Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 458: Arrange



Qin's thoughts flashed past, and his eyes fell on the whirlpool of aura.

"It should be that stone that has improved the grade of Lingshi Mine. I wonder if one day will raise these two Lingshi veins into the best Lingshi veins?"


Qinqin spit out a long breath, his eyes jumping with excitement. In the heart of the movement, turned to look behind her, placed a large number of boxes behind her, as well as a storage ring and storage bag. These things are all hidden in the treasure house of Qingshanzong and one of the monks.

Qinqin quickly looked at the boxes that were searched from the treasure chest, and then her face showed a happy color. She found a box for storing the fruit trees and herbal seeds, and selected the relatively precious seed of the fruit tree, and the piano began to grow on the middle of the stone.

Qin Shuangfei flew over the Lingshi vein, and the spurs were smashed out of the pit. Then the saplings were scattered from the air and fell into the pits precisely. The palms were in the palms. A glimpse of the air, the soil will fill the pit, and then the body shape swept through the air, and the index finger continued to pop out again, and hundreds of pits were blasted out, and the seeds were again spilled.

The speed of planting the fruit trees with Qinshuang was only less than ten days, and the whole Lingshi vein was planted with Lingguoshu, and then some common herbal seeds were selected, and there was no digging, just a lot of A lot of it fell to the Lingshi Mountain Range. Finally, the handcuffs were released, the water attribute spells were released, and the rain was carried out, and a good rain was released.

Falling back to the box, picking out some of the most precious seeds, preparing to open a few more medicinal gardens, picking up the address, and preparing to open the medicinal garden, you will see dozens of probes in the fragrant fruit trees not far away. A fragrant beast, at this time, the fragrant fruit tree in the town demon tower has been more than ten years old, although it is still far from the result, it is also more than two meters high. And those beasts have also produced more than 70 in the past ten years. Although there is no fragrant fruit for the time being, there is no shortage of herbs here, all over the place, so these beasts live very leisurely.

The beasts looked at the piano doubles with their cute eyes. When they saw the piano, they looked over and ran back to the woods, so that they couldn’t help but smile.

After spending nearly a month, Qin double opened several medicine gardens, planted precious herbs, and set up a pattern outside the new medicine garden to prevent the beasts from stealing. Eat some common herbs in the mountains and plains. The precious herbs in these gardens can't be eaten by them. Now there are nine medicine gardens in the town demon tower, waiting for these herbs to grow up, these nine medicine gardens The variety and quantity of herbal medicines have basically ensured that the piano pair no longer lacks materials for refining medicinal herbs.

After doing all this, the piano double looked at the various boxes, boxes, jars, jars, bottles, etc., and frowned slightly.

You must know that this Qin double ransacked the entire Qingshan sect. What is the status of Qingshan Zong in the practice circle?

One of the six.

There are more than a dozen monks in the period of disappointment and distraction, hundreds of infant monks, more than a thousand disciples, thousands of base-time disciples and tens of thousands of refining and congenital disciples, a tens of thousands People's big gates can imagine how much resources are available throughout the sect. This was all moved into the town demon tower by Qinqin. It’s just that the resources of Aoyama’s ancestral gates are a huge resource, not to mention the fact that Qin Shuang finally found the storage rings and storage bags of the monks who were killed, but these storage rings and storage bags The resources are enough to build a medium-sized Zongmen. Can such a huge resource be thrown here?

So throwing it, it will not take long, many resources will lose the aura, and gradually become waste and garbage.

"You have to build a treasure trove of seals!"

When you do it, the piano is equipped with several treasure chests. The materials are all ready-made. Now the first batch of Lingguo trees are more than two meters high. They are not made into a fruit, but they are cut when building materials. The slightest problem. There are so many fruit trees, and it doesn't hurt if you cut them. And after the cut, you can replant, the piano is not without seeds, there is the town demon tower, the outside world will not last long, the seeds inside will grow into a big tree.

With the repair of Qinshuang, it is really not a big deal to cover several houses. The piano is looked around in both directions. The east is the place where the wooden property pillar is located, and it is also the most potent place of wood aura, so Qinshuang will be the medicine garden and precious. The fruit trees are planted in the east.


She saw those sea woods, and suddenly remembered that when they found that the seas were fixed on the sea floor, should they transplant these sea shells to the bottom of the sea?

"Just do it!"

Qinqin was busy for a day, transplanting all the Dinghai woods to the depths of the seabed in the north, and then planting precious Lingguoshu seeds in the empty space.

Looking to the south, where the fire pillar is located, where the fire aura is the most intense. In the heart of the piano, is it a volcano with a fire pulse, put it there? In this way, an alchemy room can be built there, and it is not too wasteful to always use the fire spirit to refine the medicinal herbs.

“Wait for the opportunity to find a better quality fire.”

The north is where the water column is located. It is the place with the most aura of water, where a house is built, and it is good to have nothing to rest there.

The place where the golden pillars of the West are located, where the golden aura is the most concentrated. By the way, the golden pillar can break down the metal, and when it comes to a better quality metal, it can also decompose some extremely precious metals.

Qinqin immediately moved, and almost all the ore and all kinds of spirits that had been obtained from Qingshan Zongzhong were moved to the front of the golden pillar, and then slammed down around the golden pillar. There are too many ores and spirits. It is the collection of the entire Qingshan sect. Together with the storage rings and storage bags, they are piled up around the golden pillars. It is just a mountain. .

Qin double is only a small part of the spiritual soldiers, no more than a thousand, these spirit soldiers are top-quality soldiers, and even have more than a dozen elite soldiers.

In the end, Qin double decided to build a treasure house in the middle of the mountain of the Ningpin Lingshan Mountain that had just been collected. After thinking about it, I dug a cave on a rock wall halfway up the mountainside, and then expanded it in the cave to dig up a huge treasure house. Moreover, when digging the treasure house, it also dug up hundreds of thousands of Zhongpin Lingshi.


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