Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 484: Demon (3)




The right-handed machete thrown out by the piano doubled on the ruined shield with the momentum of the roundabout, and flew out by the abandoned shield. The second child felt that a huge force had spread from the ruins of the wilderness, and his body was overwhelmed with blood, and his heart could not help but be surprised.

"Great power!"

This thought is not over yet, and I feel that the Shield has uploaded a huge force, and then in his field of vision, I saw the ruined shield in front of him being smashed into a round hole, a bead from I shot inside the round hole. The "bang" slammed into his body. His body was bombarded with a big hole, full of unbelievable eyes, looking down at the big hole in his chest.


Qin’s body fell on the ground and disappeared into a bamboo forest that was still a sea of ​​fire.

In the air above the east, above the white clouds, several young demon monks held their hands, and one of the bulls looked at the battlefield and smiled:

"The seven sons of Zhulin, now only three sons are left. It is really a fictional name."

The other young demon monks showed dissatisfaction on their faces: "Split scorpion, that Fengming just used the raid and killed the three sons. The remaining three sons are also the late Wushen. I view That Fengming is also a **** of martial arts, not Wu Sheng. It will soon be killed."

"Yes, there is no chance for three-on-one, Fengming. If she escapes immediately, she may be able to save her life. Otherwise it will die."

The singer screamed and shook his head. When he just wanted to express his opinion, he heard a seductive voice on the left side:

"The remaining three sons have an advantage in number, but the second son has been hit hard by Feng Ming twice, and 10% has been repaired as no more than 30%. Although the fifth and sixth sons are not injured, the momentum has been taken by Feng Ming. Fengming’s winning face is bigger.”

The monks of the demon family turned their heads and looked at the clouds not far away. A seductive woman was watching the battle.

"Fox Mei Niang!" The scorpion slammed his heart and slightly narrowed his eyes.

The fox Mei Niang looks beautiful, a pair of peach eyes, and the atmosphere is exposed. A pair of furry pointed ears, draped in a plush shackle, turned to look at the cracked scorpion, slightly bent over, tenderly:

"Mei Niang has seen her brother."

The cracked scorpion splits open and says: "Mermaid is here."

When I saw Fox Mei Niang moving the clouds, the cracked Tianxiao smiled and said: "You came for that thing too?"

"Of course!" Fox Mei Niang smiled and said: "The demon world is open, this big event, can I miss it?"

"This time, because we occupied the mainland of the warriors, we divided into two races. The monks who stayed in the demon world selected fifty monks, and here they selected fifty monks. With your strength, you should compete for one place. problem."

Fox Mei Niang smiled and said: "It is naturally no problem to compete for a place, but it is not easy to get the top three rewards. You need to know the top three rewards, but it will allow us to improve and improve before entering the demon world. A realm. Splitting my brother, on the way to the Sanzu City, I am afraid there will be many dangers, why not join us?"

The Scorpio disdain and dismissed: "Is there any danger that can threaten me? The first three I got it, who can stop me, I will kill."

Fox Mei Niang "噗嗤" laughed out loud, such as a hundred flowers together, demon and flattering:

"Split brother, if you fight alone, you are not afraid. But if someone joins in trying to kill you in advance? You know, you are dead, but you have lost a strong opponent. This is true for many demon monks. Great attraction."

The scorpio looked awkward and his face became dignified. Although he did not agree to join forces with Fox Mei Niang, he did not refute. Fox Mei Niang did not ask again, but looked at the Zhulin Fire Road:

"Tian Fengming is also a young master, and from this battle, the mind is too good, she should also go to the tribal city, vying for the place to enter the demon world."

The scorpion condenses the channel: "The demon world has a chance to suit all kinds of demons. Which demon does not want to go? It is only a hundred years old. This phoenix seems to be young and naturally will not give up."

"Feng Ming, you give me out."

When his voice did not fall, he heard the sound of the three sons of Zhulin in the distance. When he looked around, he saw the three sons of bamboo forest floating in the air, overlooking the fire below. Everyone was bamboo behind him. Shadows, each holding a bamboo gun in his hand, the bamboo gun on the waste of the wind, like a dragon.

Below is a sea of ​​fire, Qin double is standing in the sea of ​​fire at this time, looking up into the air. When I thought about it, I took back the water and thundered the sea, and I was sighed in my heart. The knife technique was still too little. In fact, Qin double did not learn any knife skills at all, these knife skills are also Feng Ming himself comprehend.

"It seems that after this time I have found time to comprehend some knife skills and make up the short board of Fengming!"

As for now!

The piano doubled up and looked at the three bamboo trees in the air through the gap between the swaying flames.

Although the rest of the bamboo forest three sons are not hurt, but the piano double has no grasp of the advantage, let alone kill the bamboo forest three sons.

In fact, just like the monk who was next to the cracked scorpion, the three bamboo trees that were killed by the piano were all sneaked.

The first one, through hundreds of phoenixes, confuses the eyes of the six sons of the bamboo forest, and then hides behind a fire phoenix, sneaked and killed the seventh son with the thunder.

The second, with the fast knife, killed the first child, and hit the second and fourth. Then killed the fourth son of the serious injury.

In this way, the three sons were killed, and the second of the remaining three sons was sneaked again by the piano pair with the thunderbolt, and the body was about to collapse.

Therefore, the six sons of Zhulin can be said that they have not really fought, and they have lost three.

However, if the piano double opens the fire and phoenix body, it can completely kill the three sons in the air by virtue of strength. It’s just that Qin double doesn’t want to do that.

Looking at the air in the bamboo forest three sons, Qin double eyes become more and more determined.

The pressure of the three martial arts on the Qin double is huge, which is the most serious situation facing her since she debuted. But the greater the pressure, the more her heart is high.

This is the real temper, this is the real life and death experience.

Even if the piano does not open the fire phoenix body, the piano double condenses the ten golden dans, and the repair is also the final peak of the Wushen. If one of the three sons of the bamboo forest alone, the piano double will win. But for the last three...

Qinqin took a deep breath and held the arms of the two scimitars to the sides and slammed into the sky.


The endless bamboo fire slammed into the sky, flying like a sea of ​​fire into the air.

"Good fire control ability!"


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