Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 447: doubt



In fact, their psychology is as Xin Feng said. When Merlin came to the inner door and played the banner of the endless court, no one wanted to join, because the reputation and status of the piano double was not replaced in the inner door. Only after some understanding, they have a feeling in their hearts, the endless court is the piano double created in the outer door, I am afraid I have forgotten it now.

So, of course they will not join. Of course, no one will open the way to clean up Merlin and others. Nowadays, sitting on the piano and sitting here, and intending to create an endless court in the inner door, these people will naturally not hesitate.

Qin doubled and nodded: "It's still the old rules, the endless court is handed over to you for management, and there is nothing to inform me by the communication jade."

Qin double and everyone exchanged the brand of the communication jade, and then said:

"A few days later, I will send you some medicinal herbs to be used as a development resource for the endless court."

"Thank you boss!" Everyone heard that the face was a joy.

Qin double thought about it, took out the five swordsman's second-class swords and handed it to the five monks who later joined the endless peaks:

"These five swords are the grades of the masters, which is equivalent to the power of the second layer of the distraction. You are reserved for self-defense."

"Thank you boss!" The five people were very happy. This has just joined the endless court and has such a great welfare.

Qin double took out the seven swords of the three masters and handed them to Xin Suifeng and Mei Lin and others:

"These are the three-level swords of the master. One of you is reserved for self-defense."

"Thank you boss."

"This matter should be kept secret, don't say it."


Qin double stayed here, pointing out twelve people for two hours, and then left.

After sending a circle of swords, there were only fifty-five pieces left on the body. For the endless court, the piano is not too focused. Since Merlin had that heart, they offered some medicinal herbs to them. It is a very simple matter for Qinqin to provide some medicinal herbs for building a base.

Qin double does not even need to go to refining, go directly to Gongdetang for exchange. After she repaired the celestial wall, she not only got a lot of resources from Zongmen, but also the herbs recorded in the jade slips of Yang Yingtian, who got 7788 from Zongmen, and the Zongmen still The source is continuously collected for the piano, and Zongmen also gave the piano a total of 50 million points.

These points have not been of much use for Qinshuang. They have the resources given by Zongmenbai. She has nothing to buy from Zongmen. After giving the points of the brothers, Qin double goes directly to Zongmen Gongdetang, using one. Millions of points are exchanged for a large number of medicinal herbs suitable for the base period and the refining period. Going out of the merits hall, the sky is already dusk, the piano doubles back to the endless peaks, lying on the peaks and rocks, looking up and gradually opening the curtain Starry sky.

The starry sky tonight is not brilliant, but rather bleak. Because of the fifteenth day, the moon is rare.

At midnight.

Qinshuang’s gaze moved, and the moonlight in the sky fell in one direction and became rich. Qinqin could see the moonlight gathering into a milky white light, falling from the sky.

The heart of the piano doubled, the body lying on the rock flew up and appeared again, and it was already in the air on the pro-peak peak, looking down to the bottom.

I saw a monk above the roof, a monk with five hearts to the sky, a rich moonlight shrouded his body, and his nose was sucked and sucked, and there was a moonlight.

"This is..." Qin double stared at him, and he couldn't help but sigh: "The Luofuzong is really one of the six. This practice is very advanced, and it is practiced by swallowing the moon."

A blue light flowed from the heart of the piano double, and turned into a small basaltic cymbal on the shoulders of the piano pair. The piano double could not help but say:

"Xuanwu, you woke up."

"Yeah!" Xuanwu's small eyes looked at the humanity above the roof below: "This kind of practice seems to be the practice of the Yaozu."

"The demon family?" Qin double was shocked.

"Yeah. And I really want to be the practice of the Sirius family."

"The Sirius family?"

"Well, this person's strength is very strong, not only is it strong, but the body is also very powerful. In addition to your freak, this world, I am the first time I have seen such a human race. With your current strength, Even if you use the martial arts, it may not be his opponent."

"No, he is only the cultivation of the peak of the Yuan Ying period. My martial arts repairs have reached the peak of the late Emperor Wu."

"The supernatural power of the Sirius family is very powerful, but I don't know if he has awakened the magical power. If he wakes up the magical power, he can overcome the challenge. Of course, I just said that you may not be his opponent, and did not say that you must not be his opponent. Also, I am not sure that he is not a human being, but a demon."

"It should be that the Terran cultivated a similar genius practice? The Yaozu has not yet appeared in the practice world, and that person has already been in Luofuzong before the demon gate has been opened. It should not be a Yaozu."

"You know him?"

"Well, he is called a big device."

"As you said, it should not be a Yaozu, but it is a practice that resembles a Yaozu."

The piano double frowned and slightly indulged: "However, he has changed quite recently."


"In the past, his cultivation was not strong, and his qualifications and talents were average. He was just an ordinary Yuan Ying disciple, not a core disciple. But the recent cultivation was a rush. And before he saw me, he enthusiastically Call me the boss. But seeing me now, but it is very cold, no longer calling me boss."

Speaking of this, I laughed and laughed at myself: "Maybe there are some adventures recently, no longer see me."

"Not necessarily." Xuanwu said coldly.


"In short, this big device is very doubtful. According to what you said, even if he has any adventures, he should not have such a big change in personality."

"You mean?" There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of Qin double.

"I didn't say anything, I can't be sure. In short, you should be more careful when you face him in the future."

Qin double silently watched the underlying into a large device, just regarded as a practice of large-scale cultivation, can not see what, Qin double is also because of the suddenness of the big device to her cold, only doubt. Just skeptical but no direction, I don’t understand why the big ones become so.

At this time, I saw the large device above the ridge suddenly opened my eyes, and the moon-like gaze looked coldly at the Qin double in the air.

He stood up from the ridge. As he stood up, the whole moon began to surge, condensing a crescent moon in the air, and darting into the air.


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