Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 704: time



"Now..." Qin said with meditation: "Even if it is Wusheng Peak, it is not easy to break this big array, but it is impossible to kill him in the big sands. In short, I want It is not impossible to break through the Wanli Yellow Sands, but it is very difficult."

"How long does it take to rejuvenate the big battle?" asked the blood coat.

Qin Shuang and Feng Yan communicated: "It will be completed in another 12 days."

"Great!" Shen Qiu and **** clothes are excited.

"I hope we can drag on for half a year." Qin double look dignified.

“Has a delay of half a year?” Shen Qiu frowned. “What do you mean?”

Qin Qin smiled and said: "I left the Jiuyue Empire, in order to attract the demon, to win time for Feng Yan, it will demon all the way, attracting the attention of the demon. However, I have killed too many demons. Before I I have been overseas, and the demons have been chasing me all the way. Instead, the demon on the mainland of the warriors has turned their attention overseas and waited for the news of killing me.

But now that I am back, the demon who chased me is dead. This will definitely lead to revenge of the demon. The demon has captured the glory defense line, defeated the Daqin Empire, and captured the 20 fortresses of the lifeline. However, I have killed countless demons by myself, and even have many demon saints and devils. If they do not kill me, they will dampen the confidence of the demon, and will raise the confidence of the Terran. Only kill me and slaughter the Moon Empire. The demon will extinguish the thoughts of the Terran. Therefore, they will certainly attack the Jiuyue Empire, perhaps one month later, or two months later. ”

"The lifeline is over there..."

"Useless!" Qin double shook his head and said: "I stayed in the 18th Fortress for a few days, Wu Dongying, they all know that I am there, but no one has ever found me. I want to join them and let them drag. Demon, it is impossible. They also expect us to attract demons and reduce their pressure."

Shen Qiu and the blood-stained face sink like water, and Shen Qiu hated and said: "A group of selfish people."

The double pendulum swings: "Do not blame them, they are under great pressure. After all, the demon has always regarded them as the main force of the Terran. They also want to take a breath. Let us share some pressure for them."

"Or do we now move the people of the Crescent Moon Empire to the Wanli Yellow Sands?"

"No!" Shen Qiu shook his head: "Feng Yan said that the rejuvenation can only be a million miles ago, and there are not many people."

Qin double meditation: "You two immediately go back, gather all the martial arts who are ventilated above the body, and then transport the supplies, enter the Wanli Huangsha big array. Prepare for the battle."

"That... other people?"

"Others can only stay in place. This is just the holy place of the Crescent Moon Empire. The people of the Crescent Moon Empire will still have to live in the original place to provide resources for the empire. Here is the defense against the demon."

"But... If there is a demon above the Valkyrie crossing the innocent desert from the thunder, the people of the string month are the charcoal."

"There is no way!" Qin double sighed a voice: "We try our best to find a way. Life is like a dog, life is like a dog! We can only listen to the fate of human beings. However, we will not give up, there will always be a way. and……"

The eyes of the piano are shining with wisdom.

"We may not have to insist on half a year, as long as three months, things will turn around."

"What turn?" Shen Qiu and **** eyes brightened.

Qin double said: "The demon is now just killing me and failing, and I lost my trace. They are looking for me, and it will take some time. I am afraid it will take half a month to a month. After all, the mainland is so big. Even if they were only looking for half a month, we also had half a month of preparation time. At that time, the rejuvenation array had been laid.

After that, even if they decided to attack the Crescent Moon Empire, they forced me out. It also takes time, and this time is longer. Because the demon not only needs to assemble, but also needs to prepare for the lifeline, in order to prevent the martial arts from attacking us and taking back the lost twenty fortresses. After all, the twenty fortresses were the bridgeheads where the demon entered the Frost Empire, and they could not give up. This time, at least one month. So it has been a month and a half. With this one and a half months, we should be ready to move over and prepare for the battle.

The next month and a half is our most difficult time. As long as we persist in one and a half months, the mainland will undergo major changes. ”

"What changes?"

"On the other side of the sea, the monastic community will enter the mainland of the warrior."

"What?" Shen Qiu and Xue Yi looked at the piano doubles with shock.

"Not bad!" Qin doubled and said: "You should also know that I was chased by the demon into the sea. I have been to the monastic community, where I got accurate news. And the land where the monastic world entered the mainland of the warriors is in us. The demon territory between the innocent desert and the lifeline. At that time, we were here to fight the demon, and suddenly there were a large number of monks who began to attack the demon, and Wu Zongdian saw this situation, and certainly will not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime. Opportunity to capture the lost twenty fortresses. The demons will be attacked in three ways. As a result, the demon will definitely make new choices."

The piano eyes swept over the enemies and blood coats, and the face had a belief that it must win:

"We are only passively defending here, and the demon and the two know the heart. We only rely on the tens of thousands of miles of sand and do not have the power to attack the demon. However, the monastic field is attacking, and Wu Zongdian is attacking. They are taking The fruits of the demon's victory. Therefore, they must give up attacking us and turn to attack the monastic and Wu Zongdian. That is to say, in three months, up to four months, our predicament will be solved.

Do not!

One and a half months before we removed it, we insisted on one and a half months, up to two and a half months, and we were able to save our lives. ”

"Two and a half months..."

The look of Shen Qiu and the blood coat is still dignified, and the two and a half months are not long, but once the war breaks out, each day will be as long as a year. Once the demon sacred demon and the demon **** sacred over the innocent desert, the empire of the crescent moon is a catastrophe.

The look of Qin double has also become awkward: "Try to find a way, first we have to keep the seeds of the Terran."

Shen Qiu and blood coat nod, they also know the importance of human seeds. What is the seed of the Terran? It is a warrior who can cultivate. At the very least, it is a warrior who can bleed into the body.

"Let's go!"

"Moon Emperor, we went. Within a month and a half, we will definitely end the migration."


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