Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 587: Step by step


"No! I can't go away in this way. Compared to the two ancestors who have finished playing, I should turn back in the direction of the demon door."

The piano looked at the sky, the stars and the moon, and identified the direction and began to go in the direction of the demon door. She walked very slowly. In fact, her power and spiritual power at the time was at its peak, but the exhaustion of her heart made her sleepy. Therefore, she is just walking on foot to ease the tension of her heart.

In front of a mountain, across the road in front of the piano. If you want to pass, you will only go over the mountains. However, when Qin Double saw the appearance of the mountain, he could not help but laugh.

"It seems like a cow!"

The giant mountain lies on the ground, like the same lying cow, licking his head and looking at the direction of the piano.

"It's really like a cow! Not only looks like it, but also has a charm..."

Qin doubled his footsteps and narrowed his eyes. In the heart, the dark road: "Is this mountain a big demon after death?"


Qinqin felt the sound of the clothes smashing behind him, and he walked slowly toward the Niushan. He did not feel the movement behind him.


Three figures appeared behind the piano, and a hegemonic voice rang from behind the piano:

"Taro, stop."

Qin double stood in shape and turned to look at the three demon monks opposite. It is two men and one woman, who are examining the piano pair.

"Why are you alone?" The overbearing voice rang again, and the piano looked at it, but it was a demon monk with a face full of hair, staring at her with a big bell-like eye.

"Go to the door of the demon." Qin double said with a face.

The overbearing demon monk disdainfully sneered a sigh of relief: "As for your cultivation, you also want to go to the demon gate to kill Fengming, take a share?"

"That's not!" Qin doubled and shook his head. "I just want to go through the door of the demon to go to the mainland."

"It is self-aware!"

The overbearing demon monk disdainfully grinned and strode past the piano, and the man and the woman also stepped forward. However, the woman walked to the distance of the piano two meters or so, suddenly stopped the footsteps, looked carefully at the piano double, the heart of the piano is a tight.

"what happened?"

The overbearing demon monk suddenly stopped his footsteps and turned around and looked at the woman. The other Yao man also took a step. The woman looked at the piano double, two men looked at the woman, but the three monks formed a triangle in a tacit understanding, sandwiching the double bag in the middle.

"Oh..." The demon woman repaired suddenly and smiled. She pointed her finger at the piano and directed the other two monks:

"You said, is she likely to be the junior who used the robbery to kill many demon gods and demon sages?"

The overbearing demon monk looks a little condensed, and both look up and down the piano:

"It is said that the junior is a breakthrough demon god, and it is similar to this gimmick. And the floating atmosphere of this **** is also metallic. The age is similar."

Speaking of this, I will scream with a pair of big eyes: "Say, are you a junior?"

"No!" Qin doubled his head and shook his head.

"Take her is not!" On the first floor, the demon man repaired the yin channel: "Kill her, and then take her body but ask if it is not OK? She killed a lot of demon gods and demon saints. Many Yaozus have issued high rewards. If it is really her, we will send it this time."

"Primary, you cut yourself." The overbearing male monk.


Qin double sensed the cultivation of her three demon monks, although it was not able to perceive very clearly, but it was also able to vaguely perceive that among the three demon monks, the overbearing man was a Wusheng It should be about the beginning of Wusheng, but I don’t know the level from the first to the third level of Wusheng. The other two demon monks should be the late demon gods, or even the late peaks.

"It's funny!" Qin said faintly.


The overbearing man snorted and strode forward, punching the past with a fist. The piano double also punched a fist and greeted each other. The pure power broke out between the two people, and the fist was hard against the fist. The shoulders of the two monks were all shaken, but there was no half-back.

The overbearing monk looks slightly changed and screams:


The three demon monks attacked the piano at the same time.


The double-drawing sword of the piano was squirted, and the Jinpeng giant sword swayed. The large cutting technique, which was realized from the seven-string space, came out of the body, showing a circle of golden sharp gold wire, expanding toward the periphery.


The sharp gold wire collided with the spirits in the hands of the three monks, and made the strings sway.

The look of Qin double is a change. When the three monks shot, she sensed the three of them from the floating atmosphere of the three of them. The overbearing male repair is a three-layered demon sacred peak, the long male repair is the late demon god, and the female repair is the peak of the demon god.

Wherein, the three are not horrified. Do not look at the piano double sharp Jinwudao only the first layer of Wushen, but the white tiger Baodian exercises make her strength equivalent to the late demon god. If the piano double fuses three spiritual powers, it can jump to the strength of the first layer of the demon. The strength of the body is not weaker than that of the overbearing man. The Jin Peng sword in her hands doubles her strength. The most important thing is that the martial arts he has learned from the seven-string space is definitely not comparable to the Yaozu.

In the Qin double think, she will kill the two demon gods in the first time, and then kill the demon.


When the three demon monks were surrounded and the piano doubled confidently to make a big cutting, they found that the three demon monks actually cracked her big cutting.

The eyes of the piano are condensed, and the heart is a glimpse.

Between the three demon monks and the offensive and defensive, there is a rhythm method, forming a matrix similar to the independent space, the double string is bound inside, and over time, the piano double feels the **** The tighter it is.

However, the three demon monks also had a headache at this time. The three of them used together to be the Sanctuary. It is said that this formation is the combination of the three demon gods, both of which can lock the demon. However, in the face of Qin Xiao, the little martial god, he suffered a fierce counterattack.

The double cutting of the piano doubles only comprehends the first layer and splits. But the golden thread is sharp and tough, making it harder and harder for them to tie the piano. After the doubles are tied to the three-foot range, it is difficult to push forward. At this time, Qinqin has merged three kinds of spiritual powers, and the strength has jumped to the first layer of Wusheng, plus the strength of the three layers of Wusheng, urging the cutting skills of the great cutting technique, firmly holding the three feet. Range, face look is also a dignified.

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