Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 589: Star wearing moon

"Opening the mountain!"

Behind the piano double, the overbearing man repaired a heavy knife, and the endless knife smashed toward the back of the piano pair.

The shape of the piano pair suddenly exploded from the middle, and the two butterfly knives and the endless knife behind it smashed through the position of the piano. It is hollow. There were nine figures in the air, and they went to the demon woman.

Jiugong swordsmanship: Jiugong is one.


The body of the demon woman was bombarded and split, and the figure of the piano double fell on the ground, looking up to the opposite of the overbearing demon male repair.

The demon man repaired his eyes and said: "I am looking down on you. Look at my knife and all over the place."


The demon monk held the handle with both hands and inserted it in front of the ground. With the demon monk as the center, within a radius of ten miles, he gave birth to a sea, and each lotus leaf was a knife. In the middle of the sway, the lotus petals flutter and the swords are slanting. Overbearing male repair haha ​​laugh:

"Hey, I want to kill you later."

Qin double released the spiritual shield, Jin Pengjian flying, dialing a lotus leaf, but the lotus petals are more and more, like a hurricane hovering, a little careless, there will be a knife into the gap, cut The body of the piano double.

The overbearing male repaired a big step, the big knife creaked in his hand, and the boundless pressure was rumbling.

Starlight moonlight is scattered all over the sky, and is mapped by the blossoming lotus petals. Within a radius of ten miles, it is like a crystal world.

Beautiful, but killing the machine step by step.

The piano is full of stars and moonlight, and my heart is moving. The magic of the stars and swords is flowing in the heart.

this moment!

Qin Shuang has been comprehending the third form of the Star Sword, and suddenly he is cheerful.

I saw the piano double left hand and pointed like a sword, the sword smashed in front of the body, the mysterious and mysterious. Starlight moonlight, stars, and Huacai flow.


After the head of the piano double gave birth to a full moon, the body was covered with a layer of starlight, and the stars were a little bit, and the curtains were draped, just like wearing a layer of moon and moon armor.

The first style of the Star Sword: Pulling the sword.

The second type of star swordsmanship: the star is flat and broad.

And now the piano double comprehends the third style of the star sword: the star wears the moon.


A piece of lotus petals was cut on the body of the piano, and it was bounced off by the stars. The knife is everywhere, and it can no longer hurt the piano. The double step of the piano was forced to the opposite overbearing monk.

"Is this your knife is everywhere? It's too weak!"

In the hands of Jin Peng, the giant sword squats down.

Big cutting: cut the ground.


The knives between the double and the overbearing males are broken, forming a passage, a golden knife, and the knives are covered with a pattern of white tigers, with the earth cut The trend, cut to the demon monk.

"not good!"

Overbearing men repaired their feet and slammed into the ground, and the figure flew back toward the rear. At the same time, the knife was cut out, and the one on the piano double was cut.


The sword and the knife smashed, and the knives were broken and hit the knives of the demon monk. The demon monk "wow" spurted a blood and turned around and ran.



The piano pair is also a knife, and the shock is superimposed, and the knife is suddenly multiplied. In an instant, he caught up with the demon monk and cut his body from the middle. The body of the two halves also flew out for ten miles before falling to the ground.

The double body of the piano is shaking, and the moonlight moonlight is hidden into her body, but she does not care about the scars cut by the knife and the body, and the body shape runs wildly.

Crossed the mountain like a cow and kept running. He ran for two thousand miles, his face was pale, his body was shaking, and the piano doubled his body shape and sat down on the ground.

The kind of gaze that looks like a shadow, it disappears.

Looking at the injury on my body, it is not heavy. Just running all the way, did not have time to heal, let her some blood loss, the body is a little weak.

"Rui Jinxiu is still too weak!"

Qin double shook his head and sighed, took out the medicinal medicine, and healed the wound.

"The strength of the Yaozu is generally stronger than that of the Terran. Now I am repairing it with Ruijinwudao. I am afraid I can also fight with Wusheng later, and I have a chance of winning. Even if I meet Wu Dongying, I may not have a battle. Of course, this is the practice after Wu Dongying's cultivation is simplified. If it is the ancient practice of cultivation, I am definitely not the opponent of Wu Dongying. However, with my current Ruijin repair as the opposite Yaozu, do not use other means. Only by repairing, I am equivalent to the late demon god.

If you don’t understand the stars wearing the moon today, if you don’t combine the three spiritual powers and the shocks you use, you are not the opponents of the three demons. ”

After two hours, the piano double recovered. Standing up from the ground, the look on his face was depressed and exhausted.

She is too tired!

This kind of tiredness is both physical and mental.

Ever since she left the city of Wanxue, she has traveled long distances and ran all the way. From time to time to change the direction, and even desperately, even the shock of the ancestors of the Feng and the young ancestors, but also forced by the two ancestors to rush five thousand miles. On this road, it is not desperate, it is to escape, and then it is a breakthrough, there is no rest. Even if her body can support it, her heart is very tired. Therefore, Qin Shuanglian’s spirit is somewhat depressed and arrogant, but he continues to move forward with a willpower.

A stream of light blew out from the heart of the piano double, turned into a small basalt on the shoulders of the piano pair, looked over the face of the piano double:

"Shantou, you should take a break."

"Hugh?" How to rest? Qin Qin smiled.

"You can change a look, not practice, do not hurry, linger in the famous mountains and rivers. You can also enter the town demon tower, take care of the medicine garden."

The piano looked up, the moon fell, and when it was in the morning sun, a red sun was bursting out, expelling the darkness and bringing light.

Qin double regained his gaze and shook his head: "No! This state is exhausted, though dangerous, but it tempers my mind. I have to marry more than just the door of the demon, and my own mind."


It's not just against the sky, it's more about constantly surpassing yourself. ”

Qin Shuangguan came up with a white tiger sitting cross-legged on the back of the white tiger. The white tiger flew in four hooves and ran in the direction of the demon door. The piano pair sits on the back of the white tiger, without cultivation, and looks around and relaxes his nerves.

This way, the piano double selection is a remote and difficult place, in fact, at this time she is not far from the vertical distance of the demon door, after all, she fled to the demon door for a long time, so in the vertical distance , or constantly approaching. It’s just that the horizontal distance is because it runs diagonally and runs farther and farther. At this point she ran across the direction of the demon door.


Such as jade ^_^金屋, I don't know how it happened, I can't say anything in the book review area, saying that there is no binding phone, but I am bound. When re-binding, it is said that it has been bound. Wait for my research.



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