Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 535: death



"The more you go back, the stronger the mysterious energy on the light bridge!"


A roar, the piano was shocked, and when he followed the sound, he saw the demon monk on a light bridge next to him, and his body suddenly exploded.

The flesh and the stump are quickly absorbed by the light bridge, and the light is restored.

The demon's face has a dignified color, even the piano is no exception. Looking forward, I saw that Kong Qiang had passed the light bridge, and Feng Jiao could not be much worse. Qin double regained his gaze and continued to walk in the direction of the walk.

First through the hole of the light bridge, looking back at the piano double, the eyes are shrinking, can not help but be surprised:

"Perfect! She is still perfectly comprehending the four-color light!"

Feng Jiao, who was still on the bridge, couldn't help but look back and saw the four colors of the piano double shining, and the **** vortex under his feet was brushed. The heart could not help but be shocked. The four-color light that he released was unstable. There was a pain in his foot. He hurriedly released the four-color light again, and then the **** vortex was weakened, but the blood began to flow continuously on the calf.

I hurriedly stopped looking at the piano pair and concentrated on releasing the four-color light and heading for the other side. At this time, Qin double did not notice her at all. At this time, she was full of joy. As soon as she went back, the mysterious energy of Guangqiao was stronger. At this time, Qinqin could clearly perceive her own fire and phoenix body. Growing up.


Not far away, another demon monk exploded and died. Only at this time, the piano double is completely ignorant. The promotion of the fire and phoenix body has also led to her understanding and control of the fire attribute, and the control of the four-color light is becoming more and more sophisticated.

When the piano was bought on the platform, her phoenix body has been upgraded to the peak of the early five products, and her eyes are swept away. I saw that I added myself to the platform at this time, and only ten were left. Eight, that is to say, four demons have died. Or, the hundred monks who entered the secret world, now only 18 of them are left, and 82 are dead.

"Well?" The piano suddenly moved: "Why didn't you see the Zerg chain? According to the truth, the chain is a zerg, it should not be harmed by the corpse, and it will not die in the mouth of the corpse. He How could it not arrive?

Is it..."

In the heart of the piano, I said: "Isn't the chain going into the secret, it is not for the demon family, but for those corpses?"

She clearly remembers that when the chain was severe, the chain was a mixture of some corpses. If he can fuse a corpse king, the harvest is much stronger than the demon inheritance.

"If you encounter a chain later, be more careful!"

The piano double-stepped toward the opposite side of the platform. The seventeen demon monks heard the footsteps of the piano pair, and they couldn’t help but look back at the piano pair, and the eyes were all surprised. You must know that before the Qinshen, the monks understood the supernatural powers, and after embarking on the light bridge, she did not understand. Even if the original Qin double will comprehend, they will be able to walk to this platform after they have realized the magical power of this level, but they did not expect the piano to be so fast. The other fifteen demon monks also looked at the piano and looked at it again, and they ignored it, and there was a slight contempt in their eyes. After all, the speed of comprehension of the piano pair was much slower than them. Only Feng Jiao and Kong Qiang are ugly, because both of them know that Qin Double is a perfect realm in every layer of magical power.

Qin double came to the back of Feng Jiao and Kong Qiang, sitting cross-legged. Begin to comprehend the five-color light magic above the light door.

The speed of comprehension of the piano pair is much faster. The peak of the five elements in the early stage of the five-products has made her more close to the magical light of the five-color light. The 12-fold comprehension is even more for her to stand. The height that others can't reach, plus she can also explore the sea here into the Kun Kun mirror in the town demon tower, to see the entire ancestor-level fire and phoenix pattern. Although the five-color light is more mysterious, the piano double only took less than three quarters of time to fully comprehend, and then began to deduct the way suitable for human cultivation.

It is more difficult to deduct a way suitable for human cultivation than to understand the five-color light. At this time, on the entire platform, there is silence, and every monk is fully aware of their magical powers.

What the monks did not think was that the monk who first realized the supernatural powers was not the invincible leader of the road, but the Kong Qiang of the Bifang family.

Seeing Kong Qiang stand up, igniting the five-color light, brushing off the light door, and embarking on the light bridge. Feng Jiao's face changed, and his eyes stared at Kong Qiang, who was on the light bridge. Then the face became more ugly. When passing the first light bridge, Kong Qiang realized that 90% of the time, but now it is still comprehending 90%. When Feng Jiao passed the first bridge, she only realized 80% of the time. Now she only understands 75%.

However, I thought that Kong Qiang would have a five-color light, and her heart was flat and bitten:

"I don't believe that before the inheritance of the six-color light, you can still maintain this state!"

When the words fell, Feng Jiao also stood up. She knew that this had reached the limit of her comprehension. Even if she sat here for another ten years, she would not have a little more insight. Only after waiting to leave the demon world, relying on the longevity of the demon family, slowly comprehend.

Feng Jiao looked at the left side and saw A invincible. The cracked Tianzhu and Fox Mei Niang also stood up. The four people looked at each other. No one went to see the piano pair again. They stepped through the light door and set foot on it. The light bridge.

At the moment when they stepped on the light bridge, the piano pair sitting on the knees opened their eyes and sighed. She found that simply comprehending the magical power was really not difficult for her. However, it is too difficult to deduct the cultivation practice that belongs to the Yaozu into a cultivation practice suitable for the human race. This is not to say that she can't make it out, but it takes a lot of time.

"It seems that I need the help of Fengming!"

Qin double took out a December fruit and sent it directly into the town demon tower. At the same time, he conveyed his understanding of the five-color light and the deduction.

Feng Ming, who is practicing in the town demon tower, opened his eyes and grabbed the December fruit that appeared in front of her. He took a few mouthfuls and then closed his eyes.

Qin double gave up the deduction of the five-color light, opened his eyes, and glanced at the light bridges, watching the demon monks who continued to walk on the light bridge.


It didn't take long for a demon monk to step on the light bridge, and a scream was made. The light bridge at the foot suddenly disappeared, and the body fell to the abyss. Then the light bridge returned to its original appearance.


A demon monk's body gradually expanded, but the demon monk did not feel at all, still hurried forward, and his face was full of smiles, and his mouth was full of smirk:

"Ha ha ha... I am a genius..."

Then he slammed and died.


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