Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 537: Last pass



The piano stepped on the platform and walked toward the light door. The seven demon monks on the platform looked back at the piano pair, and the eyes of the cracked scorpion and the fox Mei Niang brightened.

"Feng Ming sister, have you passed it perfectly?"

The piano double nodded gently, and the invincible eyes showed a dignified appearance, and the body rose with a sense of war. However, after an instant, it suppressed the war in the heart and looked at the inheritance on the light door.

Feng Jiao looked at Qin Shuang's eyes full of lost, proud she could not stand a nameless person surpassed her, double fists could not help but hold in front of her, the heart secretly:

"I must go farther than her and get more."

Kong Qiang’s Kong Qiang flashed a complex color in his eyes, swearing, complaining, killing, admiring...

Qin double ignored the eyes of the demon, sitting cross-legged, looking at the inheritance of the seven-color light. The look is slightly sinking. The inheritance of these seven-color light is several times more complicated than the six-color light, and the twelve-fold comprehension force rotates rapidly, and the mystery of the seven-color light magical power is peeled off bit by bit. For three days, the piano will be seven-color light. The magical powers fully comprehend, and immediately transmitted the seven-color light magic to the Fengming in the town demon tower. This time, the eyes swept to the monks of the demon, but found that no demon had boarded the light bridge at this time.

Time passed by in silence, and A invincible suddenly stood up, proudly glanced at the other seven monks on the platform, striding through the light and embarking on the light bridge. Soon after, the splitting of the sky and the fox Mei Niang also set foot on the light bridge, and after about half a day, Feng Jiao and Kong Qiang also set foot on the light bridge, and finally the two demon monks also set foot on the light bridge. .

Qin double silently looked at the seven demon people on the light bridge.

One quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

Three quarters of an hour!

The piano double sighed and sighed, Feng Jiao was swallowed up by the **** Xuanwu on the light bridge. After the **** vortex swallowed Fengjiao, like a whirlwind, he circled and left the light bridge, falling toward the abyss under the light bridge, and disappeared without a trace.

After another half-quarter of an hour, one of the two unknown demon monks also fell. But the remaining five demon monks still struggled through the light bridge. Upon passing through the light bridge, the five demon monks immediately fell to the ground and began to adjust their interest rates.

After seven days.

Qin Shuangcai got the seven-color light magical power transmitted from Fengming in the town demon tower. The piano double took another day and a half to get through, and then he wiped out the light gate and set foot on the light bridge, all the way through the light bridge. The fire phoenix body has been upgraded to the peak of the six products.

"Feng Ming sister, you are coming!"

"Still perfect?" Fox Mei Niang's eyes are shining.

A invincible, Kong Qiang and another demon monk also looked at the Qin double.


When the piano nodded, he came to the light door and sat down, looking at the inheritance on the light door. I ignored the gaze of Kong Qiang.

Kong Qiang’s eyes flashed with a sense of killing, but when he saw the indifference of the piano, his heart was inexplicably depressed. At the beginning, I had five colors of light, but the piano double did not. I was not her opponent. Now, although I am improving myself, isn’t the piano double improved?

"Forget it, wait until you understand the inheritance and say it."

This time, it was still invincible to comprehend the first, and set foot on the light bridge, followed by the splitting of the sky and the fox Mei Niang. Then there is Kong Qiang and the unknown Yao. When Kong Qiang and the unknown demon stepped on the light bridge, Qin double had already realized the inheritance of the eight-color light and gave it to the Fengming in the town demon tower. She was looking at the light bridge at this time. Walked Kong Qiang and the unknown Yao.


A scream, the eyes of the piano looked at Kong Qiang's eyes attracted to the past, the unknown body of the entire body began to gasify from the foot, the speed is very fast, just a moment, the sturdy Yaozu became angry, also I don't know what kind of supernatural power he understands, so scary.


Another scream came, Qin double hurriedly looked, but saw that Kong Qiang was shocked by the demon's death method, the original eight-color light was reluctant to understand, although only a trace of mistakes, so that eight colors can Reduced for a moment, but it is fatal.


The **** vortex at the foot instantly engulfed the hole, leaving only one head left outside, and the hole looked at the piano and shouted:

"Feng Ming..."

Then... was completely swallowed up by the **** vortex, leaving the light bridge and falling into the abyss.

There is no speech in the heart of the piano. It is the demon who scares you very well. Why do you want to scream my name before dying?

Six days later.

Qin double stood in front of the last light bridge, passed the assessment of the eight-color light bridge, the double body of the phoenix body was upgraded to the middle of the seven products, the eyes swept across the platform, leaving only the invincible, splitting the sky and the fox Mother three demons.

This time I saw Qin Shuangyu late, A invincible, split Tianzhu and Fox Mei Niang three demon monks are no longer accidental, just quickly watched the piano double eye, they fell into comprehension.

Qin double did not speak, sitting cross-legged in front of the light door, began to comprehend the nine-color light magic.

The ninth layer of Shentong is almost ten times that of the eighth floor. Qinqin has been behind for nearly ten days. Even with the aid of the December fruit, it is too far behind.

Sure enough, after nine days. Once again, A invincible took the lead to stand up, passed through the light door, and set foot on the light bridge. At this time, the Qin double, just realized the nine-color light magic, and gave it to the Fengming in the town demon tower.

A invincible walked slowly on his light bridge, as if he had a strong emphasis.

After a quarter of an hour, the splitting of the sky and the fox Meiyan opened their eyes almost at the same time. The two men set foot on their own light bridge and walked toward the front. Not far away, I heard Fox Mei Niang screamed and sacrificed the incense burner. At the same time, she took out a long whip in her hand and danced into a circle and a circle, like a gyro to protect her inside.

The other cracked Scorpio on the light bridge also shouted, holding the door and the big knife in both hands and dancing. Later, I saw that Scorpio and Fox Mei Niang chose to run backwards and wanted to return to the platform here.


The light on the cracked scorpion door knife began to dim, and the incense burner of the fox maiden also extinguished the incense, and the light of the long whip was rapidly dimming.


The two people, Fox Mei Niang and Split Tianzhu, turned back to the body under great pressure and fled to the platform.


The muscles of the two people began to crack, the bones began to break, and blood was ejected from the body.


The two men struggled with the last strength, broke through the light door and fell heavily on the platform.

The piano double stood up and his face showed a faint color. As soon as the figure was swept, it plunged to the side of the cracked scorpion. Before she could see the injury of the cracked scorpion, she heard the invincible scream of the armor on the light bridge. The piano double looked up and turned to the armor on the light bridge. Invincible to see, I saw that A invincible seems to have suffered a terrible attack, but the Qin double can not see.


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