Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 445: Endless court status



In the waters outside the island of Luofu.

The three evil sects sat firmly on the sea, but they gradually showed a bit of intolerance. The monk of the surname Luo took a look at the direction of Luofu Island:

"Is this month's endlessness not going to hide in Luofuzong?"

"This is really hard to say!" Fu surnamed the monk: "The whole Luo Fuzong will realize the importance of the endless moon, and will definitely not come out in the end of the month."

"What do we do then?"

"What else can we do? Our sects have made a death order, so they are waiting here for a lifetime, and they have to wait."

Seven Jianfeng.

Ji Tianming's Dongfu, Ji Tianming holds the sword in his hand. Look at the cracked sword figure on the painting.

"this is……"

"This is a master's first-grade sword. The power is equivalent to the first layer of the distraction."

"This... too precious!" Ji Tianming shocked.

"Own production. The war of entering the mainland of the warrior may be about to begin, and the situation around us is not good, and the season brothers are keeping their self-defense."

Ji Tianming suddenly remembered that Qinshuang was a great master. He was not polite at the moment and accepted it with pleasure. After the piano two-way season Mingming asked him to break through the process of the Yuan Ying period, Ji Tianming naturally did not hide a bit, and told the Qin double in detail.

After leaving Ji Tianming here, Qin double went to Qiu Huang and gave Qiu Huang a master's first-class sword. After that, he flew to the outer gate of Luofu.

"Three years, I don't know how they are with the little fat guys? And Qi Qi."

Soon, she came to the piece of Zhu Lin.

Before falling in the bamboo forest, staring at the bamboo forest, I saw that the array is still there, and now the array of this realm is no longer in the eyes of Qin. You must know that the demon avatar has been in the town demon tower, returning to Luo Fuzong for two months, for the devil phoenix phoenix, it has been more than 20 years, although there is no endlessness like the wood avatar, comprehend the master At the peak of the situation, but also realized that the master of the sect, only one step into the realm of the great master.

Stepping into the bamboo forest, one step ahead, one step ahead, one step ahead, one step later, the eyes suddenly open, and then walked out of the bamboo forest, presented in front of her is seven bamboo buildings and a lake, so that the piano double sees kindly.

On the lakeside, two figures are coming to me and I am fighting together. The piano is staring at it, but it is Dong Baichuan and Gu Chunqiu.

Qin double smiles in front of the bamboo forest, watching two people fight. Both of them have reached the peak of the tenth layer of the refining period, and they are fighting, but they are also amazing. The two men fought for about a quarter of an hour, and the ancient spring and autumn were slightly better than half.


The applause that suddenly remembered, the two people who had just finished the discussion were alarmed. The sound went to the past, and the eyes were wide, and the eyes showed surprises. They flew toward the piano.


"Boss, you come to see us."


The door of a bamboo building opened, Qi Qi's figure appeared from the inside, and the head looked out of the railing and looked down. The face appeared a surprise color, and the figure fell from the railing.


Qin double looked at three people, and his heart was very happy. His eyes looked toward the other three bamboo buildings:

"Merlin, Yang Ying and Xiao Fei?"

"They all broke through to the base period." Dong Baichuan's face flashed the color of envy, but then it was a chest:

"I will soon be able to break through to the base period."

"Me too." Gu Chunqiu is also a chest, excited to say.

Qi Qi’s face showed a lost color, but then adjusted her status and stood there with a smile. Qin double perceives Qi Qi's cultivation, and the heart is sighing. In the past three years, Qi Qi's cultivation is only the fifth layer of the refining period.

Four people were seated in the small pavilion of the lake, and the piano looked at three humans: "How are you doing these years?"

"Very good, right!" Dong Baichuan said: "Boss, listen to Merlin, they said, you have already finished Dan?"

"Yeah." Qin nodded.

"But...but you went to the base period, why didn't you establish an endless court?"


Qin double thinks that when he was still in the refining period, he promised Merlin that they established an organization called Endless Court. It was only afterwards that I ignored my hand and quickly broke through to the foundation period and forgot this matter. The face is exposed to the hustle and bustle:

"I do not have time……"

"Also!" Dong Baichuan immediately accepted the interpretation of Qin Shuang: "If the boss does not put all his energy into cultivation, it is impossible to cultivate so fast."

Qin double listened, but my heart was a little embarrassed.

“How is the endless court now developing?”

Dong Baichuan immediately danced and said: "Now we have become the fourth largest force in the outer door, with more than 1,000 members. And six people have become the base period monks and entered the inner door. Last time Merlin brothers came back. Tell us that they have set up an endless court at the inner door, just..."

"What is it?"

"Just because there are only six of them in the endless court of the inner door."

Qin double can not help but laugh, they have just broken through the base period, the inner door is the bottom, how can someone join? His eyes fell on Qi Qi’s body and he indulged in a moment:

"Qi Qi, would you like me to go to the endless peaks?"

"Endless peak?"

"Well, the endless peak is the place where I practice."

Qi Qi showed light in his eyes, but then he shook his head: "Boss, no need."

Qin double silence, she knows that Qi Qi is also a self-respecting person, do not want to owe himself too much. Therefore, Qin double did not force, and took out the last three masters' swords and handed them to three humanities:

"This is the master's first-class sword, and you three are guarded."

These three people were not polite, and they gathered up happily. Qin double saw that three people did not quit, and they were happy. After chatting for a while, they left their words and flew in the direction of the inner door.

After entering the inner door, he flew to the stream where he once lived. I learned from Dong Baichuan’s mouth that Merlin lived there.

Landing from the air, his eyes swept away and a smile appeared on his face. There are more than a dozen wooden houses by the stream, and the doubles can't find Merlin's wooden house, but the wooden house that wants to find the little fat man Xiao Fei is very simple, because she is too familiar with the path of the little fat man.

As soon as the figure floated, he came to a wooden house and then touched the ban. Soon, the door of the wooden house was opened, and the figure of Xiaofei Xiaofei appeared in front of the door. The eyes looked at the double pair. Then a fat face showed a surprise color, and the figure was like a ball. Generally rolled over to the piano and shouted with open arms:



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