Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 488: Change of the town demon tower




Qin’s knowledge of the sea suddenly screamed, and the heart of the piano was a joy. She knew that the town’s demon tower had been merged. When the mind is moving, the force of the sea of ​​the doubles enters the town demon tower, condensing into the appearance of the piano, and looking around.

Feeling the aura more intense, and more harmonious, two Lingshan mountains such as Wolong spread in the center of the town demon tower, a volcano in the south stands.


Qin double suddenly felt that this time into the town demon tower, more than before. The usual town demon tower is not dark, but it is not bright, giving people a feeling close to dusk.

However, nowadays the town demon tower is like a white, and there is a warm feeling on the body.

Qin double looked up, his eyes suddenly stunned, and there was a round of Huanghuang Day in the air.

Further integration of the town demon tower, Qin double control of the town demon tower and further, the power of the sea quickly spread out, sweeping through the sky of the Huanghuang Day. Mindfulness and radiance.

This magnificent day is made up of complex symbols, not entities.

"This is a virtual day!"

The brows of the piano are slightly wrinkled, and the force of knowing the sea spreads toward the depths of the day.


Qin Double discovered a red-red stone with a nail size only at the Huanghuang Day Center.

"This is... Sunstone!"


Qin double, split Tianzhu and Fox Mei Niang are all driving in the clouds, and the speed does not reach their respective extremes, all retain strength.

The clouds under the feet of the three people became one piece, and the clouds of smoke dragged toward the rear, and the clouds swayed and the clothes were fluttering.

The establishment of the tri-family city, in order to be fair, to avoid the tribes have scruples, so built in the center of the three tribes, the first fortress is more than 70,000 miles away.

This road flies over the mountains and rivers, and there are countless demon territory underneath, and the demon atmosphere is pervasive. In the territory of the Yaozu, countless Terrans are being housed, not only for the Yaozu, but also by the Yaozu from time to time, fried and fried.

The three people did not fly high, even below the original clouds in the air. Above the clouds, there are often thunder flashes. The breakout of the Terran warrior often goes through thunder, so the power of the Thunder is very taboo, but it is not fearful. However, the power of the Thunder is like a natural enemy for the Yaozu and the Mozu. Therefore, the two big demons, the Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang, deliberately avoided flying above the clouds.

Qin double uses the power of the soul to control the cloud, and the power of the sea to watch the round of Huanghuang Day in the town demon tower. At the same time, they are also wary of the two big demons of the Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang.

In fact, the two big demons of the Scorpio and the Fox Mei Niang also guarded each other. Although the three men reached an alliance, they were very clear in their hearts. If they believed in each other, they would not even know how to die.

"This day's rock is really too small. It seems that the damage to the town's demon tower was very heavy, so that there is only a little left in the sun."

The reason why Qinshuang was able to conclude that the Sundial Stone in the Huanghuang Day should have been very large, because she saw cracks and breaks from the nail-sized Japanese stone.

Looking back, I looked at the five pillars of the town demon tower, the same piece of crack. However, Qin double is very fortunate. Fortunately, these five giant pillars are only cracked, and they have not collapsed or broken. If the five pillars collapse or break, the town demon tower is estimated to be completely abolished. Today, there is still the possibility of repair.

Of course, if you want to repair the town demon tower, it is definitely not good to point to the refining demon. The refining demon can only make the town demon towers merge, but it can not completely restore the town demon tower. If you want the town demon tower to fully recover, you must find the original treasure that meets the five pillars and the big day.

It is impossible to have such treasures in such a barren world as the Warriors. Qin double can only hope for other worlds, such as the Taikoo space, or the devil world, the demon world, and even the demon world.

Or, wait until she breaks the void and flies to the fairy world.

The eyesight was recovered and the concentration of the aura was sensed in detail, which has reached twenty times the outside world. And after this fusion, the town demon tower has only three layers left, and the area of ​​the space has reached a radius of 100,000 miles. I can't see the end at a glance.

The most exciting thing about the piano is that the time flow rate has changed again. In the past day, it will take 256 days. This aspect is too important for Qin double, because she has too many things to cultivate, and she has a fruit in December. Understanding is not a problem, but time is a problem. Even if it is the original one hundred and twenty-eight times, let the piano The double feeling is not enough, but now the piano double feels that it should be enough to not fall behind in all aspects.

Qin double minded a move, the fire was divided into Feng Ming and the devil split Feng Yan from Dan Tian into the town demon tower. Let Feng Yan go to practice and comprehend the martial arts, but to Feng Mingdao:

"Feng Ming, you first refine a mirror."

"it is good!"

Feng Ming nodded, volleyed, and flew toward the golden pillar of the West. In the heart of the piano, I thought that after I ransacked the Qingshan dynasty, I threw a lot of weapons around the golden pillars and piled up like mountains.

"I don't know what the soldiers have become."

The piano pair also emptied into the air and flew toward the west.

The two soon came to the West and landed in front of the golden pillar. The piano looks awkward and finds that the original squadron, which was originally a hill, has disappeared. Looking down, I saw that there were less than one hundred pieces of metal on the ground under the golden pillar. The big one was only the size of a fist, and the small one was only the size of a nail.

"So, how many metal soldiers will make such a little metal?"

Qinqin shook his head and sighed. It knew that most of the material of the spirits had been broken down by the golden pillars and turned into powder. This golden pillar has extremely high requirements on materials. The general material is directly decomposed into tantalum powder, and only advanced materials can be refined into materials.

Moreover, the piano has a feeling that the refined materials must be higher than the previous grades.

Feng Ming squatted down and began to choose metal.

"When you refine your mirror, let me know."


Feng Ming nodded and the body of the piano doubled into a force to understand the sea and exited the town demon tower. However, she did not idle, but began to understand the knife that Feng Yu poured into her.

There are three types of knives called Feng Yu.

The first type is the starting type. The second type is to cut the world, and the third type is to burn out the eight.

Qin double is only comprehending the first two styles. For the third type of burning, there is still no understanding.

After flying for less than an hour, I was comprehending the Qinshuang who had burnt out the eight wilds. When I heard the call of Fengming, I entered the power of the sea into the town demon tower, and formed a cohesive shape, and I saw that Fengming had already mirrored Qiankun. Successful system.


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