Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 443: Changed back



On the hill, among the swords, the piano doubles hands and stands, and the clothes are fluttering, as if a sword is swallowing a sword.

Wanzhongshan raised his foot and looked at the ground. This embarrassment made the strength of the peak of Yuan Ying.


The entire sword field oscillated, Qin double did not shoot, she also wants to know what his sword field can resist the realm of the monk attack. The Kendo sword field oscillated for a moment, and it returned to calm, with a smile on his face.


Wanzhongshan once again lifted his foot to the ground, and this cockroach has already made the first layer of cultivation.


The sword on the top of the sword trembled, emitting a dense sound of swords, as if to break through the earth, soaring nine miles.


Wanzhongshan once again lifted his foot and repaired it to the second floor of the Huashen period.


The sword above the sword smashed out of the earth, hovering around the body of the piano, like a sword river.


Wanzhongshan once again lifted his foot and repaired it to the third level of the sacred period.


The Jianhe collapsed, and the thousands of swords flew around, and the surrounding barriers showed a fissure.

"Okay!" Wanzhongshan smiled with a negative hand.

The piano double also closed up the sword field, and the huge sword shadow on the endless peak disappeared. The figure of Qinshuang and Wanzhongshan appeared in the endless peak. Wanzhongshan looks at the Qin Double Road:

"Your sword field is still in its embryonic form, and it has a lot of room for improvement. Nowadays, it is only possible to compete with the early monks of the gods. And there is still no cultivation of the monks in the field. If I just used the gravity field I am afraid that only the third layer of the Yuan Ying period will be able to break your sword field."

Seeing the unsatisfactory color on the face of the piano, he smiled and said: "I know that there is still a lot of skill in your sword field that has not been made, but I just crumbled?"

"Oh..." Qin double couldn't help but pull his head down.

"Oh..." Wanzhongshan smiled two channels: "Don't be discouraged. Strictly speaking, you haven't formed a sword field yet, just the prototype of the sword field. Keep working hard. Also, even your sword field has never been. Further comprehension, the power of the sword domain will become more powerful as your cultivation improves."

"Yes, Master."

Qin nodded, but thought in my heart, if I use the martial arts to release the sword domain, isn't it powerful? However, of course she will not tell Master her secret.

"Well, I haven't seen the sovereign before I came back. You continue to comprehend and go for the teacher."

"Master, and slow."

Qin double back to grab the rock on the rock to the Grand Master's peak grade sword charm, handed to the front of Wanzhongshan:

"This is for Master."

Wanzhongshan thought for a moment and took over the sword and said: "Alright, Master has to defend himself."

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "Master is now the Luohaizong's pinnacle of the sea. Maybe the Three Islands will have your mind removed. With this sword, even if you can't get the other party, you should have no problem. Have……"

Qin double took out a sword symbol from the storage ring and handed it to Wanzhongshan Road: "Master, this is a symbol of the late master class, you give the brothers self-defense."

"it is good!"

Qin double took out 13 swords and handed it to Wanzhongshan Road: "Master, there are four masters in the thirteen swordsmanship, five masters in the mid-term and four masters in the middle class. You look at it. Give the Sovereign and the other elders one."

"Endless, thank you." Wanzhongshan solemnly took over 13 swords and said: "You gave each elder a talisman and let them have one more life. I thank you on behalf of Luo Fuzong."

Qinqin took another sword and handed it to Wanzhongshan Road: "Master, this sword is the mid-class of the Grand Master. You gave Master Xu Feibai."

"it is good!"

At this time, Wanzhongshan no longer said anything, and then smashed the piano a few words, then flew away.

Endless peaks.

Qin double lying on the rock, looking up at the night sky, from time to time issued a smirk, echoing in the night sky.

In a fierce manner, the piano doubles and sits up from the rock, and perceives the strength of his body, and his face is ecstatic. The strength of his own body finally broke through to the first floor of Wusheng. He raised his hand and wanted to hold it, but then he was stupid there.


At the end of the piano, the double laughs, the laughter echoes on the endless peaks, and spreads in the night sky. The monks on the nearby peaks can't help but walk out of the cave, watching the endless peaks, one by one:

"Mr. Sister, is this stupid? It’s terrible to laugh!"

Qin double looked at his raised hands, his face was full of joy, then his face was tight, his hands were pointed out, and a circle was drawn in the air. A water mirror appeared in front of him, and the piano stared at the water mirror. I saw my slightly dark skin, which has become yellowish at this time, and the skin color of normal people is no different.

"I finally got back. I will dare to call me black hoes in the future, hehe..."

Qin double refers to the sword, and draws a stroke toward his own arm, then he sees that the skin has been turned into a deep copper color by the sword, but there is no slight damage. When the sword is over, the deep copper gradually becomes The ground turned pale yellow.

Qin double thought for a moment, got up and stood on the rock, began to cast iron body forging, just cast it again, then stopped.

"Sure enough, after my body was cultivated into the copper body, the iron body forging is no longer suitable for me."

The double-body method of the piano was once again used to display the body of the bronze body. With her movements, the body even sounded like a loud bell. After the execution of a set of bronze body forgings, the piano double felt the strength of the body has been refined, and the face showed a happy color, rubbing the sweat on the forehead and sitting on the rock.

The consciousness sinks into the body and begins to check his own condition.

This nearly a month of thinking, painting, has made her all aspects of excellence.

The Fenghuo martial arts repair was upgraded to the peak of the late tenth layer of the Emperor Wu, and reached the critical point of breaking through the Wushen. It even broke through so quietly and without causing too much sensation. However, the Qin double only understood it a little, and it was the breakthrough that Wan Qianxing helped her to obtain. At this time, in the Dantian of Qinshuang, the Fenghuo Spiritual Force has become very solid, red and crystal clear. Such as jade, and the charm has already revealed a full state, this is the sign that the transformation of the gods will be great.

In fact, it is not the simplified version of the martial arts on the mainland, but the ancient martial arts phoenix phoenix. Therefore, she is not a Wudi in the ordinary sense, but should be divided according to the ancient practice. period. Otherwise, she will not be more challenging, and win the battle.


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