Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 469: Spiritual god



However, today Qinqin is deeply grateful to the Yinshen, a large number of white tiger Jin Lingli was transformed into the power of pure soul, absorbed by the Yin God, so that the body of the double expansion of the piano finally felt a slack.

This genital **** is always in a semi-sleepy state. This is also no way. Where does the Qin double have so many soul powers to absorb the Yin god?

If the Yin **** is opened and absorbed, the piano is already sucked into the adult and died. Therefore, the state of the yin **** is actually very bad, always in a state of hunger, and now sees the power of a steady stream of souls, and absorbs it frantically.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.

The body that has just loosened the piano has begun to swell up. This is not the fullness of the Qinshen. In fact, it is still far from the fullness, but the power of the Ruijin Spiritual Force to transform the White Tiger Golden Spirit into the soul. The speed can't keep up, and a lot of white tiger gold spirits piled up in the body of the piano and began to expand outward.

The more painful the body, the calmer the mood.

The two worlds are human beings, and many times on the edge of life and death, the nerves of Qin double are like steel.

At this time, her heart turned around and thought about ways to solve the crisis.

"The Tao has a cloud: outside the muscles and bones, the spirit of the spirit.

This qi is to absorb the aura and cultivate the spiritual power. This is the soul. The ordinary people say that the essence is the soul. So what about this god?


God knows!



It should be to know the power of the gods in the sea. Since spiritual power can be transformed into the power of the soul through the martial arts, does it mean that it can also be transformed into the power of knowing the sea?

How to convert? ”

"Xuanwu, how to transform the spiritual power into the power of knowing the sea?" Qin Xuan called the Xuanwu in the heart of Haoran.

"Your military has already possessed this ability. As long as you have thoughts, the military will know what it is." Xuanwu’s voice came faintly.

"I have thoughts, I want it!"

"Think of the heart, what you want!"

Qin Shuang’s heart suddenly opened up, and when he thought of it, he saw the sharp gold spirit of Wu Tian open his mouth, and sucked into the body. The white tiger Jin Lingli who poured into Dantian was like a river. Inhaled into the body, Jin Lingli is divided into three parts, the first part is absorbed by the sharp gold spirit force, and becomes a little more solid. The second part flows to the right hand and is introduced into the soul space, which is absorbed by the Yin God. The third part, flowing to the left hand, is introduced to the sea.

The inflated body was instantly slackened, and the piano heart was relieved with a long sigh of relief. She could feel that the white tiger gold spirit was divided into three strands, which caused her body pressure to drop and the body that had expanded to the extreme has begun to relax. .

After an hour, the white tiger Jin Lingli was finally absorbed by the piano, opened his eyes, and his eyes fell on the jade bottle in front of him. The look just hesitated a little and became firm. Now she wants to quickly improve the sharp gold repair, only rely on the white tiger gold spirit in this jade bottle. The jade bottle was opened and sucked again, and it began to cultivate again.

Gradually, Qin Jin's Rui Jin Wu Dao repaired and improved.


Knowing the strength of the sea in the sea, the power of the sea is gradually full. If the piano is disconnected, the white tiger Jin Lingli will transform into the power of the sea through the sharp gold spirit, and her body will expand again, and then explode. And died. However, if we continue to infiltrate into the sea, we will eventually be blasted.

Qin double reflects the internal view, and now her Rui Jin Wu Dao has broken through to the fifth floor of the Emperor Wu. If you continue to break through, you can't afford to know the sea.

“Don't I be able to break through this level this time?”

The piano doubled his brows tightly and his eyes gradually became firm. Then he closed his eyes and guided the White Tiger Collection by the power of the soul and continued to break through to the sixth floor of the Emperor Wu. The sea of ​​knowledge began to think about the white tiger, and broke through to the fifth layer of the knot.

Looking at it together, the power of knowing the sea was quickly consumed, and the double mouth of the piano sucked in a white tiger golden spirit.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

On this uninhabited island in the ocean, from time to time, the clouds gather and the rhythm drops. Qinqin finally put all the white tigers to the golden spirit, and then martial arts repairs to break through to the seventh floor of the Emperor Wu, and the law was repaired to the seventh floor of the knot.

Qin double ended the breakthrough of Ruijin, and exchanged with Feng Yan. During her time of breakthrough, no one found it here. When Qin Qin was relieved, she began to ponder how to break through Xuan Shui.

Nowadays, the dark inner Nei Dan has already consumed light. Only relying on the two-grain Bishui Dan to break through, the Qinshui today’s Xuan Shui cultivation is just relying on the two-pattern Bishui Dan to break through. I am afraid that it can only break through a small order and cannot continue. breakthrough.

Qin double minded a move, the town demon tower was transferred from the knowledge of the sea, held between the hands, and then want to extract the inner demon tower, surrounded by the magnificent outer circle of the gray stone. That circle of spiritual power is very rich, no less than the white tiger gold spirit.


Qin double found that the magical color of the circle is very sticky to the gray stone. It can be broken down into ordinary aura continuously, but it is extracted and used for cultivation, but it is not extracted by half wire. come out.

The piano double sensed the town demon tower, and then the heart was awkward. This is because of the control of the town demon tower. Nowadays, the control of the town demon tower has reached about 60%, and it has not reached the random use of the town demon tower. degree. It is estimated that through the town demon tower, to extract the magnificent spiritual power in the town demon tower, how to control the town demon tower to reach 80%.

The piano double wrinkled its brows. Now Xuan Shui is still low, just relying on the extraction of the ordinary aura in the town demon tower and taking two lines of water, it can also make a breakthrough. You should know that even the ordinary aura in the town demon tower is 18 times more concentrated than the outside world, and it continues to increase its concentration.

However, Fenghuo’s cultivation has become difficult to upgrade. Because the phoenix fire repair is relatively high, the aura required for breakthrough is much more than the other aspects. It is not only possible to break through the first order by relying on the aura of the two-patterned Chiron Dan and the town demon tower.

After thinking about it, Qin doubled his teeth and took the phoenix Nei Dan out.

"What are you doing?" Xuanwuhua made a flow through the heart of Haoran, kneeling on the shoulders of Qinshuang.

"I am going to use it to break through."

"You are a waste, it is a waste of things." Xuanwu frowned.

"Can't say that." Qin double shook his head: "This Nedan kept me to the peak of the Mahayana period. It has a great effect. I have not yet had a very fairyland. I have some fairy power and become different. But, if I can't live that time?"


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