just the same!

"Do not!"

An Dao snorted with a sigh of relief, his eyes were incredulous, his body ran to the front of the sky, his hands touching the tiny cracks in the sky, and his mouth madly shouted:

"how is this possible?"

"This is impossible!"

"Ably impossible!"


A blood donation sprayed on the wall of the sky, his eyes went up, his body fell to the back, and he fell heavily on the ground.

"An Shidi!"

Yu Wenhao’s body flashed and he came to the side of An Dao’s lack of hand. He reached out and took the wrist vein of An Dao, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. The spiritual power of the body was sent to the body of An Dao, running for a long day, combing The body of An Dao is missing.

Li's silent face became very ugly, but he was relieved to exhale the cloud and Xiang Baiji. Yang Yingtian and other Luo Fuzong monks are happy.

The hope of their life is to repair the sky wall, but now I see the failure to repair the sky, but I am excited. Finally, I kept Luo Fuzong, and finally I didn't have to use the cannon fodder for Huanglu Island.

Five, one hall, one pavilion, one palace, the first floor and the eight major family faces became very ugly, and the failure to repair the sky wall means that Luo Fuzong still stands in the practice world, and is second only to the strength of the three islands. Above the five, because Luo Fuzong has a Mahayana period, three and a half steps.

The most serious thing is that they originally thought that Luo Fuzong was bound to be annexed by Huanglu Island. In the future war, it became the cannon fodder of Huanglu Island, so they were very rude and arrogant to Luo Fuzong.

It’s good now!

Huanglu Island blew a big cow ratio, will Luo Fuzong not retaliate against them?

For a time, their hearts were picked up, and it was inevitable that they would resent the Huanglu Island.

"No one can bear, what is the cow!"

"Oh..." Yang Yingtian smiled and looked at Li's voice: "There was a lot of precious materials in Huanglu Island, but you didn't fix the sky wall, but it made the sky wall more damaged. You have to give a statement to Guidao. ?"

Li Wu’s mouth twitched with pain. He was too painful. The materials that repaired the sky wall were too precious. He glanced at the An Dao that had just revived, and he said:

"Why do not you go to hell!"

Then the face squeezed a smile: "Yang Zongzhu, the sky wall did not deepen the damage? We have spent so much precious materials on the island, even if it can not repair the sky, it will not further damage the sky wall? ”

"Nothing! You can't say it right!"

Yang Yingtian said with a smile: "Precious materials may not play a good role. It depends on the realm of the road. The realm is not good. The precious materials will also be counterproductive."

"Nothing, your mother!" Li Wusheng’s heart was depressed, it’s a real story, and it’s fast. Indulged in a moment: "How are you waiting?"

Yang Yingtian’s face was awkward, and his look became serious: “Lee Island Lord, first of all, are you sure that the repair of the sky wall failed?”

Li silently looked at the An Dao, who stood up from the ground, and shouted: "Anshidi, are you sure that the repair of the Tianbi failed?"

An Dao’s mouth was still covered with blood stains, and his face faded and nodded.

Li Wusheng took a deep breath and his face became ugly, pointing to Yang Yingtian:

"I admit that the bet Luo Fuzong won."

"Well, let's talk about the compensation for further damage to the sky wall." Yang Yingtian raised a finger and said: "A Lingshi vein."

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Li silently discolored, in order to repair the sky wall, has lost so much precious materials, has already hurt the bones, if you give Luofuzong a Lingshi vein, this Huanglu Island loss can be big, and the face is also lost. Even now, it has become a big joke in the practice world.

At this time, the one-leaf island and the snow-free island of Huanglu Island, which was originally very taboo to annex Luofuzong, helped Huanglu Island to speak.


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