Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 525: Hard fight



It was seen that a layer of striated lines appeared in his body, and the layer of sculpt constantly flowed and combined, so that the light released by a **** cloud was blocked out of the golden pattern.

"A invincible is really powerful, and it is the most outstanding young master of our Yaozu."

A invincible but did not respond, but the back of the demon's forehead was a drop of cold sweat. Squinting slightly, looking at the light outside the layer of golden plaid that he released. The light is a dense pattern that flows around him and is regrouping, slowly changing the shape. His look was more and more dignified. He had just seen the change of the demon of the demon before the strangle, but did not think that these streaks of light construction had further changes.

He didn't want to go through the hole quickly, but there was a huge force blocking him, so that he could only move forward step by step. And the reason why he did not move, because he has already seen, as long as he takes a step forward, the light of Wan Yaoshan will change immediately. Before he has seen the change, he really has no confidence to take that step.

At this time, in the distance, there was a sound of smashing the air. The demons outside the cave looked around and saw a huge body and a petite body coming side by side, but it was cracking. Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang two demon gods. The two demon gods saw the invincible in front of the hole, and they all looked awkward and stopped.

Time is quietly passing, the invincible in front of the hole is still motionless, and he does not move, the striated patterns around the Wan Yaoshan around him have not changed further. In this period of time, there are quite a few demon monks who have arrived. The scorpio scorpion observed the change of the **** rune pattern of the Wan Yao Mountain for a long time.

"Difficult! Not one person can crack."

The fox Mei Niang next to her also nodded and looked nodded. "You brothers, the seal of this Wan Yao Mountain is not the ability of one of us to crack. It is better for us to crack the seal and enter the cave first. How?"

At this time, there are already more than 20 demon monks outside the hole. The demon monks who can get here are not leisurely, and they all say nod.

"We are joining forces."

The Scorpio shouted to the invincible enemy shrouded in the rays of Wan Yaoshan: "How is the brother-in-law?"

The invincible A, who was shrouded in light, finally said: "Good!"

These demon monks are different from the human monks. The human monks do not have a pattern in their bodies, but the demon monks are different. They are born with natural patterns, and these patterns are the inheritance of the Yaozu. The higher the understanding of these patterns, the stronger the life. Therefore, the Yaozu can't do it on alchemy, but it has a unique advantage in the way. These demon monks are all Yaozu Junjie, one person can't break this seal, but under the joint hand, maybe it can really crack this seal.

Splitting the sky and gazing toward the next four sweeps: "How is Mei Yan, Feng Ming still not coming?"

Fox Mei Niang also slightly locked her brow and said: "Feng Ming's strength is not weaker than you and me, will not die on the way?"

The cracked scorpion shook his head and said: "This has nothing to do with strength. Most of it depends on luck. Once it is met by a large group of corpses, you and I will be eaten into a bone shelf. So, if Fengming is not lucky, Maybe it’s really dead.”

Fox Mei Niang’s eyes flashed: “With Feng Ming’s strength, if it’s not dead, it’s time to go. Now it’s still not there. It may be as you said, luck is too bad, it’s already dead.”

There was a bitter smile on the face of the Scorpio: "Don't say it is a demon god, that is, the demon sac encounters a large group of corpses here, and I am afraid that there is only one death. This secret is too dangerous."

A plain.

A piece of black light in the air is like a black lightning, flowing quickly. In the middle of this black light, from time to time, a red light bursts out. The red light passes through, and the black light is broken, turning into a fist-sized corpse and falling toward the ground.

These black lights are a large group of corpses, and the corpse is surrounded by corpses that are accidentally discovered by corpses. Qin double will blow the feathers of Feng Yujian, the water will not splash, and the nearby corpses will be killed one by one.

It’s terrible to burn out the eight wastes. Although there is only a small realm, but with the phoenix swords in the hands of the piano, they will circulate a circle of flames and gradually accumulate into a sea of ​​fire. It’s just that these corpses are also very powerful. The black scorpion’s body is able to release a layer of black light, blocking the flame from the outside. It’s still a fatal threat to the corpse, and only the Feng Yujian is really squatting. Only the corpse can kill the corpse.

The speed of the corpse is extremely fast. It is not easy for the piano pair to prevent a corpse from approaching its body in defense and attacking and killing the corpse.

"The power of the military is still very limited."


Qin double-minded in the sea to see the fire phoenix, the power of the sea from the eyebrows rushing out, turned into a fire phoenix, toward a corpse or catch, or bite.


The dense corpse smashed together with a growing number of fire phoenixes, and the black light smashed the phoenixes. At the same time, the corpses were blocked by the fire phoenix.


A sword screamed, and a sword was spurred with the piano double as the center. In an instant, the piano double was like a hedgehog, and the one thorn was the phoenix sword that was quickly stabbed in the hands of the piano. The corpse fell from the air.

Qinqin was struggling, and the corpse on the ground had fallen to a thick layer, but the corpse seemed to be endless. The phoenix firepower and the phoenix fire in the piano double were quickly consumed. Gradually consumed to the extreme.


There are two colors of light behind the piano pair. On the way to this section, Qin double has already realized the second layer of the nine-color light magic. The two colors of light continually swelled, and the corpses close to her were brushed down on the ground one by one. Then, this time, the piano double converted the attributes.

Xuan Shui Lingli swarmed out from Dantian. The piano doubled up the Feng Yujian. The fangs of more than a thousand big-mouthed fishes came out and gathered together to form a big sword. They were held in the hands by the piano. At the same time, I thought of Xuanwu in the view of the sea. There was a huge basaltic virtual image around her body, and the piano was covered in it.


The black corpses hit the basaltic virtual image, and the Xuanwu virtual image was struck out of a crack, but with the help of the Qinshui, the imaginary virtual image was constantly repaired. Even so, the piano is not amazed by the heart, this corpse is really powerful, this basaltic virtual image, but the ancestral level of the basaltic magical power, although only Xiaocheng, but the top supernatural defense, if other demon monks, want It’s not easy to blast your own basaltic magic.


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