Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 628: Do not understand

"How can his body strength be so strong? Isn't the monk here weak in body strength?"

Qin Shuang's heart flashed a bit of a strange, but with the piano double body strength, the strength of Valkyrie is still a lot worse. The piano double stretched out his hands and held the two wrists of the big device "砰砰", then twisted it, picked it up, and finally bent it, and slammed it into the ground.


The entire ring was shaking, and the disciples were all toothache.


The two swords in the air collided together, lost the imperial guards of two people, and fell toward the platform.


The fire-breathing gourd was also flying out of the piano, and then the sea sword fell on the platform.


Qinqin once again smashed into a large device, and slammed the other side of the platform, causing the platform to tremble.

Suddenly, when the piano doubled in the heart, he saw that the large opener opened his mouth and sprayed toward the piano. From his mouth, a suffocating suffocation, the suffocating gas outlet turned into a wolf, instantly zoomed in, biting at the head of the piano.

"Dead." Shouted again.

The piano double released the hands holding the big device, and the figure was like a wind. At the same time, he made a punch and shattered the smoldering wolf. At the same time, the hands and feet of the big device appeared suffocating, turned into wolf claws, flew toward the piano double, and the piano double body beat.

"Running wolf!"

In the heart of the piano, she read through the secrets of Luo Fuzong. How can I not know that it is the secret technique of Luo Fuzong, and the wolf technique.

Running wolf is a high-order method. This technique includes the body method and the claw method, which is very fast and fierce.

"Melee with me?"

There was a trace of disdain in the eyes of Qin double, but the Qin double did not make the power of the three layers of Wu Sheng, but only estimated that it was more than the power of the big weapon, and it was a battle with the big weapon. Before the game was determined to be a big one, the piano double is not a good killer, and she also wants to figure out what has changed in the big machine, so it is only stronger than the big one, forcing it to be bright. Out of his cards. The two people are constantly colliding together. This kind of play is almost more than the warrior, so that the disciples who watched are all stunned.

Two people are on the platform, you come to me, and the eyes of the big device are shocked.

"Why is your body so strong?"

Qin double fists like a hammer will be smashed into the ground, condensed: "Your body strength also surprised me."

As soon as the big device was raised, the piano doubled one hand and pressed it on his head. The sound of "砰", the head of the big device was pressed on the platform, Shen Sheng:

"Is not satisfied?"

The two legs of the big device suddenly bent, and the body was like no bones. The two legs were like the tail of the scorpion. They smashed toward the back of the piano pair, and they smashed the body and swept forward. The head of the big head. The big palms were shot on the ring, and the figure rushed toward the piano. The mouth sipped:

"I want to let me serve, you are still far away!"


The piano double suddenly accelerates, and the strength increases one more layer. The double punches are **** the double fists of the big machine.


The fists of the two men were bombarded together, and even the giants flew out. The figure of the flying body had not yet landed. The figure of the double piano had appeared above his body, and a whip leg was drawn toward him.


The body of the large body was slammed down on the platform, and the shape of the double body fell, and one knee was pressed against the back of the large device.

Under the ring, one monk was stunned, and a monk looked at the two people who were rolling over the platform.

"Is this still a monk?"

There was a female monk with a pale face: "Is the two men's bodies beaten by iron?"

A male monk next to him said: "They are not both monks? Why haven't they released any Tao?"

When his voice just fell, he saw that the gourd that had fallen on the platform suddenly floated up and spurted a fire to the piano.

Qin's eyebrows rushed out and turned into a green dragon. When he grew up with the wind, he put the piano in the middle and sucked it against the sea of ​​fire. The sea of ​​fire was continuously sucked into the mouth by Qinglong.


The large-scale device that was pressed on the ground saw the hoist smoldering and could not hurt the piano. Then he controlled the long sword that fell on the ground and spurred toward the piano. The Dinghai sword, which fell on the platform with two handles, also flew up and strangled toward the flying sword.


A fire wolf was thrown from the body of the big device, and it was bitten to the piano. The double distance of the piano was too close, and the fire wolf suddenly smashed out from the back of the big device and bite it in the front chest. The piano double raised his hand and burst the fire wolf, and the figure flew back toward the rear. The big man turned and jumped up, standing on the back of a huge fire wolf, looking up at the piano double with anger.

A glimpse of the sea is here from the big eyebrows of the big man, and a huge red wave appears around him, staring fiercely at the opposite pair.

"Running wolf!"

Dozens of huge red wolves rushed toward the piano, like a sea of ​​fire. The dragon that coiled around the body of the piano opened the dragon's mouth. She only sucked into the body of the sea and gathered toward the dragon's mouth, compressed, and became more blazing, like a dragon ball.


The fiery red dragon ball spurted out and easily smashed a fiery red wolf. The bombardment was on the chest of the big device, and it would fly into the big device and fall heavily on the platform.

"I surrender!"

The large device leaped from the ring, and the eyes flashed cold and unwilling. He still has a hole card, but the card is his secret. Once exposed, he will reveal his identity and will be killed by the Luofu patriarch and the elders. Looking at the piano pair coldly, the heart is dark:

"You lost to you on the top of the ring, let you be the chief disciple. It is impossible for you to be the opponent of the Mishima monk, and you will die in the hands of the chief disciple of Mishima. Which disciple of Luo Fuzong? Will it be my opponent? At that time, the chief disciple of Luo Fuzong is still in my bag, so how can you be two days?"

When I think of it, there is a hint of sarcasm in the eyes of the big device.

Qin double sharply saw the sarcasm and smugness in the eyes of the big machine, and the heart could not help.

"What is the secret of this big weapon? Is there any plan? Isn't he eager to be the chief disciple? Now lost to me, why is there sarcasm and pride?"

After Qin Qin returned to the endless peak, he still had a lot of troubles and couldn't understand. Sitting in the gazebo in the sea of ​​flowers, half-sounding, licking his head, stood up and walked toward the wooden building.

"If you don't understand, you don't want to, and there is a road to the front of the mountain. It is straight to the pier."


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