Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 523: Specialized law



The strength of the sea of ​​the piano double spread out, and soon covered the entire town demon tower space. Then the eyebrows were picked and the corn was found at the edge of the town demon tower. As soon as the figure was swept, he came to the corn corn.

"A big cornfield!"

Qinqin has forgotten them since they planted the corn, and it has not been in the past few years, but it has been hundreds of years in the town. For centuries, these succulent corns have matured, landed on the ground, and germinated and grew. Qin double is probably swept away with the power of the sea, and there are tens of thousands of sizing corn. Each stalk of corn is as long as a mace. It’s just that these sorghum corns grow very messy because they are not taken care of. There is no way to do this. If it is only a few hundred grains of corn, the piano pair can still take time to take care of it, or let Feng Ming and Feng Yan take care of it. But with so many sesame corns, if the piano is double-handed, it doesn't have to be cultivated. Even in the medicine garden where the piano is double-opened, precious herbs and pianos are rarely taken care of.

"But, the corn is ripe, and it has to be harvested! Otherwise, it will fall to the ground, and most of it will rot and die, and only a few will become seeds and take root."

The piano flew into the air and looked at the white tiger. The power of knowing the sea constantly rushed out of the eyebrows and turned into a white tiger. These white tigers are not big, that is, the size of an ordinary white tiger. After being thought of, they will run toward the sap of corn, and they will each have a spike. The great-sized corn was smashed down with two tiger claws, then smashed with a tiger's mouth, and ran to an open space outside the cornfield, put the corn into the corn, and then ran toward the cornfield.

A white tiger was conceived and more and more. At the end of the day, the number of white tigers running back and forth in the cornfield has reached hundreds. Even so, it took a day to finish all the corn.

Qin double took the white tiger back to the sea, then extended a hand and grabbed it toward the cornfield. In the air, a big hand was condensed, and a suction came from the big hand. The corn stalks on the ground rose up and were pinched by the big hand in the air. They fell back to the cornfield and became fertilizer. . The figure was swept over the cornfield, and the fingers were shot, and a small pit appeared on the ground. Arranged neatly and equally spaced. Grab a corn on the open space, and then a corn flies to the front of the piano double, holding the corn in the corn, the spiritual power is slightly.


The mace-sized corn granules blasted like fireworks, and a grain of corn granules fell off the corn cob. The double sleeves of the piano waved, and the corn granules fell precisely on the ground. Inside a small pit. Then I volleyed over a corn syrup and planted it again. It was only less than an hour. The piano doubled a thousand acres of corn, and the large sleeves were raised, and the soil covered the corn.

After doing all this, the figure of the piano pair fell on the hillside of the hill-like corn, and reached out and took a syrup corn in his arms, opened his mouth and sipped, chewing finely.


Qin’s eyebrows rose, and she felt that the stick of corn in her arms was different from the corn that she had eaten in the Taikoo space. Feeling more pure and rich in aura, it almost reached a critical point of qualitative change.

Slightly thought about it, looked up at the sky, and carefully sensed the aura in the town demon tower, it is already twenty times the outside world. We must know that the concentration of the aura of the demon world is not weaker than that of the ancient space. The concentration of aura in the demon tower is twenty times that of the outside world. How strong is this?

Moreover, Qin double can still feel that the aura concentration in the town demon tower is still growing, although it is extremely slow, but it is still growing.

The piano double-feeling, found that the town demon tower no longer absorbs the aura from the outside, which means that the aura concentration in the town demon tower has reached saturation.

Then why is it growing very slowly?

Qinqin couldn’t help but look at the gray stone in the sky. The gray stone was now covered in a gray gas. Outside the gray gas, it was a crystal-like gas, in the gas of jade. Outside is a colorful and magnificent gas, outside the magnificent gas, it is the aura of white fog. The magnificent gas turned into a white mist-like gas, and the white mist-like gas dissipated toward the town demon tower. Although the emission has become extremely slow, it is this extremely slow state. The town demon tower is also raising the concentration of Aura very slowly.

"In this way, will the aura in this town demon tower become a fairy power?"

There is not much happiness in the heart of the piano, but there are some concerns. If it really becomes a fairy power, she will not be able to enter after the town demon tower. Xian Yuan Li will explode her body.

Looking at the mysterious egg floating in the air, it is already spinning against the edge of Xianyuanli. If it is approaching, it is absorbing Xianyuan.

"What kind of egg is this? Can it absorb such a strong aura?"

To know the location of the mysterious egg is the deepest part of the magnificent gas, where the concentration of aura is probably several hundred times the concentration of the spirit of the town demon tower?

Look at the appearance of the egg, but also think about a little bit into the fairy yuan force, absorb the fairy power, so that Qin double is very curious about the egg.

I took my eyes back from the mysterious egg and looked at the pile of corn in front of her. She didn’t know whether the aura in the town’s demon tower would change qualitatively and upgraded to Xianyuanli, but she knew that this must Being able to produce qualitative changes is just a matter of time.

Let Feng Ming refine several storage boxes, put the corn into corn, and move into his treasure house. Qin double came to the alchemy room on the southern volcano and began to refine the medicinal herbs with the collected corpse.

The corpse worm, jade liquid, all kinds of herbs obtained from the ancient space and the innocent desert, as well as weak grass. One part was taken out and the piano double began to make alchemy.

Three-grain red dragon, three-grain sharp gold, three-grain green wood Dan, weak water Dan. Finally, the inner dan of the corpse king refining a few furnaces of three-grain Bishui Dan.

"These insects are not born to the body of the demon, and the sacred sacred sac grows up. This inner dan is too pure."

Qin double did not refine all the corpses of the corpse, and when they were robbed, there were too many worms. After Qin Ding collected the refining medicinal herbs, he began to practice retreat. The direction of this cultivation is the legal aspect of each attribute, and there is no way to cultivate martial arts.


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