Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 498: Nine-color light



"Hey? Feng sister, how is your repair reduced?"

The cracked scorpion glanced at Feng Ming, and there was a hint of surprise on his face. How could it become Wudi after a while?

Feng Ming smiled faintly: "I think this is quite good."

Fox Mei Niang and Split Tianzhu looked at each other and opened their brains. "I understand, you are deliberate, you want to play pigs and eat tigers."

The big eyes of the cracked sky are shining: "Mei Niang, do we want this too?"

Fox Mei Niang turned a white-eyed road: "How long have we been both demon gods? Who doesn't know the repair of our two?"

"Oh...hehe..." He raised his big hand and grabbed his head.

Feng Ming was too lazy to bother them, and his footsteps were firm and he walked straight toward the Yaozu Temple. When I came to the door of the Yaozu Temple, the cracked Tianzhu and Fox Mei Niang slowed down and landed behind, let Feng Ming go first. The two of them still doubted Feng Ming’s identity in case Feng Ming suddenly fled.

However, in the eyes of both of them, Feng Ming did not stop at all, and went straight into the gate of the Yaozu Temple. The Jianxue array on the door frame did not respond at all.

Splitting Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang looked at each other and they all looked relaxed. In any case, the three people walked for nearly twenty days and didn't want to turn their faces.

As soon as he entered the hall, Feng Ming’s eyes suddenly became big, and there was a big hall...

Do not!

To be precise, it is still a hall!

It’s just that this hall is too big. At least three or five thousand people have no problem. There are scattered stone monuments in the hall, which are nearly 100. At this time, nearly a thousand demon people are scattered in the hall.

"Nearly a hundred stone tablets, this shows that the Yaozu has nearly one hundred kinds... No, this is only a powerful Yaozu, and there are countless powerful Yaozu races, which are not qualified to be monumental here."

"It’s too little to kill!" The cracked scorpion grabbed his head again.

In the eyes of Fox Mei Niang, she flashed a stern color and swept it toward a demon monk. Her fierce gaze made the demon people keenly perceive, and when they watched the time, a gaze converges toward the singer of the fox singer, and scared the fox maiden eagerly put away his gaze and lowered his eyebrows.

Feng Ming did not pay attention to those eyes, whispered: "Let's go check it out."

When the words fell, they walked toward a stone monument. In front of the stone monument, there were five demon monks who were watching the inheritance on the stone tablet. Feng Ming glanced at it. It was the inheritance of the Qingniu family. The inheritance of the Huofeng family she was looking for left the stone monument and searched for it one by one.

Two quarters later, she stood in front of a stone monument. The stone tablet is engraved with countless mysterious and mysterious patterns, looking like a fire phoenix, but not looking at it carefully. Just Fengming has a strong perception, this stone monument is a kind of flaming heritage.

At this time, Qin Shuang and Feng Ming communicated their minds, and everything that Feng Ming saw was clearly transmitted to the sea of ​​Qin. She decisively ate a December fruit, and at the moment of the bursting of the sensation, the pattern on the stone clearly showed an incomplete fire and phoenix pattern.

"This is a broken fire and phoenix." Qin two-way Fengming voice.

"This is the inheritance of the phoenix dancers. It is the first day of Fengxiang's nine days. As long as you understand this layer, you will pass the assessment."

"How did you both come here? Are you also a phoenix?" The fire phoenix whispered strangely at the two big demon.

"We haven't found any inheritance that belongs to us." Fox Mei Niang said, and then said: "Moreover, it is not only the Fengfeng family that can understand Fengxiang Jiuyi, as long as it is a fire attribute demon can understand."


"However, it is said that comprehending the inheritance of these stone tablets is dangerous." Fox Mei Niang looks dignified.

"Dangerous?" Fengming sings.

"Well! These inheritances are all strong and strong ethnic inheritance, people who are not savvy enough, will go into flames, and even die silently."

"So scary?"


Feng Ming’s voice did not fall, and he saw that not far from the front, a demon monk fell to the ground straight, and there was no breathing. It’s really silent.

"This is the danger I said." Fox Mei Ning condensed.

“All heritage on the stone is dangerous?”

"Yeah!" Fox Mei Niang looked solemnly: "Understanding the first layer, it is a pass, you can't comprehend, you have a life-threatening danger. Of course, you can also quit."

"Let's talk!" The swaying swaying his head and looking around, "I am going to find the strongest inheritance of our scorpio, I am the strongest genius of our scorpio, and we will be able to pass the assessment." ""

Fox Mei Niang grinned disdainfully: "As for your well-developed limbs, the simple-minded guy can also comprehend the strong inheritance? Don't wait for a while to die silently."

"You are dead, I will not die!" Splitting the sky and striding away.

"Hey!" Fox Mei Niang snorted and left the other side.

Qin Shuang and Feng Ming watched the streak on the stone tablet together, and the traces of the lines flowed between the hearts, so that both Qin and Feng Ming felt that these patterns were extremely mysterious, and the mysterious and mysterious, and wanted to push these patterns, but found Every time you look at the streak on the stone, the patterns are changing at any time. Let the soul drift away from the body.

Qin double immediately gave Feng Ming a voice: "Close your eyes and stop."

Feng Ming immediately closed his eyes, and the piano in the town demon tower gasped and gasped, and then communicated the Xuanwu Road in the heart of Hao Ran:

"Xuanwu, look at the inheritance of the stone monument."

Qin double directly threw out Xuanwu, and Xuanwu flew four small short legs in the air, and flew on the shoulders of Fengming, kneeling on Fengming's shoulders, looking at the traces on the stone tablet. Just less than three times, Xuanwu will tell the story:

"This is not what Fengxiang is, but a nine-color light magic."

"Nine-color light?" Qin double spirits: "What is that magical power?"

"Have you ever met Kong Kong's Kong Qiang?"


"In fact, the Bifang family also has the blood of the phoenix, and the magical power that he brushed off your horns is the five-color light."

In the heart of the piano, there is a sharp jump: "Is the nine-color light more powerful than the five-color light?"

"Of course! Five-color light, nine-color light, not only can brush each other's attacks, magical powers, but also able to brush each other's weapons. The power of nine-color light is too strong, five-color light is not qualified with the nine-color light. ”

The piano is ecstatic in the heart, but then Xuanwu’s words make her heart cold.

"However, this inheritance is a broken and incomplete. Forced cultivation will fly away."

"No wonder that the demon had just died silently. It turned out to be a ghost."


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