Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 440: latency



Risheng Zhongtian.

The piano doubled the final stroke and collected the detailed picture. Wanzhongshan looked a little embarrassed at this time, the eye-catching sword disappeared, and the starry sky appeared again in his field of vision. He seemed to see the starry sky running, vast and deep.

Qinqin felt the breath behind him, turned his head and looked at it, and hurriedly prayed:

"Master, when are you coming?"

Wanzhongshan must smile, the more he looks at his disciple, the more satisfied he is.

"It’s been a long time since I’ve been watching you paint.”

At this time, on the sea outside Luofu Island, a figure landed from the air and landed on the surface of the sea. The look of the sea was sitting on the surface of the sea in a lightly indifferent manner. The body shape fluctuated with the ups and downs of the sea surface, and the whole person converges. If the eyes don't see him, the whole person will disappear.


Another figure came down and sat down on the opposite side of the first monk, and said:

"Fu brother, I didn't think that Black Moon had sent you out."

The surnamed monk screamed and said: "The order of the sovereign, I dare not follow. But that month is endless and powerful, but it is only a monk of the knot, I really don't know what the lord thinks, so pay attention to it."

The opposite monk also said helplessly: "Isn't it, let me kill the moon, it's not overkill!"

"The three of us are here to meet here. I don't know if the Thai one will be the one who came here."

"Hope is a friend of our realm. If you come to a junior, it seems that we are too careful."


When the two looked up, they saw a figure from a distance across the sky, a figure in the air, and then landed where they were.

"Ruo Dao brother, it is you who came." The two monks who arrived early showed a smile on their faces.

The monk of the surname Luo saw two people, and his face also showed a happy color.

"Fudao brother, Qin Dao, is both of you."

"Oh..." The two monks laughed at the same time: "It seems that the three of us have a murderous heart for the endless moon."

"I just don't know how long I have to wait."

"How long will you have to wait!"

Luo Fuzong.

Endless peaks.

"Endless, you want to understand the sword field through Linyi Star?"

"Yes! Master, is this work?"

“How can it not work?” Wanzhongshan smiled and said: “Walking is a practice, even planting flowers, selling vegetables, cooking is also a practice, let alone painting?”

"Walking and lying, planting flowers and selling vegetables, even cooking is a practice?" Qin double fell into meditation, after a while, looked up:

"What does Master mean that everything in the world is the way?"

"Not bad!" Wanzhongshan’s face showed a color of appreciation: "The endless, you will understand here, Master will leave Luofuzong for a while, you remember to me, you are not allowed to leave Luofuzong half a step."

"The disciple understands." Qin double answered quietly.

Wanzhongshan nodded with relief and looked down on the picture on the rock:

"Your painting is thinking about blending Xiao Zhoutian's Kendo and Stars into the wild?"

"Yes!" Qin doubled his head: "The disciple wants to try it out and combine the two kendos to see if they can understand the sword field."

"Well, this is a direction." Wanzhongshan nodded. "However, you still obviously have not found a way to integrate. You are a good painting, hiding the small Zhoutian kendo and the stars are flat and wide, but in In your painting, Xiao Zhoutian Kendo is a small Zhoutian kendo. The stars are flat and broad, and the stars are flat and broad. They are not merged together. They are cut into two halves as a sky, and half is Xiao Zhoutian. Half of the stars are flat and broad."

Qinqin nodded, and her own paintings were naturally clear in her heart, and she said to Wanzhongshan:

"Also ask Master to give pointers."

"Master has not cultivated a small Zhoutian kendo, nor has he cultivated a star to be flat and broad. However, Master gives you a suggestion. You forget the Xiao Zhoutian kendo, and forget that the star is flat and broad, just simply going to the starry sky to understand. This vast and deep starry sky may have unexpected effects."

Qin double fell into deep thought, Wanshan nodded and quietly left.

Until the sky was dim, the piano double woke up from deep thought, jumped on the rock, lie down on the back, and looked into the night sky...

When the sun shines, Qin double jumps out of the rock, spreads a piece of paper again, picks up the pen and starts painting. When this one went on, I heard a bang, and the piece of paper was bursting.

Qin Qin was shocked, but then it was a hi, just the one, there is a fusion of Xiao Zhoutian kendo and the star squatting wild broad martial road, but the two kendo fusion has many deviations, conflicts occur, this is The paper is broken.

However, this is undoubtedly a good sign. Qin double immediately took out a piece of paper and began to draw. Not long after, there was a layer of shredded paper at her feet.

"You are not doing this right." Haoran’s heart suddenly sounded a basaltic voice, and then a blue light emerged from her heart, flowing to her shoulder and turned into a small basalt. On the shoulders of the piano pair.

"No? How do you do that?"

"Thinking! You must first think about the appearance of the starry sky in the sea, and then in Linyi. In fact, this is no different from releasing the Tao. It can only be released if you first think about it in the sea."

If Qin Qin has some enlightenment: "What do you mean, I am thinking about the small Zhoutian kendo and the stars in the sea, and then drawing and painting while looking at it?"

Xuanwu said with a small head: "Yes, but when you first started, you wanted to see how to build a starry sky, and this starry sky is still composed of two kinds of kendos. It has great difficulties. You should do it from the basics first. Start."

“How to start from the basics?”

"You first use two kendos to construct a sword in the sea and then draw a sword."

Qin double closed his eyes, and he thought of two pieces of starry sky in the view of the sea. One starry sky is a small Zhoutian kendo. One starry sky is a star that is flat and broad. Two pieces of starry sky gather in the middle of the sea, collide and merge. At the same time, the piano double holds the pen on the paper and walks the dragon snake.

Gradually, a sword was presented on the paper, and the piano was closed with a fixed eye. However, after the pattern of the sword was formed, the blood on the paper began to flow on the paper, waiting for the blood of the animal. When it is no longer flowing, it is presented in front of the piano double with a cracked sword.

Although it is a sword full of cracks, it exudes awesome power and hides the sword.

"The master's level is a symbol!"

Qin double could not help but stay, took the sword-shaped charm and took it out. Then I saw the plaque of the plaque, and a long sword with a crack appeared in the air, and then blasted, and the shards wrapped in the sword and spurt out.


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